Chapter 234
Jiang Nuannuan stood by the door and watched, her fingers tightly clasped on the door panel, but she did not step forward to stop him.

She watched the man straighten his curved back little by little, and his eyes became extremely calm after the smoke.

He said in a hoarse voice: "It's a bit choking. It will take some getting used to."

Chen Zhi patted him on the shoulder, "Once you get used to it, you won't be able to leave."

Fei Jinzhao nodded. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Nuannuan standing by the door with his slippers on. He subconsciously threw away his cigarette and put it out, "I'll go in and take a look. There's still trouble here."

"Understood, you go."

Fei Jinzhao walked into the house and took her wrist to the back of the door, "Did you apply medicine on your feet? You didn't put your pants down either. Don't wait until you get itchy and get frostbite."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and begged him softly, "Not yet, please help me apply the medicine."

In front of Rong Zhao, Fei Jin called her into the house, squatted on the ground and applied medicine to her soles, her expression focused and meticulous, as if she had done the skillful actions of taking care of her hundreds of times.

Seeing the bent young man in front of him doing this, Rong Zhao wrung his hands and forced a laugh, "So she went out to call you to apply medicine."

Does this woman have no hands of her own?Just apply some medicine.

She was thinking so angrily, but Fei Jinzhao only replied to her lightly, "She's spoiled."

It's not a big deal for someone who would crush his feet on his chest to apply medicine.

Rong Zhao, who was as bright as a light bulb, could no longer sit still and stood up in a hurry, "It's getting late, I'll leave first."

As soon as she walked to the door, her father and mother walked in and said to Fei Jinzhao: "Please let us stay overnight. The mountain road is snowy and we can't get down to the town."

Fei Jin called her head and said quietly, "Okay."

Chen Zhi helped tidy up another guest room for Rong Zhao's family to sleep in. The simple wooden bed was only cushioned with a thin layer of cotton wool.

Before going to bed, Rong's mother continued to scold Rong Zhao, "I asked you to go down the mountain early and you didn't listen. Now it will be better. The road is closed, and you have to sleep in such a freezing bed."

Rong Zhao turned a deaf ear and just sat on the bed in a daze, whispering: "I seem to have done something wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Rong Zhao turned his head and said with red eyes: "If you don't take me out to go to college, I will definitely be together with Fei Jin. When he graduates, it will definitely not be a problem to find a good job with his ability. If I Just hold on a little longer.”

"Persistence, what ifs, what ifs." Rong's mother interrupted her sharply, "Are you not wrong? Look at the current housing prices in Linggang. How good a job does he have to find to be able to make a set of money in a short time? A million-dollar house and hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts? With his computer skills, he is just a programmer. How many years does it take to earn enough to be able to afford you? I think you are out of ideas again!"

Father Rong advised from the side: "Okay, okay, it's already late. I'm still at someone else's house. Go to bed quickly and go down the mountain early tomorrow."

Rong Zhao was struck by his mother's realistic words and lowered his head again. After a while, he said, "I know."

The soundproofing of the walls of Fei Jinzhao's house was really poor. Jiang Nuannuan looked at the man in front of her who was wearing cotton socks for her, and pursed her lips. Some of the words that came to her lips felt inappropriate and she swallowed them back.

"I'll keep vigil with you tonight." She stood up, held his hand and walked out, "Go sit in the mourning hall with Grandma Fei."

Fei Jinzhao slowed down his steps for a moment, then pulled him into his arms and held him in his arms.

"Thank you for coming today."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't move, and her hand went smoothly on his back, "It should be."

The mourning hall was the living room. There was a wooden sofa with soft cushions on it. She sat there and took a stack of silver paper to fold the ingots. Fei Jin called to the kitchen and boiled two eggs and heated milk for her as a midnight snack.

There was a religious ceremony at midnight, and the beating of gongs and drums made people's ears hurt.

There is also a rule for mortuary at home: the incense must not be extinguished, and someone must watch it and add it at all times.

Jiang Nuannuan was holding on at first, but then she kept leaning against Fei Jinzhao. He brought the thin quilt over and covered them both. The hand under the quilt held her waist and coaxed her softly. : "You take a nap, I'll watch from here."

"I'll take a nap for a while and then I'll switch shifts with you." She didn't force herself and leaned into his arms.

"it is good."

The person in her arms quickly fell asleep, obviously very tired. Fei Jinzhao touched her face and was reluctant to wake her up again.

He looked at the snowy night outside, and felt that such a lonely night was no longer difficult to endure.

It wasn't until the next morning that Jiang Nuannuan woke up. Fei Jinzhao was already turning green and very tired.

She felt distressed and touched his face, blaming him: "Why didn't you call me?"

