Chapter 228 Mad Dog Redemption
The woman in his arms had a soft body and pressed her body against him, answering in the affirmative, "Of course I like you."

System 66: "Alipay received 1000 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 61%."

After listening to the report, Jiang Nuannuan felt a kiss on her forehead, the quilt that had fallen to her abdomen was pulled up, and the gentle and comforting palm of the man behind her.

She didn't have any reaction, she only knew that she would pass the customs safely tonight.

She went to work in the studio early the next morning. It was rare that her timeline coincided with Gu Tingyan's, and he took her to the studio along the way.


Jiang Nuannuan quickly walked to the coffee shop opposite, brought out two bags of hot breakfast, and handed one bag in through the car window, "You are in a hurry to go out in the morning, so don't forget to have some breakfast."

Gu Tingyan took the bag and asked her: "Will I pick you up after get off work?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, there are job seekers coming for interviews today, and there are still a few design drawings that need to be checked with the master for craftsmanship. We may not get off work on time."

When he arrived at the office, Gu Tingyan first watered the cactus and said to Assistant Li who came in with the documents to sign: "Look at the time later, I have to arrange a vacation."

Li Zhu had a bad premonition, "Holiday? Boss, do you want to ask for leave?"

Gu Tingyan walked to the table and took out the coffee cup, sprinkled some sugar on it, stirred it, took a sip and looked at him, "No?"

Li Assistant: "I'm looking through my schedule to make arrangements."

In his impression, his boss never asked for leave, and his daily schedule was arranged directly until the end of the year, and some important meetings were concentrated in the later period.
Jiang Nuannuan personally interviewed the workers who came to apply for jobs, discussed with Lu Jin, and finalized several department candidates.

At noon, Lu Jinlai asked her, "Let's eat together? I'll order a meal."

Just when Jiang Nuannuan was about to say yes, WeChat on her phone popped up with several messages sent within seconds.

She opened it and saw that it was Fu Ying who had filled the screen with three words in her chat box.

help me.

Please, I don't want to lose my baby, I really love him.
The whole screen was filled with "Save me", but it became quiet after the last sentence turned into a plea.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly had a bad premonition and stood up from the chair with a shudder, "Lend me your car."

Lu Jin gave her the car keys, "Why are you in such a hurry? What will happen to the video with the masters this afternoon?"

"Come here, make a report and give it to me later. I have someone whose life is at stake." Jiang Nuannuan called Zhai Lin, and after calling the second time in a row, there was a lazy greeting from the other end.

She originally wanted to ask him if he had instructed the doctor to have an abortion, but when she heard such a loose and weak tone, she stopped her words in time.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Are you feeling better? Have you been discharged from the hospital?"

Zhai Lin sat up from the bed and moved his lips, "I just finished the examination and I'm still in the hospital."

That was probably not the person he asked to abort Fu Ying. Jiang Nuannuan said immediately: "Go and see Fu Ying. She seems to be in trouble. She must have been forcibly aborted. I'm rushing to the hospital now."

The other end took a deep breath and replied: "That's my expectation, why should I stop it."

Jiang Nuannuan replied simply: "For her, we forced our way into her life and took away her husband and children. Her current shallow thinking was instilled and cultivated by Ye Hang, so we can't blame her entirely."

"Instead of forcing her to hate you even more, it is better to persuade her to take the initiative to abort the fetus and recognize the reality. We are not qualified to deprive her of her right to become a mother. If you love her, you must know not to hurt her."

Jiang Nuannuan's intuition also told her that if Fu Ying could beg her for help so urgently, she would probably go crazy if she really lost her child.

Speaking of which, her life is indeed pitiful.Zhai Lin hung up the phone without saying yes.

Jiang Nuannuan stepped on the accelerator and accelerated, arriving at the hospital half an hour later.

When she was looking for a parking space, Fu Yingcai had just been pushed out of the operating room after her induction of labor. Zhai Lin and the Fu family's mother and daughter were waiting at the door. The two mother and daughter stood aside, too afraid to say a word after being scolded.

Fu Ying's face was pale and her eyes were full of tears. When she saw Zhai Lin approaching and struggled to get up, she couldn't help but slap him hard on the face.

The loud slaps were accompanied by vulgar curses.


"Crazy! Cripple! How dare you! How dare you, a stinky lame!"

Fu Ying screamed hysterically, looking like she was going to fight him desperately.

Zhai Lin's face was slapped to one side. When he turned back again, something was wrong with him. Anger burst out from his chest instantly, causing him to lose control and push Fu Ying's shoulder. He pressed Fu Ying hard on the bed and locked her with one hand. neck.

He could not suppress the trembling whisper in his mouth, crazy and violent, "Why do you call me a lame? Why?"

The harsh sound of tires screeching outside the window brought him back to the memory of that year. In order to save her, he brought a large ransom to the kidnappers. However, on the way on a winding mountain road in France, he drove too fast and got into a car accident. One leg was injured on the spot. Crushed, bloody and bloody.

Someone rescued him from the car. He was lying on the ground and screaming like a dog. He also prayed for their help to save others. His miserable appearance caused countless passing private car owners to rush to take pictures. They wanted to save the Chinese people. In this name, he posted his tearful appearance on the Internet and spread it back to China, where he received sympathy and ridicule.

He didn't deserve this tragedy.

Anyone can despise him as a cripple, but not Fu Ying.

The veins on the back of Zhai Lin's hand popped out, showing that he had used all his strength. The Fu family's mother and daughter hurriedly pulled at Zhai Lin, fearing that he would strangle someone to death, and even yelled for the doctor to help him.

Jiang Nuannuan ran upstairs and saw such a chaotic scene.

Zhai Lin was forced to restrain and pull away by several doctors. Fu Ying, who was on the gurney, covered her neck and coughed violently, with tears streaming down her face.

Jiang Nuannuan ran over and watched Zhai Lin being lifted up. There were clear fingerprints on one side of his handsome face, his facial features were ferocious, and his eyes were scarlet and bloodshot.

When she reached out to hug him, his whole body was shaking, his breathing was rapid, and he was going crazy with discomfort.

"I'm holding on."

Jiang Nuannuan put her hands under his armpits, hugged him, turned her face to his chest and said to the doctor: "Hurry and get the medicine, he is having a mania attack."

Zhai Lin smelled the familiar peach scent on her body, placed his chin on her shoulder, and pressed down heavily on her body.

"Jiang Nuannuan." He croaked, and the pain in his burned soul seemed to calm down.

Jiang Nuannuan was forced to take one foot back, and then patted his back after standing firm, "I'm here, it's okay, it's okay."

Fu Shiliu and Fu's mother were nearby. Seeing the battle, they were too frightened to move.

Zhai Lin went crazy like a violent murderer, but Jiang Nuannuan, who supported most of his weight, was surprisingly courageous.

For some unknown reason, the medicine has not been delivered yet, and Zhai Lin's raging anger has subsided. He rested his head, his blond hair resting on his eyelids, and the arms hanging by his sides were bent to support him. woman hugging tightly.

The strength was so strong that Jiang Nuannuan felt as if his shoulder blades were about to be crushed by him. She bit her lip and remained silent, patting his back again and again like coaxing a child.

(Words: If there are no updates or there are too few updates, it’s because I was paralyzed in bed due to impotence or I couldn’t attend the funeral at home in time. Please forgive me for this period of time.)
(End of this chapter)

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