Chapter 237

"What are you going to eat tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the kitchen, "I just brought out some vegetables and meat. Let's just stir-fry some."

Zhai Heng nodded, took off his suit jacket and hung it up. He raised his hand to turn up and button the sleeves, "I'll help you."

From hanging clothes to following Jiang Nuannuan into the kitchen, the two people's relationship was so natural. Gu Shizhou crossed his legs on the sofa, looked at the kitchen, and squinted, "What do you mean, brother?"

Zhai Lin sat next to him, close to the sofa, "Can't you see?"

How could Gu Shizhou, who was wandering around in love, not see it? He sneered and threw the magazine on his lap on the table. No wonder, he just let him do whatever he wanted in the room and pretended to be so good. It turned out that besides Gu Tingyan, there was another , what role does Zhai Heng play in it?
Thinking of this, he turned his attention to Zhai Lin again, "Your brother can understand, but what are you doing here?"

Zhai Heng is here for Jiang Nuannuan, where is Zhai Lin?This mad dog hasn't been out since he broke his leg. When did he become so diligent about going out?

Zhai Lin also looked at the kitchen without speaking. After returning home from the hospital, he spent a long time painting a painting. It was just completed last night and placed in the center of his studio.

The woman inside was the reason he was here today.

After painting Fu Ying for many years, the memory of youth in her face becomes increasingly blurred and the proportions become more and more unbalanced. Jiang Nuannuan's face is under the sunshine in the hospital, her eyes are like the blue sky, and the corners of her lips are raised in a gentle smile. The curvature broke into his eyes without warning. It was clear and bright, and he fixed it with his brush and stayed.

Even he didn't understand why he painted that moment.

Regarding Zhai Lin's gloomy temperament and illness, Gu Shizhou didn't want to get any good answers from him, so he said casually: "She has become your psychological counselor with no qualifications. Your family is quite fond of doing random things."

Zhai Lin glanced at him sideways, "What's wrong? You mean you who have slept with half of the entertainment industry?"

Gu Shizhou smiled slightly and said, "I'm single."

Ever since he got involved with Jiang Nuannuan, he hasn't been in love again. How long has it been?A week a month or longer?It didn't matter that he was too lazy to remember.

Zhai Lin: "Well, my bed partner is also single."

Inside the kitchen.

Jiang Nuannuan went to reach for something on the cabinet, but Zhai Heng took it down first, "This?"


She took the package, tore it open, and poured some into the pot. The man was chopping vegetables next to her. Their arms touched each other from time to time, and they looked at each other and smiled.

Jiang Nuannuan praised him, "You cut it very well."

As soon as he finished speaking, juice squeezed out from the tomato under the kitchen knife and splashed on the man's fingers and white shirt.

Jiang Nuannuan only had an apron at home, so she took it off and put it around his neck, "Put this on, don't get it dirty."

"I'll wash up first."

Zhai Heng avoided it and walked to the sink. There happened to be a wall that blocked the two staring eyes in the living room.

Jiang Nuannuan followed him with an apron, and the water flowed. After Zhai Heng finished washing, he did not turn off the faucet immediately, but turned around and leaned against the sink, lowering his head to her.

Jiang Nuannuan put the collar of the apron around his neck. The distance was close. Zhai Heng smiled and said to her in a low voice, covered by the sound of water: "I miss you."

Suddenly, Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat and her eyes moved slightly.

Zhai Heng bent over, touched the scab on her cheek, and pecked her lips.

Just one click was too little. The way the beautiful girl in front of him blushed and panicked, but then obediently allowed him to move was so endearing. Zhai Heng smiled silently, kissed her again and again on the lips, and rubbed her around.

"Would it be rude to come today?"

He asked knowingly.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him with twinkling eyes, and whispered amidst the splashing water: "You did it on purpose too." "Yes."

Zhai Heng chuckled lightly. He would not cause her too much trouble or put her in a difficult choice. He would only be jealous occasionally and would want to buy more time to have her in his short life span.

He responded generously, but Jiang Nuannuan didn't know what to say. She looked at those eyes that seemed to be gentle forever and couldn't think.

She took the initiative to press her lips against his, "If we don't turn off the water, they will suspect that we are doing something bad."


Zhai Heng turned around and turned off the faucet. Jiang Nuannuan put her hands around his waist and helped him tie his apron. The floral apron was a bit small for him, but at least it could block unnecessary dirt.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him for a while and nodded, "This color scheme is quite suitable for a good wife and loving mother."

The gentle temperament on his body paired with a pink floral apron is like adding a wife filter.

Zhai Heng was amused by her and touched the top of her hair, "Then I will consider learning to cook."

"No need." Jiang Nuannuan refused immediately, "This is also physical work, I can do it."

The most she could do was let him cut vegetables and play, but how could she let him use those hands to stir the pot.

The two returned to their original positions and continued working, when the doorbell rang again.

Gu Shizhou put down his crossed legs and stood up to open the door.

The two brothers faced each other. Gu Tingyan subconsciously looked up at the house number at the top and confirmed that it was the door of Jiang Nuannuan's home. He frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"It's not just me."

Gu Shizhou smiled inexplicably and exited the entrance hall to let people in.

There are four pairs of shoes placed side by side on the ground, three for men and one for women.

Gu Tingyan silently watched the interactions in the living room and kitchen, with no emotion or anger on his face.

"Change your shoes, brother." Gu Shizhou casually walked back to the sofa and sat down. Zhai Lin next to him nodded at him, "Brother Gu."

Gu Tingyan, who originally thought it was a double date, looked at the room full of men. His heart sank like water, and he was angry and didn't know where to go. His stern face was frozen into a plaster statue.

Jiang Nuannuan heard something moving outside and walked out to see him, "You are finally here."

Gu Tingyan, who put his shoes in the shoe cabinet alone, straightened up and said coldly: "Come with me."

He walked into the bedroom, and after Jiang Nuannuan followed, the door closed.

"What happened to them?" He lowered his head and asked her, his jaw tightening, looking like an angry lion that had been invaded.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't panic at all, she opened her eyes wide and said innocently: "Didn't you read the text message I sent you?"

"What text message?" He was startled and took out his mobile phone. Her sweet voice explained in his ear: "I sent you a text message. Everyone came to send me flower baskets today to celebrate the opening. Out of politeness, we Just make an appointment to have a casual meal together."

There was indeed a message in the text message that she had just arrived in the evening, and it was sent by her. He had just finished the meeting at that time, so he didn't pay attention to it.

Although it was a reasonable explanation, Gu Tingyan was even more unhappy.

He felt like he was carrying a piece of fat on his body, and if he wasn't careful, it would be picked up and eaten away by several vultures that were eyeing him.

His eyes were calm and indifferent, but the word "unhappy" was written in big words on his face.

"I consider my invitation to you to be a dinner for two."

(End of this chapter)

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