Chapter 241 Playing Games Together
Fei Jinzhao took the apron, put down her backpack, and hummed softly.

Of course she was a treasure, such a good treasure that he could not hesitate to agree to the conditions of return and grab what he should have to own her.

The outstanding-looking young man sat alone and failed to bake a cake. There was an enthusiastic girl beside him to guide him and curiously asked: "Who are you making this cake for?"

Fei Jinzhao saw the enthusiasm and expectation in the girl's eyes and said softly: "Girlfriend."

The word "girlfriend" instantly extinguished the excitement in the girl's eyes, leaving only envy, "Yes, then she is so happy to be able to eat cakes made by her boyfriend. Most of the people who are willing to come to the bakery to DIY cakes are girls."

Fei Jinzhao pulled her lips and said, "No."


She has always been trying to make him happy, dispelling all the gloom and wind and frost around her, and constantly warming him.

He owes something.

System 66: "Alipay received 3000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 68%."

Jiang Nuannuan had just arrived at the event venue and asked in surprise: "Fei Jinzhao?"

Why did he suddenly become so fond of him?

The phone vibrated.

It was the news that Fei Jin summoned.

Ask her about the specific house number of Bishui Bay.

After Jiang Nuannuan replied to the message, she asked him what he would do next.

The other end simply said he was busy.

She couldn't figure it out, so she had to bring the jewelry into the fragrance event first.

There was still a long time before the start time. She pushed open the door of Gu Shizhou's lounge, and there was the sound of fighting in the game, and a few loud words of "help me."

Different from the previous scene where he saw his beautiful woman in his arms, there were several people sitting in the lounge, both men and women. Gu Shizhou on the sofa in the middle had a stinking face and a mocking tone: "Falling the handles into a box? How stupid are you like this?"

Fu Shiliu looked embarrassed after being scolded in public. He put down his phone and said sadly: "Let's take a break first. I will get dizzy after playing for a long time and my progress is a bit slow. Don't mind."

Gu Shizhou was too lazy to pay attention to her. He opened his eyelids as if aware of it and saw the woman standing at the door. He said in a casual tone, "Come in without knocking? What are you doing standing there?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Fu Shiliu, walked in and put down her things, "You guys are playing games again?"

Gu Shizhou patted the sofa cushion next to him and said, "Come and sit."

She walked over and sat down as he was told, and looked at the screen interface of his phone.

Seeing that she seemed interested, Gu Shizhou raised his hand and handed it to her, "Can you play?"

"No." Jiang Nuannuan looked at the villain with a gun inside, "What is this for? To hit someone?"

Gu Shizhou: "Let me play with it and you can see?"

Anyway, I had nothing to do in the afternoon, and I wanted to see if I could get some favor from him. Jiang Nuannuan nodded with interest, "Okay."

She rarely seeks out him, let alone playing games together.

Gu Shizhou curled his lips and returned to the team interface to start the game. Fu Shiliu was dizzy in Game 3D and was reluctant to exit the team interface with him, so she forced herself to fight with him again.

She finally followed his schedule today and also came to the venue here to participate in the fragrance event, and she didn't want to stop there.

The four little people jumped off the teaching building, and a pair of people on the roof of the next building fell before them.

When Gu Shizhou landed on the roof, he picked up a shotgun and pointed it at the people near the building. The operation was very good.

Fu Shiliu, who was following behind him, picked up bandages and medical kits throughout the process, throwing one away when he lost blood, "Shi Zhou, eat my medical kit, it's at your feet."

Gu Shizhou rushed downstairs with her. There were already footsteps approaching, and an assault rifle was at the corner of the second floor.

"Go pick up the gun."

Fu Shiliu raised his head, "But I heard them downstairs."

As long as she shows her head, she will be easily beaten to death. She died many times before, so she has no gaming experience.

She didn't want to go, but she glanced at Jiang Nuannuan who was watching next to him, and said softly: "You have to save me." After saying that, Jiang Nuannuan saw Fu Shiliu Ting throw a smoke skillfully, and then rushed to She went to pick up the gun on the platform downstairs. The moment she was beaten into a sieve by the concentrated fire, Gu Shizhou ran into the smoke to pick up the gun, and he and Fan Jiang cooperated inside and outside to kill everyone.

