Chapter 243

At this time, Fei Jinzhao was almost at the gate of the community.

A low-key nanny car had to drive into Bishui Bay before him.

When there was a knock on the door, Jiang Nuannuan thought he had arrived so quickly. She stepped on her slippers and went to open the door. The joy that had just risen in her eyes suddenly froze when she saw Gu Shizhou, who was only wearing a V-neck sweater.


What are you doing here?

Before she could finish her words, the evil man wearing makeup put his arm around her waist at the door, lowered his head and kissed her.

Jiang Nuannuan held his hand on his face and was stunned.

Gu Shizhou curled his lips, wiped away the water marks he had just made with his fingertips, and smiled, "See you so surprised to see me?"

No, it was a fright, a thunderous one.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed the person out and said anxiously: "Don't come in, you go back!"

Gu Shizhou lost the smile on his face for a second, and pressed her against the entrance cabinet with his backhand against her legs. He pinched her chin and said angrily, "What's your expression? Didn't you welcome me with that excitement just now?"

He came closer to her and narrowed his eyes, "My brother is on a business trip, who else comes to your house to have an affair? Zhai Heng? Or Zhai Lin?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She pressed against his chest calmly, "No matter what you think about, it's nothing."

This answer was unexpected, and Gu Shizhou instantly laughed angrily, "So there is another man? A man I don't know about?"

Jiang Nuannuan's silence revealed the truth accurately.

Gu Shizhou was really angry and bit her lips hard, "I won't leave."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't care about his opinion. It would be better if Fei Jin summoned her to see Gu Shizhou at home.

She grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the elevator entrance.

But now it was too late. The elevator was moving upwards. She turned back and pushed the stairwell door, only to find that the property management company had a sign on it.

The stairwell walls are being repainted and are temporarily locked.

Jiang Nuannuan: "." It really killed her.

She quickly dragged Gu Shizhou back home, pushed him into the toilet, and said fiercely, "Who told you to come here without telling me?"

The man sneered, "It was originally a surprise for you."

He changed the topic and mocked himself, "I didn't expect that I gave myself a surprise."

Noticing his cold and dissatisfied gaze, Jiang Nuannuan knew that she had to smooth down this man's hair.

She put her arms around his neck, pressed him against the sink and kissed him hard, "Don't come out in there first, we can make an appointment another day."

Gu Shizhou continued to sneer, "No matter how dark the sewer is? Or is it an underground tunnel?"

Jiang Nuannuan put one hand into the hem of his clothes, pressed her palms against his clear-textured abdominal muscles, and said in a particularly ambiguous tone, "It's okay. How about a date with just the two of us?"

He took a breath, his belly tightening.

The doorbell rang. Gu Shizhou hugged her waist and licked her earlobe, "Let me do whatever I want? I can think about it."

He was like a lion.

Jiang Nuannuan gritted her teeth and said, "Okay."

She slammed the bathroom door shut, took a long breath, tidied herself up, wiped her mouth, made sure she looked fine, and adjusted her mentality before walking over to open the door.

Fei Jinzhao stood at the door with a schoolbag on one shoulder and handed her the cake in her hand.

In Minato Ming's cake box, there was a little girl wearing a princess dress standing on top of the beautiful chocolate cake. Her smile was smeared with jam, and she looked innocent.

Jiang Nuannuan took the cake and discovered that his hands were red and cold due to long-term exposure.

She put down the things and pulled him into the house. She covered the big cold hand with both hands and said distressedly: "Why did you suddenly think of buying me a cake? My hands are all red from the cold."

Fei Jinzhao said softly: "I did it."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned and looked up at him, "Huh?"

His Adam's apple rolled up, and he simply hugged her into his arms, "I passed by the bakery you mentioned today and saw a promotional video of your cakes."

Jiang Nuannuan remembered what happened, put her forehead against his chest, and said softly: "Ah, they invited me to shoot some videos, but I didn't see what it was like, so it wouldn't be ugly. .”

