Chapter 230 Death
He looked like he was only in high school, with a childish look on his face. He helped hold the jade box and said, "Miss Fei is in the living room."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him a few more times, and the first thing she said when she saw Feixin was, "Are you employing child labor?"

Feixin looked at the young man who was bending down to put the jade box and waved his hand, "He is just the son of my live-in nanny. He usually works part-time to help me with some work."

After saying that, she turned around and shouted, "Wu Ma, make a pot of tea."


Jiang Nuannuan sat down on the sofa and opened the box, "I don't know if you like it or not. Anyway, I spent Gu Tingyan [-] million to buy this piece of Hetian jade for you."

"It's quite generous. It's true that he asked for help from others." Feixin only glanced at Yu for a few times, then opened the cigarette case and handed it to her without interest, "Do you want to smoke?"

"No." She pushed back.

The boy who brought the teacup next to him saw Feixin holding a cigarette between his fingers and frowned slightly, "Can't you smoke less?"

Feixin glanced at him, clicked the lighter and lit a cigarette, "You are too involved."

The young man lowered his eyes, looked slightly cold, and turned around to leave.

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "The thing has been delivered, I'll leave first."

"Wait a minute." Feixin flicked the cigarette ashes, "Let's talk about my marriage to Gu Tingyan."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

"Do you want me to be the bridesmaid or the wedding officiant? I may not be able to do it well without experience."

Feixin: "."

She stared at her for a few seconds, then shook her shoulders and laughed, "It turns out that the only one I care about is Gu Tingyan, hahaha."

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of the brewed black tea and sighed, "Since it's not the case, what on earth are you going to tell me?"

Feixin: "That's right, I have no feelings for Gu Tingyan, and neither does he. From now on, this marriage will only be for us to use each other and be driven by interests. I only have the name on the marriage certificate, and we still live our own lives. You don’t need to take it to heart.”

Jiang Nuannuan didn't mind either, but she always did a good job of showing off in front of Gu Tingyan.

She twirled the teacup, "Just telling me this?"

Feixin nodded, "Except for necessary occasions, we will not be under the same roof. Don't worry, I won't disturb your love affair."

Jiang Nuannuan: "He is in a difficult situation now?"

Feixin: "No, it doesn't matter. The Gu family came back from the brink of bankruptcy. There are many shareholders and they are all distributed. Your man is guarding against his father and these people, and choosing to marry me is just a precaution. Sooner or later, he will swallow up the entire group."

After smoking a cigarette, the young man came back and took away her cigarette case, "Okay, let's go eat."

Feixin was afraid of him and stood up, "Will you stay and have lunch together?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head: "I'm still busy in the afternoon, so I'll take a step first."

The day before Fei Jinzhao's birthday, Jiang Nuannuan made a cake at the private bakery she had reserved.

From the cake base to the squeezing of cream and chocolate on the outside, she did it all by herself, but it was still very different from ordinary cooking.

She spent a day, from morning to night, baking the cake embryo several times and squeezing the cream shape several times before she finished an 8-inch cake. She used strawberry jam to write "FI" on the white chocolate label crookedly. Happy birthday Sumirezhao.

After his birthday, he was 22 years old like her.

Jiang Nuannuan finally boxed it up and kept it in the store, and sent Fei Jinzhao a WeChat message: The cake is ready.

It is now 8pm, which is very late, and there is no reply to the message sent.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at her phone for a while. When she left the store, she breathed out air-conditioning in the cold wind, and a slight chill fell on her forehead.

She looked up and saw snowflakes flying under the street lights on both sides of the street.


The ambulance flashed emergency lights and whistled past.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced in the direction of the car, breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and got in the car.

Early the next morning, she specially wore a red cotton-padded jacket to celebrate Fei Jinzhao's birthday, put on a bun and put on light makeup, and rushed to the old town of Jiangbei with the cake in hand.

