Chapter 229
After he calmed down completely, the doctor pushed a wheelchair, asked him to sit down and handed him pills.

On the bed behind her, Fu Ying also recovered. There were bright red five-fingerprints on her neck, and there was still fear in her eyes that had not retreated.

Jiang Nuan pushed the wheelchair, turned to face her, and said coldly: "You slapped him on the face."

Fu Ying curled up in a ball on the bed, a little afraid of her cold eyes, "He wants to kill my child."

The man in the wheelchair raised his eyes and stared at her with his squeezing, violent gray eyes, filled with indescribable indifference and disappointment.

"Let's go." He turned his face, hinting to Jiang Nuannuan to go.

"He didn't do it." Jiang Nuannuan pressed Zhai Lin's shoulder and insisted on explaining for him, "I couldn't come over in time and called him to terminate the operation."

Her eyes were calm, and when she looked at Fu Shiliu's family, she still had undisguised disgust, "Who is the obstetrician?"

The doctor coming out of the operating room raised his hand.


"Who asked for the operation? Did the child's mother sign it?"

"It was signed by her family." The doctor pointed at Fu Shiliu.

Fu Ying also looked at Fu Shiliu with shocked eyes.

"not him?"

She looked at Zhai Lin suddenly, thinking of what she had just said, she suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed.

She preconceptionally thought that if Zhai Lin threatened to have an abortion that night, he actually arranged it, so after the operation was interrupted and she was pushed out, she slapped him without hesitation.

Now that his innocence has been restored, Jiang Nuannuan pushed people into the elevator first.

There was no extra emotion on Zhai Lin's pale face. He lowered his eyes and stared at the pale plastic floor, his eyes silent.

He constantly doubts the tragic core behind the miracle, and the meaning of his redemption.

Obviously what I want to run for is salvation, but the end is an abyss that cannot be seen to the end.

A lychee candy with its wrapper peeled off suddenly appeared in front of me. It was a pale white ball and exuded a sweet fragrance.

Jiang Nuannuan's hair spread forward from behind, and she came closer to him, "Eat candy?"

The aroma came from her hair. The candy ball was pressed against Zhai Lin's lips. He slowly raised his eyelids and stared at her.

The sunshine in the ward was very good in the morning. The breeze blew in from the window, and the light shone on her body. The hem of her skirt rippled slightly and the pleats of her hair shone.

Zhai Lin opened his mouth and held the candy in his mouth. The sweetness spread in his mouth, and the blood in his chest swelled, as if something accelerated his heartbeat.

System 66 exclaimed: "Alipay has received 5000 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 30%. He has been so generous recently."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her lips and smiled, touching his face.

Zhai Lin subconsciously wanted to lean back to avoid it, but his body did not follow his consciousness. He was pinned firmly in her hand and allowed her to touch her cheek and take care of her hair.

The blond hair covering her eyes was pulled back, revealing a delicate and pale face.

Jiang Nuannuan praised her, "So good."

Zhai Lin came back to his senses instantly, turned his head to avoid her hand, and said dumbly, "Are you petting the dog?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't mind his awkward temper. She tapped the candy stick exposed on his lips with her fingertips and said softly: "You won't be angry after eating it. I'm going to see what's going on with Fu Ying now." .”

Zhai Lin turned his head back and stared at the figure at the door, his eyes moving slightly.

The sun had just entered the ward, and he thought he saw the goddess of beauty on the church statue, that delicate face flowing in the river of light, brilliant and bright.

When the bodyguard came in, I heard him say: "Take me home."

He wants to paint.

Jiang Nuannuan came to Fu Ying's ward. The person on the bed was still curled up like a frightened rabbit. Next to him was Fu Shiliu, who was scolding in a low voice, "You actually went to Jiang Nuannuan for help? You even gave Zhai Lin a Slap, are you going to push our family into a pit of fire? How could you become so stupid!"

Jiang Nuannuan knocked on the door. Fu Ying turned around and saw her, her eyes lit up as if she had found her backbone, "You're here." She walked over, Fu Ying held her wrist, turned and glared at Fu Shiliu, " She didn't tell me anything and the doctor just barged into the ward and made me misunderstand."

The incident was so urgent that Jiang Nuannuan subconsciously thought that Zhai Lin was the culprit, let alone Fu Ying.

