Chapter 235
Because I never liked it.

When he was young, he believed that everything in the world could be exchanged, including feelings.

The villagers were willing to give him a bite of food, and he helped people carry heavy objects and put in physical labor; his classmates were willing to give him a certain amount of money to live on, and he helped his classmates cheat in exams and get good grades; the teacher was willing to add a few more yuan to his lunch bowl every day Meat, I hope he will return higher results to stabilize his first place, and stabilize his performance so that he can get bonuses.

Rong Zhao is no exception. She follows him every day, helps him clean the campus, and goes out to work with him on weekends. They spend a long time together, making him think that they are the same as the male and female classmates in the class who are tired of being together. It's love.

In the first half of his life when he was spurned, this was the first time he came into contact with such novel vocabulary. It was as if the colorful world that had nothing to do with him was suddenly brought closer to his eyes.

So Rong Zhao made a priceless wish on her birthday. As an equal return for a relationship, he sold a poisonous program in exchange for money and gave her a scarf she wanted.

LV's scarves are very expensive, but he was dirty and lowly at the time. He thought her request was normal in exchange for Rong Zhao accepting his love.

However, the program was not sold and the boss ran away midway. A deposit paid in advance was traced and he was sent to the police station and almost went to jail for a long time. Rong Zhao took the scarf he gave him and left the country. , he felt confused for a while, confused as to why she left.

Later, he understood that people like him really didn't need feelings. It was too troublesome to always exchange the same things.

His life has returned to a pool of stagnant water, and he continues to grow up without any troubles. He doesn't blame anyone. His fate is like this, and there is nothing he can do about it.

But when did this mentality change?
Jiang Nuannuan's face flashed through Fei Jinzhao's mind, and the corners of her lips curled up.

From the moment she appeared next to him, a flower bloomed strongly in a barren land, and his eyes were caught off guard.

It turns out that there will really be people who will treat you well without asking for anything in return, and will travel thousands of miles to come for you.

She asked for nothing, just like a warm sun hanging in the sky, allowing him to stretch out his hands in the dark swamp and struggle to touch her, longing and craving.

He has never had such a mentality. He has never had such a mentality in his 22 years of life.

This is the beginning of a relationship.

Fei Jinzhao let out a breath of cold air, looked at Rong Zhao, and suddenly said: "Actually, you can't say that."

Rong Zhao was stunned for a moment, his eyes flashed with joy, "What?"

The corners of his lips curved into a smile, and his voice softened, "Young and ignorant, no one will lead you forward, and there will always be some misunderstandings. I also realized that I never liked you before."

I love her so much that my heart would burst out of my chest to get close to her. The extreme pleasure brought about by the crazy secretion of hormones is different from the stagnant emotions.

He had only experienced such a thrilling experience like falling into the clouds with one person.

The scarf in Rong Zhao's hand fell to the ground, and the flying snowflakes rushed to it and melted on it.

She opened her eyes wide, the joy on her face collapsed, and her eyes were red, "I came here today just to apologize to you. There is no need for you to provoke me like this."

"I mean it sincerely." Fei Jinzhao bent down to pick up the scarf and handed it to her, "You were just a friend once."

They can't even reach the threshold of love.

Working with him, cleaning the campus with him, and going to and from school with him were all things we did between friends, not lovers.

If he is a lover, he will not be willing to let her work with a broom, let her work in the restaurant washing dishes, and let her walk such a long way to and from school in winter. He will only want to give her all the good things.

Rong Zhao shook his head and choked up and said, "But I'm far abroad. As long as I call you, you will answer, you"

He interrupted her directly.

"Worrying about whether a girl is safe abroad is something normal people would do."

Fei Jin summoned her and refused to take the scarf, so she casually hung it on her shoulder and said softly: "Xue Da, go back early." Seeing him turning to leave, Rong Zhao hurriedly grabbed the hem of his clothes and asked him hurriedly: " If I had persisted at that time, would the outcome have been different?"

Fei Jinzhao turned his head to look at her and said in a calm tone, "I never make assumptions."

He always walked forward, and the road back was dark, and he didn't want to look back.

Seeing that he was about to enter the house, Rong Zhao finally struggled and said: "The girl you like makes jewelry in Linggang. She is a rich person at first glance. So how much money do you have to earn to support her? There is so much love between you. Has the big gap been made up? There are many excellent men around her, right? What do you think you are? A pastime? Anyway, I don’t think she will be sincere to you. "

Fei Jinzhao paused slightly, and when he turned to look at her again, his chestnut eyes were filled with frost and extremely cold, "Get out after you finish speaking."

He rarely spoke harsh words, and even the disgust on his cold face was not concealed.

The snow is falling harder and the wind is blowing coldly.

Rong Zhao swayed for a moment, and finally murmured to the empty yard: "Actually, we are all the same."

They will also cling to others for money.

She should really listen to her parents and come back with a layer of gold and join the upper class society.

Fei Jin called her out, but she felt sad and unwilling.

Her classmates have all heard that there is a top-notch handsome man next to her, who is so in love with her that he is waiting for her in China. Every time they make a video, they have to brag about Fei Jinzhao's appearance and academic qualifications, even with her. I feel arrogant.

There is nothing left now.

Jiang Nuannuan was sitting by the bed packing her luggage. Fei Jinzhao walked in and helped her open the suitcase and put her things in it.

She raised her head and asked, "Are you done talking?"

"Yeah." He sat down by the bed, tapped his finger on the edge of the box, and said, "Rong Zhao was my high school classmate."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I had a video chat with her when Grandma Fei was here."

Fei Jinzhao felt nervous for a moment, her chestnut eyes flickered, "You don't mind?"

"What do you mind?" Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and asked, "She likes you? You two had a relationship before? I've already seen it."

Fei Jin stopped talking and stared at her with her lips pursed tightly.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while, put down her things and said, "I can't control who likes whom. I just think you deserve better."

Better is just around the corner.

what he wants.

But also as Rong Zhao said, there is someone around her who treats her better, and he can't stop it, and he can't stop it.

Fei Jin moved her lips, lowered her eyes, and her eyelids swept away a haze.

Seeing that he was thinking wildly again, Jiang Nuannuan put her hands on the suitcase, approached him, and kissed him on the lips.

In the eyes of the other party, which suddenly dropped, she said: "Don't you think about reacting more? Explain that I don't like her or something?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip, and just as she was about to retreat, the man in front of her quickly leaned over and blocked her lips. His breath invaded the tip of her nose, forcing her to retreat and fall back to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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