Gu Shizhou turned the corner and went downstairs. He didn't care about the female character who was crawling toward him while losing blood. He just said: "Fan Jiang, save her."

Fu Shiliu, the tool man who had been used, was rescued by Fan Jiang who arrived before the last trace of blood fell out.

Jiang Nuannuan watched Gu Shizhou search for his bag, and even wore his pink miniskirt to get his mobile phone, "Let me play with it."

"You know it?" The man raised his eyes and asked.

Jiang Nuannuan said seriously: "These clothes are beautiful, I'll change them."

How many people in the team: ".?"

Everyone thought that Gu Shizhou was going to laugh at someone. He slightly raised the corners of his lips and smiled a little evilly. He raised his hand and pinched the back of her neck, "Are you just playing dress-up? Or do you like to see me put on and take off my clothes?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him, "Are you still having fun?"

"Come here." He lowered his hand and put it on the back of her waist, handed her the phone, and rested his chin on her shoulder, "I'll watch you play."

Fu Shiliu looked at this scene, his teeth almost shattered, and he took a deep breath to suppress the depression that had arisen.

Jiang Nuannuan took the phone, threw the pink skirt on the ground, picked up the suit in the box next door, and a fluffy and bright yellow chicken suddenly appeared on the screen.

Just now she saw it wearing this outfit with her head exposed and shooting, and it was so cute.

She clicked on the screen, and the big yellow chicken followed suit and danced coquettishly on the spot.

It's quite interesting.

Fu Shiliu couldn't help but said: "Nuan Nuan, lick your bag quickly, the poisonous circle is coming."

Jiang Nuannuan was confused for a moment, "How to lick?"

Forgive her that she had never been exposed to this game. Gu Shizhou's hand went from the back of her waist to the front, wrapping her arms around her, "Lick her as much as you want."

Whatever words came out of his mouth, Jiang Nuannuan felt that they had another meaning.

She turned her head sideways, her almond-shaped eyes widened, and she looked a little angry.

Gu Shizhou's heart was filled with joy. He rubbed his chin against her shoulder and put his hand on the screen to show her, "You just picked up someone else's equipment and you just licked the bag."

"Oh, that's it." Jiang Nuannuan nodded, then put a pan behind her butt, held an assault rifle in her hand, and jumped off the fifth floor.

The health bar is halved.

This skill is inferior to that of even an elementary school student.

Everyone watched her jump off the building, their ears raised high, but they didn't hear a sarcastic comment from Gu Shizhou.

Fan Jiang and another person drove up to pick them up. It was a convertible with a big and bright yellow chicken suit. It was like a living sign, and they were beaten wherever they went.

Fortunately, Gu Shizhou was very skilled. While Jiang Nuannuan was staring at the scenery in a daze, he could press her finger to move on the screen, dodge bullets, and take out a gun to shoot a few times.

"Why are you so stupid?" He patted her waist, "Why are you body tracing people on your face?"

Fan Jiang glanced at Gu Shizhou strangely. Before Jiang Nuannuan came, he almost mocked all the losers in the lounge, male and female.

Although the same words are said now, why does the tone sound so doting?It's not like swearing at all.

Jiang Nuannuan was shot until she ran out of bullets, and half of her blood was blown out by a thunderbolt. She was a little angry, "It's because the camera is floating. There's obviously something wrong with it."

Her voice was gentle and sweet when she was angry. Gu Shizhou liked to hear her talk like this and said perfunctorily: "This lens is not good at magnification. Ask Fu Shiliu to come over and change it to an 8x lens. This lens is too small."

Fan Jiang: "."

So is this a problem between 4x and 8x lenses?Are you sure it's not a question of whether to suppress the gun or not?

Everyone knows the answer, that is, no one dares to dismantle Gu Shizhou.

This is a perfect double-standard dog! Tui!

(Commentary: Extra 1V1 means that each pair of CPs will have a more complete story line and ending. It is not interspersed like this, so there is no need to fight to the death, it will all be there. ┓( ` )┏)
(End of this chapter)

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