Chapter 225 Self Doubt

The hot breath was close at hand, and the thin lips were reluctant to kiss. Jiang Nuannuan calmed down at this moment, her almond-shaped eyes were slightly cold, and she said softly: "Then you clearly understand what you are doing, do it to me in such a shameless way, Fu What should I do, Ying? Will you feel guilty afterwards? "

A look of confusion flashed across Zhai Lin's forbearing face, and his hand against the window gradually clenched into a fist. After punching the window, he quickly took two steps back, turned around and stumbled into the bathroom with a stern look.

As soon as his heating element left, the air around Jiang Nuannuan became much fresher, and she held her chest and breathed heavily.

Within a few seconds, there was a sound from the bathroom.

She walked in quickly and saw Zhai Lin sinking into the bathtub, taking off his shirt haphazardly, revealing his beautiful figure.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't look at the smooth back muscles. She turned around and opened the water outlet of the bathtub, then went to the washbasin to get a basin of water and poured it directly on his body.

After pouring a basin of cold water, Zhai Lin tightened his abdomen and groaned. His narrow eyes were half-closed and he looked at her beautiful face.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled at him, "Are you awake?"

Her eyes at this moment were calm and tolerant, soft and soft, as if she were looking at a child in trouble, without any personal irritation.

The cold water in the bathtub gradually filled up. Zhai Lin sat up and adjusted his posture. The heat on his face subsided slightly, and a thin layer of ice climbed up on his face.

"Get out." He told her to get out again in a hoarse voice, even more embarrassed than before.

Jiang Nuannuan put the bath towel on the stool next to her and said warmly: "Then you soak while I go to see if the ambulance is here."

The bathroom door was closed by her thoughtfully, and Zhai Lin hugged his knees and sat in the water, his eyes gloomy.

He felt something was wrong with his body.

It was clear that what he wanted was Fu Ying, but the phantom body touch was so disgusting that he wanted to vomit.

It was obvious that he didn't like Jiang Nuannuan at all, but he just pressed her against the window and wanted to play with her.

This is not normal, not normal at all.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was standing by the window, received the system 66 prompt.

"Alipay has received 1 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 25%."

She looked towards the bathroom, raised her eyebrows, and suddenly sighed,
She thought that Zhai Lin must be doubting life, and he actually wanted to kiss her, a woman who wanted to strangle her at first.

System 66: "You are so brave, you are not afraid of losing your virginity and doing bad things."

Jiang Nuannuan almost laughed, "Have you forgotten that it is absolutely impossible for a supporting character to lose his virginity?"

System 66 choked, and the phantom limb hit his skull, "Right."

Jiang Nuannuan scoffed lightly and looked out the window at the traffic, "But it's strange. After so long, neither a police car nor an ambulance has come. The waiter didn't call the police?"

System 66: "After all, this is a society governed by the rule of law. It's not normal for them not to dare to call the police."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She rushed into the bathroom again, "Zhai Lin, where's my phone!"

Zhai Lin, who was still sitting there doubting his life, took out two wet mobile phones from his trouser pockets and threw them on the ground, saying irritably: "I soaked them."

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to curse for a moment, but her eyes fell on his suspiciously pink shoulder skin, and she choked back her words. She hurriedly said, "Put in more cold water," and ran downstairs.

It's really life-threatening. A grown man looks so good and appetizing in Chinese medicine.

The bar was cleared out, the downstairs was empty, the door was locked, and a few waiters were cleaning.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to go out, but someone stopped her with a broom and warned: "You have hurt someone and you can't leave now. Wait for Sister Hong's instructions."

She frowned, "Sister Hong?"

The man said: "Our shop owner's wife, I heard that your man beat her face badly, and he was very cruel."

"So she wants to call her back? Or does she want to pay for it?" Jiang Nuannuan took two steps back and bumped into another waiter. He smiled obscenely, "Who knows, anyway, if your man offends her, according to the past, either she will You two go to the hospital to have sex, or..." The other party's eyes lingered on her body, "I'll keep you company."

Jiang Nuannuan was not frightened at all. She sighed and looked around the entire store, "It would be a pity that this place was destroyed."

"What did you say?"

"Then I'll just wait here for Sister Hong's instructions. We'll see if I accompany her or she will suffer." She found a sofa and sat down. Sister Hong on her left and right would not be able to get out of the hospital for a while. With the financial resources of the Zhai family, Tracking a person is not easy.

Seeing how comfortable and beautiful she was, the waiter went over to strike up a conversation, and the more he looked at her, the more familiar she seemed.

Until someone searched for photos on the Internet, put the phone in front of her face, and asked in confusion: "Are you Jiang Nuannuan? You look very much like the one who was in the desert island variety show and looked bad all the time?"

"It's broken?" Jiang Nuannuan moved her lips unhappily, "Is it so obvious?"

"But no, the whole time he was begging for food from the best actor and didn't do any work. The other guy surnamed Fu was much more dedicated and didn't forget to work even though he was covered in mud."

Jiang Nuannuan pointed at her face and said with a smile: "Look at my face and my hands, can I work?"

The other party measured it and shook his head, "The vase is still suitable for you."

"Thank you for the compliment."


After chatting for a while, someone knocked on the closed hotel door hurriedly, and a warning was issued from outside to open the door immediately.

Someone went to open the door, and a large number of black bodyguards holding electric batons rushed in. There were also a few special ones holding guns and wearing headsets. Their strong bodies were extremely intimidating.

This battle instantly frightened everyone inside, and they subconsciously panicked and avoided.

"What. What's going on? We have gone out of business. Who are you?"

The man sitting opposite Jiang Nuannuan, who had just shoved his cell phone in her face, suddenly felt creepy when he saw the smile on her lips.

He realized that he was really going to lose his job tonight.

There are only a few people in Linggang who can legally carry guns.

A man got out of the Bentley at the door, wearing a black coat and a red scarf around his neck, and walked into the bar with long legs.

The shadow of the street lights fell behind him, his young face and lips were a little light-colored.

He stood by the door and looked around, his eyes fixed on a certain booth sofa, and his cold and serious face suddenly turned gentle.

"Warm and warm."

The man's voice was not loud, but it flowed like a silky underground river in the silent venue, full of danger and beauty.

Jiang Nuannuan stepped down the steps and walked quickly, his wrist was grabbed by him, and he took her into his arms.

"I called you a lot." She put her arms around his waist and looked up at him, "Did you go to the hospital? You look so ugly?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't pick up the call at the clinic. Later I called back and the stranger said you were here." Zhai Heng inserted his fingertips into her hair and held one side of her face, "Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, it's Zhai Lin, taking a bath in the bathroom at the end of the second floor." Jiang Nuannuan said with apologetic eyes: "I did something to deceive him, and took him out to drink as compensation, but it accidentally happened. That’s it.”

Zhai Heng: "It's not your fault."

He touched her warm face, her tense expression relaxed, "As long as she's okay."

Actually it's not okay.
The bodyguard went upstairs to carry Zhai Lin down from the bathroom. He was red and unconscious.

Zhai Heng glanced at his younger brother lightly and knew something in his mind, "Let's go. I'll take you home first. Someone will finish the work here."

Seeing that his illness was quite serious, Jiang Nuannuan was worried and said, "Let's go to the hospital together. It won't be too late for me to go back when Zhai Lin's symptoms subside."

(End of this chapter)

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