On the way, she also sent him a WeChat message to tell him that she had passed by.But until the car crossed the Linggang River and the WeChat message from last night was separated by several hours, he did not reply.

While Jiang Nuannuan was waiting for the last red light, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Although Fei Jinzhao talks little, he doesn't stop replying to her messages when his favor is high.

After the light turned green, she rushed nervously to the entrance of Shili Lane, but unexpectedly, the usually empty intersection was blocked by several cars today.

Jiang Nuannuan's heartbeat inexplicably accelerated. She stopped a little further, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked quickly forward with the cake in hand. She passed several cars that blocked her view. Her footsteps suddenly stopped, her pupils shrank, and she froze. There.

Blocking the alleyway of Fei Jinzhao's house, there was a conspicuous large funeral car.

The front of the car faced her, decorated with white chrysanthemums.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart was beating fiercely. She tightened her grip on the rope of the cake box, stepped forward and ran in.

After crossing Grandma Yang's house, she suddenly stopped when she was approaching the door. She heard movement through the window and turned her head to look inside at the scene in the living room on the first floor.

A heavy cry came from the window, accompanied by the smell of incense.

Among the familiar faces were Uncle Chen Zhi who came to help at the funeral shop in the countryside, his son Chen Mingyuan, Rong Zhao's parents, and Rong Zhao who returned to China.

Fei Jinzhao knelt on the bedside, lowered her head, and held the old palm hanging down from the bedside without saying a word. She saw that everyone's straight back was bent, and tears continued to fall from the tip of the nose along the nose bones.

Rong Zhao, who was called a fat baby by Grandma Fei, also knelt beside him, patting his back and whispering comfort.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes rolled slightly and landed on Grandma Fei, who had already put on her shroud and was lying there. Her face was pale, her eyes were closed, and she was silent.

Chen Zhi bent down and said sadly: "Okay, Jinzhao, go and sort out grandma's things. Let's pack them up and take them back together to burn."

Fei Jinzhao said hoarsely, "Let me take another look."

"Alas." Chen Zhi sighed and wiped his tears with the back of his hand, "She has been suffering all her life, and she still has such a disease. It is really unfair."

System 66: "Host, are you crying?"

Jiang Nuannuan took a step back and touched her face, her fingertips were all wet.

She lowered her head and turned to leave, when she met Grandma Yang coming out of the house next door.

"Nuan Nuan." She said hello as she walked down the steps, came over to wipe her tears, and sighed: "Have you gone in to see it?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head with red eyes and hid the cake behind her back, her voice choked with sobs, "When did grandma leave?"

Grandma Yang sighed and said: "She was so angry last night that Sumire called an ambulance. The doctor in the hospital had no choice but to send some anesthesia tablets. He took care of her and worked alone all night. This morning everyone thought she was As soon as it was stable, people suddenly disappeared."

Grandma Yang started to cry as she spoke. She raised her hand to wipe away her tears, "This disease is really torturous. There is only a skeleton left in the whole body. I can't even see."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, inexplicably thinking of the ambulance that passed her last night.

That direction is towards Jiangbei.

No wonder he didn't reply to her message.

She licked her dry lips and asked, "When did Rong Zhao's family come?"

Grandma Yang: "I just arrived in the morning. It's probably a coincidence that this girl just landed on the plane and came back to visit the child Sumire Zhao, and this happened."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I understand."

Seeing her turning around to leave, Grandma Yang quickly asked, "Aren't you going in? I see you are still carrying the cake."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled bitterly, "What are you going in for? Today is Fei Jinzhao's birthday and Grandma Fei's death anniversary."

What does she look like wearing a red coat and carrying a celebration cake?

There was a trash can that was almost full at the entrance of the alley. Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand and threw the cake in. The squeezed-out cream hit the transparent packaging box and became a mess. Fei Jin called out the words "Happy Birthday" , also fell and fell apart.

She stood alone in the alley for a long time.

Compared to last night, Jiang Nuannuan felt that the snow would be heavier today.

It was so cold that my heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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