Chapter 227
"Is he feeling better?" She stretched her neck and looked at the hospital bed.

The medicine bag on the IV stand was almost empty, and the nurse pushed in the door as if calculating the time.

There were three people sitting on the sofa facing the door. The two men were extremely imposing, and the beautiful woman was squeezed in the middle like a sandwich cookie.

There is obviously an empty nursing chair next to the bed.

Feeling that the atmosphere was too weird, the nurse took out the needle and walked to Zhai Heng's side and said, "We'll see if there's nothing wrong tomorrow and then we can leave the hospital."

Zhai Heng nodded, "Thank you."

He was gentle and handsome. The nurse did not dare to look at him directly. Her eyes were lowered, but she found that one of his hands was strangely hidden under the blanket, revealing a little bit of his porcelain white wrist that overlapped with the woman next to him. Next to it, there was a pair of big hands. Shake little hands.

Ok? ? ?
Zhai Heng asked: "Any more questions?"

"No, not anymore."

The nurse walked out of the ward like a ghost, and then slapped her face heavily.

Did she have hallucinations during the night shift?
Jiang Nuannuan felt that if she sat down like this again, her hands would break out in cold sweat.

"I should go back."

She shook her hands at the same time, calmly stood up with her bag, and wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong.

The two men stood up and said in unison, "Together."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Gu Tingyan looked at Zhai Heng, his narrow black eyes narrowed, and the other party smiled gently and said, "Come along."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was in the center of the battlefield, shook her hands and took out the car keys from her bag. "Well, my car is in the parking lot. Just drive back by yourself. You can go back to your homes."

She glanced at Zhai Lin, who was unresponsive on the bed, and stepped out of the door first.

Behind him, Gu Tingyan faced Zhai Heng, his expression unchanged and his voice steady: "You are too concerned about my people, enough is enough."

Men know men best. No matter how gentle and kind Zhai Heng pretends to be, his closeness and desire for Jiang Nuannuan are very similar to him and it is easy to detect.

Gu Tingyan asked again: "Where is your sweetheart? Have you brought her back?"

"At your side."

Zhai Heng passed by him and said in a gentle voice, "Aren't you getting married? Why are you still looking so closely at her? If I were you, I would feel ashamed."

You should be ashamed to let the person you love be your lover.

In the underground garage, Jiang Nuannuan drove back to Bishui Bay as if she was running away. On the way, she bought a new mobile phone and applied for a new mobile phone card.

She doesn't want to face it at all now, she just wants to show off.

Gu Tingyan, who returned to the Sunshine Courtyard, stood under the light of the entrance hall. Aunt Mei was heating soup on the stove. When she came out, she didn't see Jiang Nuannuan and asked, "Sir, the lady didn't come back with you?"

His mature and handsome face was cold, and he took off his expensive suit jacket with his fingers and threw it into the sofa.

The low pressure all over her body made Aunt Mei dare not say anything. She took off her apron and took her things, "The hangover soup is heating on the stove. I'm going back first."

The door opened and closed, and the entrance light dimmed.

The lighter lit the cigarette in the dark living room. Gu Tingyan lost the lighter and sat there smoking. When the cigarette was about to bottom out, his originally straight broad shoulders leaned forward slightly at a certain moment and collapsed.

After sighing, he put out his cigarette, and the man stood up and entered the kitchen.

As soon as Aunt Mei got home, she received a rare call from her employer, and she hurriedly answered it, "Hello, sir."

"Where is the thermos bucket?"

Aunt Mei was stunned, "Well, it's in the second drawer under the stove."

She suddenly thought of something and asked again: "Are you going to send Miss Jiang sobering soup?"

Between those first two breaths, a hmm came from my nose.

After hanging up the phone, Aunt Mei looked at the phone with a black screen and couldn't help but murmured, "Have you really enlightened yourself this time?"

Gu Tingyan, who was used to others taking the initiative, rolled up his sleeves and filled the soup, then drove to Bishui Bay with a thermos bucket.

Jiang Nuannuan had insomnia tonight, lying on the bed and tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The doorbell rang, and she walked over to open the door. Gu Tingyan, wearing only a shirt, was at the door. After seeing the person clearly, she hurriedly pulled him in, "Aren't you cold? Come here? Just wear this."

