Chapter 242 Wait for me
Changing to an 8x scope, the aiming lens was enlarged. It was rare for Jiang Nuannuan to get a good shot. She excitedly leaned back on the sofa and pressed directly on Gu Shizhou's arm.

"I killed someone."

Gu Shizhou laughed out loud when he saw that her whole body was filled with joy, and the next second she was shot in the head by the enemy and turned into a box.

"What is this called? Extreme joy brings sorrow."

After a while, all four people in the team were surrounded by the enemy and turned into boxes.

Jiang Nuannuan returned the phone to him and stood up from his half-hug, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Fu Shiliu had been playing for a long time and was still feeling nauseous from the game. The two of them stood up almost at the same time and bumped into each other at the door.

Jiang Nuannuan took two steps back and was supported by someone in time. Fu Shiliu in front of him was so weak that he swayed violently, his stomach was churning, and he actually vomited on the spot with a loud sound.

For a moment, the entire rest room was filled with the uncomfortable sound of her bending down and pressing her hand against the door panel to vomit.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned and subconsciously turned to look at Gu Shizhou who was supporting her. The man also frowned and looked back at her, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Aren't you going to help?" She said, "Your first love threw up while playing games."

Gu Shizhou raised an eyebrow, grabbed her waist and pressed her into his arms with a dissatisfied tone, "What are you helping me with? What kind of tone are you talking about? You want me to admit my mistake to you again?"

Jiang Nuannuan pushed him but didn't push him away, so she had to give up, "It's just a literal meaning."

In order to maintain the perfect figure that met Gu Shizhou, Fu Shiliu didn't eat much, and couldn't vomit much. He knelt on the ground, extremely embarrassed.

Fan Jiang went outside and called other staff to take her to the hospital. She fell into the stranger's arms and looked at Gu Shizhou with tears in her eyes.

She still pulled at the door frame and asked him weakly: "Why don't you come and stay with me? I feel so uncomfortable."

Looking at the two men holding her on the left and right, Gu Shizhou said slowly: "Two men are enough to accompany you."

Jiang Nuannuan received the last cruel look from Fu Shiliu before he was taken away.

The smell in the lounge was strong, so the organizer moved them to another room. After Gu Shizhou finished styling for tonight's event, he pushed the jewelry to Jiang Nuannuan and said, "Put it on for me."

There was only a V-neck black sweater inside his suit, and his neck was empty, with a small tooth mark exposed that was extremely conspicuous.

Jiang Nuannuan reached out and touched it, then went to find concealer to cover him.

"Why are you covering it?" He held her wrist and said with a smile, "Aren't you very energetic when you bite it?"

"Are you bored and want to join the hot search?" Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, brushed her lips against his chin, and leaned back.

"What's the hot search?" He looked into her dissatisfied eyes and asked in a low voice: "The official announcement of a mysterious new girlfriend? That's a pretty good title."

It sounds like he really wants to do this.

Jiang Nuannuan ignored him, stretched out her hand to block his face, exposed her long neck, and covered his traces.

"Tonight's activities ended early." Gu Shizhou brushed her hair, not minding her rudeness, "Go back with me?"

Jiang Nuannuan covered his neck and put on the necklace, "No, I want to go home."

"My brother is on a business trip again."

"How do you know?" Jiang Nuannuan squinted at him, her tone sounding like she wanted to have an affair with her.

Gu Shizhou's lips curled up, and the meaning became even stronger. He lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek, "I own most of the group's shares, and I know many things."

The staff opened the door and came in, "It's about to start."

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly took a step back and distanced herself.

Gu Shizhou looked at her and said, "I have arranged a place for you. When the event is over, I will pick you up."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't answer.

In addition to the necessary red carpet photos, the fragrance event also invited many celebrity fans. The venue was huge. She just found her seat and sat down, listening to the waves of screaming outside.Gu Shizhou's name was about to pierce her eardrums.

VIP seats.A man dressed seriously asked her from behind, "Whose fan are you?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned half of her face and said, "Gu Shizhou."

"Oh, him." He chuckled, "Can I introduce you to him?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and asked, "Do you know each other?"

The other party said confidently: "Of course, we have a good relationship. Leave me your phone number and we can hang out together when you are free in the future?"

If he was really familiar with Gu Shizhou, he must have met her at many parties. This man was obviously lying.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and looked at Gu Shizhou who was trying to walk over on the red carpet. He also saw her, but a large number of fans and media surrounded him, making it difficult for him to move forward.

Seeing her lack of interest, the man behind him took the initiative to hand her a drink, "Have a drink?"

"No need." Jiang Nuannuan stood up and left her seat to smell the trial fragrance on the booth, making it clear that she was not interested in him.

Not long after she left, Fu Shiliu, who had returned from the hospital, sat next to the man, holding a wine glass in his hand, "Young Master Zhou is interested in her?"

Zhou Qi is the young master of the Zhou family. In terms of seniority, she is the same as Fu Shiliu, but he is a playboy and has been chasing after her recently.

The man glanced at her and joked, "What's the matter? That woman is not as pure and beautiful as you."

He wanted to get Fu Shiliu, and was undoubtedly attracted by her beauty in her cheongsam. However, what Zhou Qi said was contrary to his wishes. The woman just now was pure enough and she was very satisfied with him.

Fu Shiliu shook the cup and said quietly: "That woman likes to be someone's mistress. If you want to keep her by your side, that's fine."

Zhou Qi glanced at her, squinted his eyes, and became alert, "Do you know each other?"

She smiled and said, "Everyone in the circle has heard a little bit about her deeds. She is a jewelry maker. She once got into trouble abroad. Now she has come back to open a studio and has seduced many powerful men."

This is to avoid the serious matter.

"I didn't see her seducing me just now." Zhou Qi didn't believe it. His eyes lingered on Jiang Nuannuan's back, assessing how good her figure was under that coat.

Fu Shiliu touched his cup and winked at him, "This is the biggest problem, isn't it? Mr. Zhou who is already attracted to her?"

Hard to catch.

Zhou Qi thought about this idiom in his mind, and when he looked at Jiang Nuannuan's back, his thoughts immediately became vivid.

The event ended at night, and Gu Shizhou was nowhere to be seen in the venue, but he sent a message asking her to wait for him at the door.

Jiang Nuannuan looked back at the man who was always lingering beside her, clinging to her like a piece of stinky candy. She put away her phone in annoyance, got in the car and left.

She drove here, and if she followed Gu Shizhou at night, it would be easy to lose her innocence.

Fan Jiang drove the car to the side entrance of the venue and waited until all the fans were gone, but no one was waiting.

The screen of his mobile phone lit up, and a message from Jiang Nuannuan came in.

After reading it, he turned around and said, "Ms. Jiang is leaving first. The jewelry will be returned by our staff tomorrow."

Gu Shizhou tugged on the long necklace around his neck, rubbed the corners of his lips and looked out the window at the fans walking away still holding his posters, and said casually: "If you are so afraid that I will eat her, then go to Bishui Bay."

Recently, his play was finished, and he had a few extra days off, so Fan Jiang drove him there, but he was muttering in his heart along the way.

He knew that there was something going on between Jiang Nuannuan and Mr. Gu, and now that these three people had a confusing relationship, he seemed to be holding a shocking secret and had nowhere to vent it.

Not long after Jiang Nuannuan arrived home, Fei Jin sent a message asking her if she had eaten. She replied if she had eaten. She entered and deleted the message on the other side, and finally sent me a message.

(End of this chapter)

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