After working as a stand-in for a big boss, my annual salary will be tens of billions

Chapter 226 A Chicken in the Left Hand and a Duck in the Right

Chapter 226 A chicken in the left hand and a duck in the right hand
The bar was not far from the hospital, so the two went to the hospital together.

Coincidentally, the disfigured Sister Hong also sought emergency medical treatment here. Not only was the bar under control, she was also pressed on the bed by the police when she came out of the emergency room, and they conducted an investigation.

"Have you had dinner?" Zhai Heng asked her.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No."

The two of them were sitting in Zhai Lin's ward, he was on an IV drip, and they were eating high-quality sushi delivered from outside.

Time passed by in seconds. Zhai Lin, who had recovered, moved his eyelids uncomfortably. The lights on the ceiling were dizzy and uncomfortable. He turned his head to the side, and his drowsy eyes happened to see his brother's hand wearing a Buddhist bead, and he wiped away the ginger. The grain of rice stuck to Nuan Nuan's lips, the tenderness in her eyes almost overflowed.


"Are you hungry? I haven't eaten anything all night."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled back at him, making some cute little moves that she never did when facing him.

Zhai Lin suddenly felt that his body was even more uncomfortable, and he felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to hit something.

He shouted: "It's so noisy."

As soon as the sound there stopped, Jiang Nuannuan looked towards the bed, licked her lips, and was fed another piece of sushi, "Zhai Lin, are you hungry? Do you want me to feed you something?"

Zhai Heng completely ignored Zhai Lin's eyes on the bed and took out a piece of paper to wipe his hands, "He is full of energy and won't be hungry. You can go back after eating. There is no need to stay here."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Let's wait until he finishes the infusion. It won't be long."

Zhai Heng smiled and said warmly: "You can stay with me."

They are not common, so it would be better to stay longer.

Zhai Lin took a few breaths, turned over, and the needle on the back of his hand came out. His stomach was churning uncomfortably, and he growled in a hoarse voice: "I'm going to vomit."

Seeing him like this, Jiang Nuannuan quickly got up and walked around Zhai Heng to get a basin, put it in front of Zhai Lin, "Don't spit on the floor."

She rang the bedside bell and looked at the heart rate monitoring device next to her. The heartbeat was rising again and again. Zhai Lin would spit out all the wine he drank tonight.

The room was filled with his extremely uncomfortable moans and a strange smell. Jiang Nuannuan bent down to pat his back and whispered, "It will feel better if you spit it out."

She didn't dislike the disgusting filth. When she saw that he was carrying a basin to pour it out after vomiting, Zhai Heng grabbed her hand and said, "I'll do it."

"It's okay. You just came out of the hospital and you can sit down." Jiang Nuannuan walked into the toilet and didn't see Zhai Heng turning to look at Zhai Lin with a stern expression behind her.

Zhai Lin gasped and looked at him, muttering, "Are you distressed?"

Since she was still washing the basin in the toilet, Zhai Heng did not have an attack, and his gentle voice did not fluctuate at all, "Now that I am going to cause trouble for her, I will let Fu Ying jump from the top floor of the hospital."

Zhai Lin coughed twice and his eyes turned slightly red, "She came to provoke me today."

The nurse who came in from the door re-inserted the needle. The weird atmosphere between the two brothers made the hairs on her back rise. This feeling dissipated after Jiang Nuannuan came out with the basin.

Zhai Heng went to the bedside and pulled out a piece of paper, held her wrist and wiped it carefully, "Weida, do you want to go?"

"Wait a little longer, just open the window for some fresh air." Jiang Nuannuan actually suspected that Zhai Heng was too lazy to care about Zhai Lin now, and she also had a responsibility tonight, so it would be fine if she stayed a little longer.

There was still a bag of medicine left, so Nurse Leng in the window-open room brought a small blanket over. She was originally afraid that Zhai Heng Leng would give it to him, but he changed her hand and put it on Jiang Nuannuan's legs.

She unfolded and gave half of it to Zhai Heng. She wanted to touch her phone to pass the time, but then she remembered that it was damaged by soaking in water, so she had to put her hand under the blanket and cover it in a daze.