Fei Jinzhao shook his head, leaned on her shoulder, and said tiredly: "Uncle Chen Zhi will be here soon. Please ask him to refill the incense. I want to take a nap, I am really tired."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and hurriedly pulled the quilt, "I understand, then go to sleep."

When the Rong Zhao family walked out of the bedroom door, they saw a man and a woman nestling under a quilt in the mourning hall. Rong's mother looked at her daughter with a mocking look, as if her sincerity was just to beat a dog with a meat bun.

Rong Zhao bit his lower lip and ran down the mountain after leaving the courtyard without even saying hello.Admittedly, as Jiang Nuannuan said, she listened to her parents and didn't have the courage to bet on a young man's future fate.

The first time he met his love rival face to face, Rong Zhao lost completely.

After staying up for three days, everyone looked bad. At 3 a.m. on the day of the funeral and cremation, the coffin was opened in the mourning hall, allowing relatives to take a last look at the deceased old man.

The funeral song was sharp and harsh, and Jiang Nuannuan accompanied Fei Jinzhao and walked around Grandma Fei's coffin.

Looking closely at her, she was wearing a shroud and her complexion was a bit gray. Her eyes were half-open, and her pupils were still a little bright under the reflection of the light.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't tell what she felt in her heart. She only knew that Grandma Fei was probably unwilling to die like this. She had so many wishes that had not yet been completed that she couldn't close her eyes completely.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the coffin was transported to the funeral parlor in the town for cremation.

Fei Jinzhao stood upright in the waiting room outside the cremator, his eyes red, and his tense face concealing great sadness.

Everyone knew that he was in terrible pain right now.

Jiang Nuannuan held a black umbrella in one hand and a black and white photo frame of Grandma Fei in the other. She stood beside him without saying a word, watching the urn containing Grandma Fei's ashes being sent out.

Chen Zhi sighed softly at the side: "Such a big person, only to be left in such a small box when he comes out, ugh."

Jiang Nuannuan was a little moved, and finally her eyes turned red.

The group took Grandma Fei up the mountain and was buried in a cemetery with a good view.

The cold wind blows, the mountains are covered with snow, and handfuls of snow fall from the treetops and hit the ground.

Fei Jinzhao stood in front of the tombstone for a long time, until a warm little hand reached out to hold him, and her soft voice advised: "It's cold, go back."


He lowered his head and got under her umbrella, and walked down the mountain side by side with her.

The candlelight flickered in front of the tomb, seeming to say goodbye.

The day before returning to Linggang, Rong Zhao returned to Fei Jinzhao's home from the town.

On the way, she saw a black car parked a few meters away from his door.

Linggang's license plate, Rong Zhao happened to see the person in the car put away the camera when he was passing by.

The other party probably also noticed her and drove away in a few seconds.

She felt strange and thought it might be someone who came to take pictures of the snow scene, so she didn't take it to heart.

In the house, Fei Jin Zhaozheng and Jiang Nuannuan were cleaning.

"I'll talk to you alone."

Rong Zhao came in and said this to Fei Jinzhao. Jiang Nuannuan put away the broom and said wisely, "I'm going to stay in the house. Call me if you need anything."

Rong Zhao called Fei Jin into the yard, took off the LV scarf around his neck, and handed it to him, "I want to apologize to you before I leave. It may be a little late."

Fei Jin didn't answer the call, and stared at her silently with his chestnut eyes.

Rong Zhao bit his lip and put down his hand, "If I could go back in time, I know that my birthday gift would cost you so much, and I would never tell you that I want this LV scarf."

Fei Jinzhao said in a very light mood, "It's over."

Rong Zhao shook his head and said with a cry: "It was my fault. If I had been tougher and believed in you more, we wouldn't have become strangers."

Fei Jinzhao maintained an expressionless attitude, still a little unfamiliar, "It's okay, it's over."

He has learned to reconcile with the past, and it doesn't matter whether he apologizes or not, and he doesn't care.

Rong Zhao had always disliked his cold attitude. The stone she had covered for a while was now completely warmed by another person, and he was only able to warm her up.

She is sad.

"Do you really not like me anymore?" She bit her lip, "Actually, I have never had a boyfriend abroad before. Those men were all brought by me to stimulate you. I hope I can see something different from you. Emotions, whether angry or jealous, that’s what I want to see.”

Every time she called, she could only see his expressionless face, so she found a man to stimulate him. It worked at first, and he would worry that he would let her go home early, but then he completely lost his mood.

Now, she heard Fei Jinzhao reply calmly: "You don't have to do this again, I don't like you."

The only sound in the yard was the sound of falling snow.

He himself felt that it was too easy to say these words.

Why so easy?
(End of this chapter)

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