Chapter 231 Choice
System 66: "This should be an opportunity to gain favor, right? Are you going to give up just like that?"

After shedding her tears, Jiang Nuannuan sat in the car. The heating in the car made her whole body warm. She leaned her head back and said, "Who wants to give up? Just wait."

System 66: "What's there to wait for?"

She picked up her phone and checked the time, "Let's see if Fei Jinzhao needs Rong Zhao or me."

System 66's phantom limb held up his face, "Then what you just shed were crocodile tears."

Jiang Nuannuan put down her phone and started the car, "On the contrary, this is one of the few times when I am sincere."

The tears are for Grandma Fei. I feel sorry for her rough life. She never had a good day and suffered from illness until her death.

At noon, the hearse carrying Grandma Fei set off from the entrance of Shili Alley. Fei Jinzhao sat by the window, and Rong Zhao sat next to him, holding on to his skirt with his fingers. There were a lot of questions in his heart that he wanted to ask, and he opened his mouth again and again. But he didn't dare to say it on this serious occasion.

Why is there such a beautiful fabric sofa in the living room of Fei Jinzhao's house, why is there such a childish mushroom quilt in the room, why is there a small umbrella-shaped tassel lamp on the bedside table, and why when tidying up Grandma Fei's clothes, even her bedroom It was filled with girls' furniture.

Does he really have a new girlfriend and are they living together?

Rong Zhao didn't dare to ask too many questions.

As the hearse drove out of the alley, Fei Jinzhao looked sideways out of the window, her eyes passing over the trash can full of garbage. A beautiful and delicate cake box fell on the top, covered with a thin layer of snow.

Seeing that his expression was stagnant for a moment, Rong Zhao asked, "Uncle Chen Zhi said you haven't slept all night. Do you want to take a nap?"

Fei Jin recalled her mind and touched her mobile phone. After finding out that her grandma was not well last night, he urgently contacted the hospital, Chen Zhi and others, and forgot about the girl who made him a cake.

Now the phone is out of battery and turned off. He pressed the power button for a long time but nothing happened.

Rong Zhao asked him again: "What's wrong with you?"

Fei Jinzhao then turned to look at her and asked in a hoarse voice: "Do you have a power bank? I want to turn on the phone and make a call."

Rong Zhao shook his head and asked tentatively: "Who are you calling? Your girlfriend?"

Fei Jinzhao fell silent, moved her lips, and after a long time replied: "My sweetheart."

Rong Zhao's heart suddenly sank and he leaned back on the backrest. There was no more words between the two of them.

Half an hour later, Chen Zhi walked back from the front seat. Fei Jinzhao took his wrist and whispered: "Uncle, lend me your cell phone."

"Hey, okay, here's the arrangement for you to take a look at the three-day morgue at home." Chen Zhi handed him a piece of paper and his mobile phone.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was sitting in a chair at home in a daze, received a series of calls from unfamiliar numbers.

She picked up the answer, "Hello? Who is this?"

"it's me."

The deep and cold voice made Jiang Nuannuan sit up straight in an instant, "Fei Jinzhao."

"My mobile phone is turned off. Now I'm calling you from Uncle Chen Zhi's phone." Fei Jinzhao pursed her lips, "Have you been here just now?"

Jiang Nuannuan sat up straight in an instant and lowered her tone, "Well, I was just here. My condolences."

The other end was silent for a moment and asked, "Why don't you come in?"

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip, her voice choked up, "It's not appropriate. I still have a cake in my hand and am dressed festively."

Listening to her soft and crying tone, Fei Jinzhao's fingertips were trembling a little, and she said in a dry voice: "I have to go back to my hometown to attend the funeral now, and I won't be back until about a week later."

"I'm going to find you." Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath and said, "I'm just going home to change clothes, pack my luggage and come back later."

Fei Jinzhao glanced at the heavy snow outside the car window, but Shen Ning refused, "No, the snowy road is very slippery, you stay at home." It's easy to slip when it snows in the mountains, and he doesn't want her to have an accident while driving.

Jiang Nuannuan: "It's okay. If I leave now, I will arrive two or three hours later than you."

"Be obedient, the road here is not easy." Fei Jinzhao frowned, "Please come back in a few days."

Jiang Nuannuan was silent, her tone was soft and sad, "You don't need my company at all."

There was silence on the other end again.

How come he doesn't need it? He is enduring the coldest days of this winter alone and is almost unable to bear it anymore. Why doesn't he need this warm light in the cold winter to comfort him?

"I want it." His suppressed voice was so eager.

"Then wait for me. I'll call you when I'm almost there. I'll drive carefully." Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone and sat on the chair for a few more minutes before walking into the room and starting to pack things.

System 66: "So you've been waiting for his call."

Jiang Nuannuan ignored it.

Now that she is sure that Rong Zhao does not have a high status in Fei Jinzhao's heart, this girl is most likely a thing of the past to him, so the possibility of her becoming the heroine in Fei Jinzhao's script is very high. .

Recently, Gu Tingyan had been traveling and working overtime every day in order to squeeze out the vacation arrangements with her. Jiang Nuannuan was not worried about problems here, and went to the countryside to do charity. She picked up her luggage and drove out directly.

But the road after leaving the city was more difficult than she imagined. It had been snowing in the mountains for more than a day or two, and the road was icy and difficult to walk on. She didn't dare to drive fast at all.

Originally, she was a little later than Fei Jinzhao. She set off in the afternoon and went to the countryside and then into the mountains. It was now past seven o'clock in the evening.

The mountain road was very narrow, with many slopes and piles of snow. Jiang Nuannuan's car stalled twice on the way. The third time, it stopped on the roadside and stopped completely.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had been prepared for it, took a look at the time. It was almost 8 o'clock. She had just called Fei Jinzhao 10 minutes ago to report that she was safe, but now there was no signal and the call could not be made.

System 66: "What should we do now? If no one comes today, you will freeze to death here."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the navigation she had opened before. There were still 10 kilometers away from Fei Jinzhao's home. She looked at the snow outside the car window for a while, took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I can walk for another two hours at most." arrive."

System 66: "Are you crazy? You have to walk for two hours in such heavy snow?"

"You're not crazy. You have to pay some price on the way to get the result."

Jiang Nuannuan took out the foot warmers she brought with her, put them on the soles of her feet and put them into her snow boots. When her feet were warm, she opened the door and got out of the car and took out her luggage. The biting cold wind made her shiver, and her whole body They all trembled.

There is indeed a gap between the low temperature in the mountains and the city.

She quickly wrapped her scarf around half of her face, opened her umbrella, dragged her suitcase with one hand, and trudged forward in the thick snowy night.

System 66 saw her like this and sighed: "You are so desperate."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Don't disturb me during this period. Wait until I return to Linggang to settle the favorability score with me."

The hearse that arrived at my hometown stopped in the courtyard. Grandma Fei's coffin was placed in the living room, incense was lit, and funeral songs were played on the tape recorder. Villagers who were familiar with her came one after another to place incense and pay their respects.

Fei Jinzhao sat aside, with no expression on his face, like a sculpture, silent and lonely.

Until after eight o'clock in the evening, there were fewer people coming to pay homage.

Rong Zhao's parents took their daughter and the three of them walked to the door of the yard.

Rong's mother said: "Now that the silk and gold have been given away, it's so cold and it's late. Why are you, a little girl, still staying in such a gloomy place? Go back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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