Chapter 232 I Came to Find You
Rong's father also said: "It's okay to come and take a look. Let's stay in a hotel in the town at night."

Rong Zhao shook his head, "I will stay with him. He will keep vigil tonight. If I am not here, no one will come to stay with him."

"Where is his girlfriend? Do you really need to step forward at this time?" Rong's mother felt that her daughter was stubborn and said angrily, "If you ask me, that girl must have run away because his family was so poor."

Rong Zhao's eyes lit up. Chen Zhi, who was passing by, felt uncomfortable when he heard this. He turned around and said, "I just want you three to go back. I can't tell the difference between today? Why are you talking about this?! I just thought Are you going to insert a knife into Jinzhao's heart?"

Rong Zhao felt ashamed and stamped his foot, "Anyway, I'll stay here tonight, and you can go wherever you like."

Chen Zhixian walked into the room, poured a glass of water and handed it to Fei Jinzhao who was sitting there, and asked a few words, "Such a big thing happened in your family. Did you tell the person you were talking about?"

Fei Jinzhao closed her eyes, picked up the phone next to her and checked the time, "She is on her way here, she should be here soon."

9 pm.

Chen Zhi also looked at the time and was a little worried, "Coming from Linggang, the drive in snowy weather should be slower. Why hasn't it arrived yet? I just took a look and the mountain road is already icy and the tires are prone to slipping. , don’t let anything happen.”

Fei Jinzhao's heart suddenly dropped and she called again.

There was a beeping busy signal on the other end.

He stood up immediately with a cold expression, "I'll go out and look for it."

Rong Zhao came back in and saw the cold and aloof young man changing his shoes and clothes. She quickly walked over and asked, "It's snowing so hard outside, do you want to go out?"

Fei Jinzhao responded lightly and went to get the umbrella by the door. Her arm was held by her, "No, do you have anything that you want to buy in the town now? You can go there tomorrow."

He turned his head and frowned, "Let go."

The indifference hidden in the words made Rong Zhao stunned, and she subconsciously let go. She stared at the man in front of her, and saw a hint of worry in her usually indifferent chestnut eyes.

Even though she used to cling to his butt every day, it was rare for her to show such a side to people other than her relatives.

Rong Zhao suddenly remembered the phone call he made on Chen Zhi's cellphone in the car in the afternoon. He bit his lip and asked, "Is your sweetheart here? Are you going to find her?"

Fei Jinzhao ignored her, put on her gloves and opened her umbrella, and her tall figure stepped into the snowy night. Stepping out of the light in the yard, she quickly turned into a small black dot and disappeared.

Seeing that their daughter was doing a thankless job, Rong's father and Rong's mother naturally felt distressed and wanted to drag her away. Rong Zhao stayed where he was as if his feet were rooted to the ground, and was very stubborn, "No, I'll just wait here to see what happens to that woman." How good and beautiful it is.”

The roads in the mountains are indeed difficult to walk on. It is easy to slip and fall just by walking on your feet.

Fei Jinzhao's face became darker and darker, and when he got there, he simply started running against the wind and snow.

Jiang Nuannuan also struggled to move forward against the wind. The foot warmers could not last long in this situation. Her toes were almost frozen, and she wore scarves and gloves on her face and hands, until she could still resist. .

She sneezed, and without paying attention to the road, she knocked on a stone, and the sole of her foot slipped and fell.

The cry of pain was not loud in the cold wind. Fei Jinzhao, who was not far away, narrowed his eyes and looked sharply into the distance. He saw a small black mass lying not far away, which made his eyesight split for a moment.


He shouted loudly, staggered a few steps and ran to her side, threw away the umbrella and picked her up into his arms.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was pulled up, covered her face, raised her eyes with tears in her eyes, and said tremblingly: "Be gentle, it hurts."

"Where did you fall? Leg or hand?" Fei Jinzhao asked her in a trembling voice, the panic in her eyes almost overflowing.

Jiang Nuannuan moved her legs. There was nothing wrong with her except for the stiffness, but her face was burning. She slowly moved her hand away and hissed, "It's okay, it seems to be her face."