Zhai Heng's long fingers also penetrated into the blanket, hooked her fingers and played with them in his palm, and then intertwined their fingers.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him, and he moved his lips and said silently: Secret.

They already have many, many secrets.

She smiled and nodded.The room was quiet.

It is easy to doze off after a full meal, especially without mobile phone entertainment. Jiang Nuannuan was a little tired. She leaned on the sofa and slowly closed her eyes. Next to her, Zhai Heng got up and went to the toilet.

Downstairs of the hospital, the Maybach parked next to the Audi. Gu Tingyan got out of the car, glanced at the license plate, and walked straight into the hospital.

She has not been back home since the plane landed. The most recent text message on her phone was to see Fu Ying in the hospital.

After a brief search, it was easy to find out that Zhai Lin had an accident in the hospital this afternoon.

He first took a look at Fu Ying's ward, and it happened that Fu Shiliu was at the bedside, earnestly persuading her to have an abortion.

"That's a lowly fisherman, and he doesn't seem to have a high IQ. How could our family be pregnant with his child?"

"You listen to me and have an abortion. I beg you, sister. Zhai Lin is so good. He loves you so much. You will be happy with him."

Fu Ying mocked: "You all know that he is a murderous madman, and you still push me into a pit of fire. Why don't you love him yourself? I'm not a bitch and I don't love money."

"You!" Fu Shiliu stood up angrily. She was startled by the familiar figure flashing past the door. She ran out in panic. Gu Tingyan entered the elevator, and the door closed at the exact moment she chased after him.

The dark eyes looking at her through the crack in the door were cold and ruthless.

Fu Shiliu's eyes were sore, and she called him with trembling hands, but couldn't get through.

They had not interacted with each other for a long time, and she still felt embarrassed for showing her vicious side of persuading people to have an abortion today.

Fu Shiliu clutched her cell phone tightly and calmed down to find the doctor who was taking care of Fu Ying. "Tomorrow, ask the obstetrician to arrange an induction of labor."

The doctor hesitated, "Should we still follow the mother's advice?"

Fu Shiliu said sharply: "I am her biological sister. The child in her belly was tricked into being pregnant. I will beat her if I say!"

Finally, she used her personal connections to notify the dean and issue the order. The doctor finally agreed and would perform an induction operation on Fu Ying tomorrow.

Gu Tingyan was led by the nurse to Zhai Lin's ward. Just when Zhai Heng came out of the toilet, the two met each other.

"Why are you here?" Zhai Heng asked.

Gu Tingyan glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, who was sleeping, with soft eyes, "Come to pick her up, has she caused trouble for you?"

Zhai Heng sat back next to Jiang Nuannuan and said warmly: "It was my brother who was drugged by a woman and caused her trouble."

Gu Tingyan looked at Zhai Lin on the bed, who was sleeping quietly under the influence of the medicine.

He walked to the other side, pulled up his suit pants and sat down, "Tell me what's going on?"

Jiang Nuannuan was awakened by the conversation of two men on the left and right. When she opened her eyes, she first looked to the left and saw the familiar Zhai Heng. Then she turned to look to the right and saw a pair of thick eyebrows. With his dark eyes, he saw clearly that this person was his ATM machine, and his scalp instantly exploded and became numb.

This is a real occasion.
"Why are you here?" She leaned on the sofa cushions with both hands and sat down quickly, feeling guilty.

"If you don't answer the phone, come and take a look." Gu Tingyan straightened the messy hair on the back of her head.

Zhai Heng maintained his demeanor and calmly watched the intimate scene deliberately created by the man. However, his long fingers slipped under the blanket, grabbed Jiang Nuannuan's hand and pressed it to the side of his leg to interlock their fingers.

"Hiss." She shook her head and suppressed her panic, "You're hurting."

Gu Tingyan put down his hand and put it on the back of her hand to cover it, "Where is your cell phone?"

With his left and right hands being held, Jiang Nuannuan's heart was about to leap into her throat. She tried hard to maintain her calmness and said, "When I asked Zhai Lin to soak in water to cool down, my phone was also soaked."

(End of this chapter)

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