Chapter 239 Thousands of Lies
There are five people at a small square table, and one of them must sit alone on the short side.

She sat down holding the bowl and chopsticks, letting the four men sit facing each other.

The atmosphere has solidified again.

so awkward.


Jiang Nuannuan tried hard to maintain a smile, "I'm going to get some bars."

Gu Shizhou brought a bottle of malt whiskey. She opened the wine and poured a glass for herself and him first. When passing by Gu Tingyan, she changed it to juice and said, "If you have a bad stomach, you drink."

The handsome and calm man raised his chin and said, "You can drink juice today."

The next second he seemed to have a sense of superiority, Jiang Nuannuan poured juice for Zhai Heng again, "You are not in good health, you should also drink juice."

"Okay." Zhai Heng curled his lips, handed the cup to her slowly, and looked at Gu Tingyan again.

Finally, when we arrived at Zhai Lin, Jiang Nuannuan also gave him juice, "You drink the same thing as your brother, so drink less."

Gu Tingyan, who thought he was receiving preferential treatment but was not, tightened his jaw and became indifferent again.

Gu Shizhou seemed to have seen something interesting, swaying the red wine glass, "Let's have a drink together? Wish you good luck with your business?"


The cups were touched lightly, and Jiang Nuannuan smiled brightly and said thank you.

Later at the dinner table, the conversation became much more normal. Gu Shizhou no longer deliberately brought up the topic. Zhai Lin said very little from beginning to end, but he ate a lot. It was the first time he ate ordinary dishes at Jiang Nuannuan's house. He felt delicious.

Jiang Nuannuan replenished his meal twice, and also gave him an extra dessert, a small candy, which she secretly stuffed into his palm when she passed by him.

The delicate fingers slipped into the gaps without warning, leaving behind the fruit candy with her body temperature.

Zhai Lin was stunned and raised his eyes to look at her. The woman in front of her was holding chopsticks to simply pull up her hair. Her short sweater was lifted up a bit, revealing a small white waist that was thin enough to hold.

His heart was suddenly hammered.

System 66: "2000 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 32%."

Hearing the prompt, Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him, lowered her hands, a few hairs scattered on her cheeks, and the chopsticks were inserted in her hair, gentle and beautiful.

Zhai Lin suddenly withdrew his gaze, stood up and went to the balcony. When the cold wind blew outside, the heat in his heart immediately calmed down.

He opened the candy and put it in his mouth. He touched it with the tip of his tongue and tasted the peach flavor.

It smells exactly like her.

Thinking of this, Zhai Lin felt a little hot in his heart.

System 66: "1000 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 33%."

After eating, Jiang Nuannuan carried the garbage and wanted to throw it away. Gu Shizhou helped her carry a bag and said, "Let's go."

She thought for a moment, then took out her peaked cap and put it on his head.

He glanced at the hair that was pressed down and frowned, "What are you doing?"

"The face is too arrogant." Jiang Nuannuan opened the door, "Let's go."

Zhai Lin came down from the balcony, "I'll come."

He took the garbage bag in Jiang Nuannuan's hand, stepped out of the door, and went downstairs first.

Feeling that he was on guard against bullying Jiang Nuannuan, Gu Shizhou tsked lightly and followed him out the door.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows slightly, felt her phone vibrate, and took it out to look at it.

It was a message from Fei Jinzhao.

He saw the news about the opening of her studio and wished her a smooth opening.

She sent him a message back: Thank you, have you returned to school?I'm still working overtime.

Fei Jinzhao: Well, I am busy preparing graduation materials.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled: Then next time you can help me celebrate again.

Fei Jinzhao: What to celebrate again?
Jiang Nuannuan: Good luck with the business. It’s very lonely to be alone.

On the other side, Fei Jinzhao, who was sitting in the dormitory, curled her lips and replied with a "hmm".

"Knock knock."

Yu Tai knocked on his table, "Jin Zhao, there is a woman downstairs who wants to see you."

"Who?" He raised his eyes.

Yu Tai spread his hands and said exaggeratedly: "I don't know, he's the guy in a Lincoln. He looks really rich. Where did you know him from?" Fei Jinzhao frowned and walked to the window to look down. go.