Gu Tingyan handed her the thermos bucket and said, "Drink." Jiang Nuannuan took the thing inexplicably, opened it and took a look at the sobering soup inside, and then raised her eyes in surprise, with astonishment in her eyes.

"This is the thermos bucket at home, right? Are you bringing it over at this hour?"

Gu Tingyan paused with his fingertips and put them in his pants pocket, "Yeah."

Jiang Nuannuan came up to him and raised her head to smell his collar.

Her sudden approach made the man slightly raise his chin, "What's wrong?"

"You didn't drink either." Jiang Nuannuan stepped back and suddenly said, "You really brought it to me specially."

Her eyes were very bright, and she couldn't hide the joy in them. Gu Tingyan tightened his fingertips and asked her in a low voice, "Do you need to be so happy?"

"It's rare." Jiang Nuannuan hugged the thermos bucket, turned to the kitchen and poured a bowl, lowered her head and sipped.

The relationship between them was really not such that he would go to Sunshine Garden to deliver hangover soup to her.

Gu Tingyan also understood that he was standing at the table without any aura, and his broad and straight shoulders seemed to be submissive and relaxed.

He suddenly said: "I can take a few days off."

"Ahem." Jiang Nuannuan coughed violently, patted his chest and turned around, "Why are you asking for leave?"

Did Zhai Heng stimulate him tonight?
Seeing her frightened attitude at this moment, Gu Tingyan narrowed his eyes and said softly: "It's up to you."

"I decide your holiday life?" Jiang Nuannuan put the bowl back into the sink and walked up to him, "Are you serious?"

Staring at him for a moment, she realized that what he said was true.

But recently she can't go out, Fei Jin calls Zhai Lin, it's all trouble, she can't leave.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, I won't delay your serious work. I have a lot of work on hand when I open my studio recently. I often have to work overtime, so just do your job."

She pulled him into the room and found him a nightgown. "We can just keep it as it is. Let's take a shower and sleep here tonight."

Gu Tingyan grabbed her wrist through her nightgown, put his arm around her waist and brought her into his arms, whispering: "Didn't you want me to accompany you before, but now I don't?"

Aunt Mei said that when a woman doesn't want money, she wants people. He sat on the sofa for a long time before he came up with the decision to coax her.

Jiang Nuannuan still didn't agree. She raised her head and tiptoed and kissed the thin lips, "But I'm really busy recently, why don't you wait until I'm free?"

Gu Tingyan was not someone who would argue with her over and over about the same thing. He looked at her deeply without saying anything, and entered the bathroom with his nightgown.

System 66: "Gu Tingyan's favorability is 60%, and Alipay has received 1000 million."

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the bedside, picked up her phone, and sent a WeChat message to Fei Jin.

Jiang Nuannuan: What kind of cake do you and grandma like to eat? Quickly choose the flavor. I’m going to order it. The time is almost up.

After reading the news, Fei Jinzhao turned around and asked, "What kind of cake do you want to eat? Nuan Nuan can order it."

The old man was groggy and barely managed to utter a few words under the oxygen mask, "What smell does she like?"

Fei Jinzhao was silent and said, "Chocolate."

"Just eat what the little girl likes."

The other end typed for a while and got a reply.

Fei Jinzhao: Chocolate.

Jiang Nuannuan cut out the interface, found the private bakery, and made an appointment for a DIY cake customization.

Originally she wanted to buy a high-quality cake, but then she thought about it and thought it was perfunctory. She might as well choose all the ingredients and learn to make it a few times before sending it to her. It was considered a token of appreciation. After all, she bought an expensive gift for Fei Jinzhao. You don't have to think twice to know that he will refuse.

When Gu Tingyan came out of the shower, she had already occupied one side of the bed and was sleeping.

He lay on the bed and held him close to him.

Jiang Nuannuan did not sleep to death, she adjusted herself to a comfortable sleeping position and nestled in his arms.

"Do you like Zhai Heng?" Gu Tingyan asked suddenly, unable to guess the emotion in his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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