Fu Shiliu looked at her sister who came to flatter her every day and was colluding with Jiang Nuannuan. She held back her anger and said, "Who are my mother and I doing for? Or not for you? Why can't you be so clear about it?"

Fu Ying bit her lip and said nothing, but shrank back to Jiang Nuannuan. She was the only one who could help her.

Seeing her daughter like this, Fu's mother hated the iron in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface. She accused Jiang Nuannuan: "You always interfere in our Fu family's family affairs again and again. You are so uneducated."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, "I wonder if the family bribed the hospital to force the mother to have an abortion. When the news broke, who died?"

Fu's mother was calm and composed, with disgust in her eyes, "There was a murder in your jewelry studio, which caused Fu Ying to fall off a cliff and look like this. You owe our family too much, and you also ruined the life she should have had." .”

"I hope this matter will be spread among the circles in Linggang. No rich lady from a rich family is willing to risk her life to buy your services."

Jiang Nuannuan's almond-shaped eyes narrowed slightly, "Madam, do you know what I lack most?"

Fu's mother frowned, waiting for her to continue.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes rose, and her cute and delicate face suddenly became a little more assertive. She leaned close to her ear, tilted her head and said with a smile: "It's power, power that can easily crush you to death."

"You are just an unworthy lover." Fu's mother sneered, "When Gu Tingyan gets married, you will be kicked."

Jiang Nuannuan straightened up and winked at her playfully, "Everyone says so, but I can still blow pillows now."

If you brag about this today and brag about that tomorrow, won’t the Fu family be wiped out?
Mother Fu's expression froze and she said angrily: "He is indeed a bastard raised from outside. His dirty tricks are disgusting."

Seeing that she couldn't hold back, Jiang Nuannuan calmly took her hand and patted her, "From today on, if you and Fu Shiliu dare to have any ideas about your child without me asking, I will let your whole family follow her to set up a stall to kill fish." , is it clear, madam?”

Fu Shiliu pushed her away and screamed, "Don't go too far!"

Jiang Nuannuan took two steps back, hiding a knife in her smile, "Then you show that I am considering going too far? Miss Fu should know best that I can do this, right? After all, you are licking your face and begging for two ex-boyfriends and ex-husbands. And my former brother-in-law, I have a pretty good relationship now.”

Which of these men is easy to mess with?They are still the fish in her Jiang Nuannuan's pond.

What does it mean to kill and punish one's heart, that's it.

She finally told Fu Ying to apologize to Zhai Lin, then opened the door and prepared to leave.

Before Fu Ying fainted, she taunted Jiang Nuannuan, who was walking to the door, "Once I was in the corridor of the hospital and saw Zhai Heng holding a strange woman. Everyone knew that he was walking with that person to a Buddhist temple on a snowy night. , are together, do you think he cares about you? He is just a bitch who has not been played to pieces."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped, turned around and smiled brightly, "But the woman who hugged him on a snowy night or in the stairwell of the hospital was also me. Because you hurt me, Zhai Heng took back the 10 billion project. Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"By the way, your teeth are filled very well. You must take good care of them this time."

The moment the ward door closed, Fu Shiliu fainted.

System 66: "Aren't you afraid that Fu Shiliu and Gu Tingyan will sue?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "The current situation is no longer under his control. I am the home court. What's more, I don't believe that Gu Tingyan really has no idea."

He suspected that Guo Xueye was her, but the evidence was destroyed too cleanly, making it equally suspicious.

But he won't question her face to face. Firstly, she will definitely deny it again. Secondly, he is about to get married and currently does not have the position or qualification to question her.

Zhai Heng and he had equal identities. The so-called two-year lover's agreement could actually be broken unilaterally, and Jiang Nuannuan could afford this small price.

But Gu Tingyan's feelings for her have changed. He will not want to terminate the agreement. The sense of crisis brought by Zhai Heng will only make him want her more.

After listening to Jiang Nuannuan's analysis, System 66 sighed, "It's a fraud!"

After coming out of the hospital, Jiang Nuannuan called Feixin. She also had the jade that Gu Tingyan asked her to buy to give away, so she took advantage of the time and sent it together.

When the other party sent her the address, she took her things and drove there.

A private villa in the suburbs.

The person who opened the door to greet her was a young boy.

(End of this chapter)

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