Fei Jin remembered it and took a look at her face.

The traces of falling in the snow have faded a lot.

"No, they are all beautiful anyway." He smiled lightly, and his cold and handsome face suddenly became vivid.

Jiang Nuannuan blushed slightly and grabbed the hem of his clothes, "Then why did you think of making me a cake?" She now understood where the good feeling in the morning came from, and it was the bakery that helped.

"I just want to make it for you to eat." Fei Jinzhao pulled her to sit down at the table, "It's really not easy to make."

The work he had worked so hard for was thrown away, so he wanted to compensate her in turn.

Just as Jiang Nuannuan was about to say something, a clang suddenly came from the toilet.

Fei Jinzhao raised her eyes and looked doubtfully, her heart skipped a beat, and she said calmly: "It's okay, the toilet window is ventilating, I guess my footbath fell down."


He looked away without paying attention, opened the cake box and took out the disposable tableware inside.

Gu Shizhou leaned behind the door, listening to the warm conversation outside, feeling irritated for no reason.

Why does he, a big star, have to squeeze into this small and broken toilet?

He turned to look at the bathtub and washstand next to him. There were girlish pink supplies everywhere.

At this time, Jiang Nuannuan's heart was broken into two parts, half afraid that Gu Shizhou would reveal the filling, and half focused on sighing at the cake that looked like it had been made with so much hard work.

Nowadays, there are almost no men who are willing to make cakes for girls.

Fei Jinzhao inserted the number 23 in front of the little princess on the cake.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes and looked at him, "Why is it 23?"

Fei Jinzhao was silent for a moment and said: "I will celebrate your birthday from now on, but today I will make up for what I missed before."

Since they were celebrating their birthday together, the number was her age.

So heartwarming.

Jiang Nuannuan turned off the light, and the warm candlelight flickered on Fei Jinzhao's face, making his features clear and handsome, and his slightly gray chestnut eyes were filled with light at this moment.

She held his warm hand and said softly, "Then we have to make a wish together to celebrate our birthday."


Fei Jinzhao looked at the girl in front of her who had closed her eyes, and her heart suddenly started beating violently.

He never wanted anything, but this year he had one more wish.

He only has one wish.

Jiang Nuannuan opened her eyes, with flickering candlelight in her eyes, like broken stars. She asked him with a smile, "Fei Jinzhao, did you make a wish? You opened your eyes so soon."

He looked at her and said warmly: "Okay."

"Then let's blow out the candles."

She stood up and went to the cake, blowing out the candles with him.

In the darkness, a little cream was scraped on the tip of Fei Jinzhao's nose, and a clear and successful laughter came from the other side.

He sighed and unconsciously raised the corners of his lips. He sat there without any resistance and allowed her to apply some cream on his face.

"Eat it when you're done playing."

Of course Jiang Nuannuan wouldn't just waste the cake that Fei Jin made with her own hands. She would just scratch it on his face for fun.

She turned on the light and looked at the sudden cream on his handsome face, feeling as if the flower of the high mountain had been tainted by herself.

Fei Jinzhao looked at her blankly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Nuannuan came back to her senses and smiled, "Fei Jinzhao, you are so good-looking."

The man in the position had a red face and said softly: "You have said it many times."

"You never get tired of watching it."

"Girls, stop saying these things."

Jiang Nuannuan was still smiling, and Fei Jinzhao suddenly held the back of her neck, turned her head over and rubbed her face, rubbing the cream on her face.

He curled his lips and said, "I almost forgot that you never know how to be ashamed."

Jiang Nuannuan's cheeks were reddened by the impact of her appearance at close range, and she wanted to slap his face again, "You're talking nonsense."

In the bathroom, Gu Shizhou, who heard Jiang Nuannuan repeatedly farting on another man, put his fists against the washstand and bit his back teeth hard.

She can do it.

Get mad at him.

Ah! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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