Chapter 238 Showdown
Jiang Nuannuan tugged at the hem of his suit, "Are you unhappy?"

What should he be happy about? He rushed back to celebrate the opening of the studio with her, but as soon as he entered the house, even her shoes were surrounded by a pile of smelly leather.

Gu Tingyan's face became colder and colder, and there was an undercurrent rolling under his eyes. Suddenly, the girl who was locked in his gaze stood up on tiptoes and hugged his neck. The back of her neck felt a little force, and her straight body bent obediently.

As soon as his lips were wet, the scent of peach perfume hit his face and entered his mouth. It was Jiang Nuannuan who kissed him and playfully traced the shape of his thin lips with his lips.

The sweet taste bloomed on the tip of his tongue. Gu Tingyan held her waist and his eyes softened, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and nuzzled the tip of his nose, "I'm yours, why are you unhappy because a guest is here for dinner?"

She looked at him, touched his lips with her fingertips, and said softly and coquettishly, "You are the most important thing to me."

So, don't be jealous.

You are unique too.

Her body seemed to be wrapped around him without bones, like a dodder flower growing attached to a towering tree, gentle and harmless, beguiling people's eyes.

Gu Tingyan stood up with her arms around her, "They all came to deliver flower baskets to you in person?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "It was delivered by car just like you, but they all called me to congratulate me. Flowers are very expensive, and these people are also quite expensive, so I invited them to have a meal together. "

The gloom in Gu Tingyan's eyes dissipated a little, and he reluctantly accepted it, but he began to think that next time he should come directly to pick him up instead of notifying her to have dinner with him as before.

He shook her hand and said, "Get out."

"You're not angry anymore?" Jiang Nuannuan still tiptoed close to his handsome face and said with a smile, "Do you want to kiss me again?"


"But I want to."

"You want to kiss?" Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes to look at her, with smile in his eyes.

"Kiss me again?" Jiang Nuannuan touched the side of his face and reached for his lips. The man raised the corners of his lips and finally bent down a little to let her kiss him.

After eliminating Gu Tingyan's dissatisfaction in the room, Jiang Nuannuan returned to the kitchen.

Zhai Heng had already prepared the side dishes and wiped his wet fingers, "It's done. There's also that fish that I'm not very good at handling."

She walked to him and said, "I'll do the rest."

Gu Tingyan stood in the living room. After a few seconds, he took off his suit jacket, took off his watch, unbuttoned his sleeves, rolled up his sleeves, and entered the kitchen.

Gu Shizhou looked at the three of them standing side by side in the kitchen, his peach blossom eyes slightly narrowed.

Zhai Lin observed everyone, and then focused on Jiang Nuannuan, his hands stuffed in his pockets unconsciously squeezing.

It is undeniable that she is very attractive, and many people have discovered the shining points in her.

Gu Shizhou stood up and walked to the kitchen door, leaning on the door frame, and said casually: "Brother Zhai and Nuan Nuan have a good relationship. Have they known each other for a long time?"

Before Jiang Nuannuan spoke, Zhai Heng answered first, "Your brother has known me for a long time."

Gu Tingyan stood by the sink, washing a plate that would be used later. The dishwashing liquid was too slippery and the plate fell into the sink, leaving a gap.

Jiang Nuannuan hurried over to help, "Well, we have been friends for a long time."

As long as Zhai Heng does not reveal the secret between them, it means that she can cover up this secret relationship at will.

Gu Tingyan took her hand out of the sink and stood behind her, wrapping one hand around her body and resting it on the edge of the kitchen counter, silently declaring her sovereignty.

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows, "Yes, I have known you for about the same time. At that time, you were thrown on the roadside at a dinner party?"

Gu Tingyan's thick eyebrows suddenly lowered, and her deep black eyes looked at him, full of warning.

Revealing old scores at this time will undoubtedly lead to war.Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "That's what happened."

At that time, she had just become Gu Tingyan's lover and attended Mrs. Zhai's dinner party. As a result, she was thrown on the mountain road because she asked Fu Shiliu, and was then taken down the mountain by Gu Shizhou's motorcycle.

Zhai Heng cut the prepared fish into pieces and said warmly: "I heard that Shi Zhou's new drama has been completed. Congratulations."

Gu Shizhou smiled and heard him say again: "You are doing quite well in the entertainment industry. I often see your headlines."

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan turn around and come out, Gu Tingyan stopped her and let her go, then said coldly: "He alone can support a bunch of mainstream media and celebrity teams. I don't know how much I spend on him in public relations every year."

Zhai Heng chuckled lightly and looked at Gu Shizhou, who remained frivolous, "It doesn't matter if I'm having fun, junior."

Gu Shizhou twitched his lips, "Compared with the economic benefits I bring, public relations expenses are nothing."

"If you stop playing with women, I won't need to step in." Gu Tingyan wiped his hands and leaned against the kitchen counter, his aura in full swing.

In this tense atmosphere and the conversation with guns and sticks, Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head to cook, not daring to say a word.

Zhai Heng handed her the salt shaker at the right time, "Nuan Nuan is about the same age as Shi Zhou. Do you like celebrities? Young people like his pretty face."

Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly, stirred the vegetables with the shovel, and said, "I'm not star-chasing. I occasionally watch movies, but I forget them after I've seen them."

"Yeah." Zhai Heng nodded and raised the corners of his lips, "If you don't like it, the entertainment industry is a dyeing vat. People in it have many thoughts and will teach children bad things."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She felt that she had been educated. She was obviously not a few years older, but the two men on the left and the right made her feel that her ancestors were highly respected.

Gu Shizhou felt that he was being connoted, as if he was being told that he was dirty and that he would teach Jiang Nuannuan a bad lesson and tell her to stay away from him.

He sneered softly: "How many women will you play with less? I have always been very clean in this matter?"

One has a fiancée and the other is divorced. How can he stay clean?There was sarcasm in his eyes, and he said frivolously: "When we get married Nuannuan, we need to find a clean man."

In one sentence, the two older men gave him unexplained glances.

Gu Shizhou smiled provocatively.

They are all the same, who has fewer ink spots than the other?Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf educating children? What's more, their children have dark hearts.

Jiang Nuannuan lost the spatula and became angry, "Okay."

She turned around and grinded her teeth angrily, "You all go out. I want to cook well. Do you know how to cook? We are all chatting around here. Let's go to the living room to talk."

If she kept saying this, she would be suffocated in the center of the storm.

She secretly glared at Gu Shizhou, telling him to calm down his provocative mouth.

The other party waved his hand to her, with a charming and innocent smile, and a pair of peach-blossom eyes with hidden unhappiness.

Without the man, the kitchen was finally empty.

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the pot, her anxious heart calming down a lot.

She took a deep breath and focused on the action in front of her.

An hour later, all the dishes were out of the oven. Jiang Nuannuan wiped her hands and prepared herself mentally before opening the kitchen door.

The four men sat on each side of the huge living room, it was quiet and they were not playing with their mobile phones. It was like a meeting between leaders.

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Her toes hidden in the cotton slippers curled up and down, buttoned and buttoned again, and then she coughed lightly and said, "Go wash your hands, you can eat now."

(End of this chapter)

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