There were several conspicuous scratches on one side of the fair and tender cheek, with blood seeping out. In this white snowy night, the redness was shocking.

Seeing his stagnant expression, Jiang Nuannuan asked fearfully: "Isn't it going to be disfigured after a fall? Isn't it ugly?"

Fei Jinzhao's heart ached. He helped her stand up, picked up the umbrella and handed it to her, "No, it's just a minor injury. I'll carry you back to take care of it." She really didn't have the strength to leave anymore. , then obediently lay on his back, raised the umbrella over his head, and hummed softly, "I parked the car on the roadside below. It's cold today and I can't get up no matter how hard I get. I have to drive it tomorrow morning."

The cheek next to his ear was cold. Fei Jinzhao held the person with one hand and carried the luggage with the other. He asked her in a low voice: "How long has it been since you walked up here?"

Jiang Nuannuan took stock and rested her chin on his shoulder, "The car broke down a few minutes after I finished calling you."

It had been more than an hour. She had walked stupidly for so long in such a cold weather. Her legs must have hurt.

Fei Jinzhao tightened his hand and his eyes turned red, "Why don't you sit in the car and wait for me to pick you up?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "There was no phone signal at that time, and it was cold in the car. Why don't I walk more to meet you? You can also walk less. After all, your feet will get cold if you walk too much."

She tried to move her legs, but found that she was too stiff to curl up, so she had to give up.

Hearing her chirping and still having the energy to talk, Fei Jinzhao lowered her eyes and walked, and the thin ice that sealed her heart was shattered by her words, revealing her original tenderness.

He said hoarsely: "I will come to you in the future, just wait where you are, you know?"


Jiang Nuannuan suddenly calmed down and hugged his neck.

The two walked silently for a while in the snowy night. She pressed her cheek against his and said seriously: "Fei Jinzhao, if you don't want to celebrate your birthday anymore, you can celebrate mine and we can celebrate it together."

He paused slightly, feeling the warm breath in his ears, and responded in a low voice, "Okay."

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and raised the umbrella forward.

"Just hold yourself up."

"It's okay, I can't get wet."

Inside the door, Chen Zhi and his group waited back and forth for an hour before they saw the two people at the entrance of the yard.

Rong Zhao was still waiting, for no other reason than to see if the girl in the video on Grandma Fei's cell phone looked good-looking in real life, and whether she could compare with her after turning off the beauty.

She stepped back a little, watched Fei Jinzhao carefully put the person on the bed in the back room, and then walked to the door to watch.

Jiang Nuannuan sat down and sneezed out of the cold, then her eyes met the girl at the door.

The small face had a complexion as white as jade, and the mist-covered eyes were extremely beautiful. As for the coagulated blood on the cheeks, it was like the finishing touch, creating a somewhat pitiful and broken beauty.

When Rong Zhao saw her in person, he had to admit that even in the world he had seen while studying abroad, he had never met such a beautiful woman. At first glance, she was born in a big city and received a good education. Those who grew up pampered are different from those who go out in the countryside.

Fortunately, she thought she was from a good family and had studied abroad, so she was better than ordinary city girls. Now when she compared it, Rong Zhao felt a strong sense of inferiority in her heart.

She always felt that Fei Jinzhao would never be with anyone else again. This idea was a little shaken at first, but now she is really not sure. The other person is much prettier than in the video.

Fei Jin called to get a cold water basin, added some hot water to it, and brought it to Jiang Nuannuan's feet.

She bent down and took off her shoes and socks. When Fei Jinzhao knelt down, grabbed her feet and held them, he found that her skin was frozen.

He was afraid that her delicate skin and tender flesh would hurt when hot water was put into it, so he held it in his hands and covered it for a while.

Jiang Nuannuan was a little embarrassed and moved her ankle. Fei Jin raised her voice to stop her, "Don't move. Let's soak your feet later to make it more comfortable."

"Oh." She obediently stopped moving and let him squat there to cover her feet.

Rong Zhao stood at the door and watched the whole process, and for a moment he didn't know what it was like.

What was the best thing Fei Jinzhao had ever done to her?
(End of this chapter)

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