A long-haired woman wearing a professional skirt holds a cigarette and has elegant and delicate makeup.

Yu Tai said next to him: "Anyway, she is looking for you. Her surname is Fei, which is the same as yours. Could it be that she is a relative? Do you have any relatives?"

Fei Jinzhao was silent, "I'll go take a look."

After dinner here, Jiang Nuannuan sent the group downstairs, and the elevator was full of people.

She squeezed in at the back, her back pressed against the wall, her left hand quietly holding Gu Tingyan's hand, her right hand was held by Gu Shizhou and scratching her palm, her whole body was stiff and she did not dare to move.

Whenever the two people in front of her turn around, she will be exposed.


Halfway down the elevator, a lady came in.

She was chatting in a group of women friends when she saw several people in front of her were stunned. After rubbing her eyes to make sure she was not blind, she blurted out a series of honorific titles, "Young Master Zhai, Second Young Master, Mr. Gu, Second Master Gu."

Zhai Heng nodded and stepped aside slightly, "Come in?"


The lady stepped forward stiffly.

"How many floors?"

"Um, to the basement."

What the hell, people who usually have to make an appointment to meet her husband are crowded into an elevator today. What are they doing in their little ruined temple in Bishui Bay? Are they buying a house collectively?
The group of people arrived at the basement. Jiang Nuannuan, who was at the back, nodded to the lady and walked out to send a few men to the car.

The lady who was still stunned in the elevator finally figured it out, came to her senses and started typing in the women's friend group.

Huakaifugui: @飞信, I saw your fiancé, Young Master Zhai, and their younger brother in Bishui Bay with a woman in the middle of the night!what happened? !Why do they look so close!He often visits our neighborhood.

The group was in a frenzy. Fei Xin didn't look at her phone, but stared at the cold and simple Fei Jinzhao next to her, and stretched out her hand to him, "Let me formally meet you. I am your half-sister Fei Xin."

Fei Jinzhao looked indifferent, "What do you mean?"

Seeing that he was rude, Feixin took back her hand and said unceremoniously: "It means that you are the illegitimate son of my father who had an affair with another woman many years ago."

Fei Jinzhao's hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and his expression fell apart for a moment.

Gu Tingyan did not return to Sunshine Huating. He watched several cars leaving one after another and followed Jiang Nuannuan back upstairs.

As soon as the elevator door opened, she didn't even have time to enter the code lock at her door. The man turned her over and pressed against the door, lowering her head to kiss her.

"Gu Tingyan, please."

He kissed her angrily and hard, with full jealousy.

"Tell me who you like?"

Seeing her just bending down gently to tidy up the blanket on Zhai Heng's legs and hugging them one by one to say goodbye, he, who had always been calm and collected, could no longer suppress his emotions.

He really hated the fact that there were so many men around her and they were so intimate.

She clearly belongs to him.

The man bit her lips fiercely, and his fingers touched the edge of the sweater, bringing the coolness from outside, and continued to move up the waist.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank suddenly and said in fear: "We have something to say inside the house!"

The hem of his sweater was pushed up, and her fair skin pressed against his gray suit. She huddled against his chest, feeling like she was about to be stripped clean.

"Please, this is still the door." She whimpered and bit her lip, tapping her toes and trembling slightly on her long legs.

Gu Tingyan bit her ear and said in a deep voice, "You are so naughty."

The elevator next to the door rang again, and someone was coming out.

Jiang Nuannuan was so frightened that she crawled into his arms again, pressed her big hands on her legs, and said in horror: "Go in, go in! Whatever you want me to say!"

She can't be seen naked in front of others!

Before the man came over, she was picked up and carried into the house.

The lights in the entrance hall turned on and off, and the magnetic husky man repeatedly asked, "Tell me who you like now?"

Jiang Nuannuan was lying on the entrance cabinet, and his warm palms slid down slowly against her naked back. She exclaimed and begged for mercy, "Of course I like you the most, why are you still not happy!"

She thought she was coaxed before.

Seeing that she was about to be forced into tears, Gu Tingyan calmed down his somewhat out-of-control emotions, hugged her to the cabinet, and coaxed her in a low voice, "Be good, don't cry."

(End of this chapter)

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