Chapter 245 No compensation

The two looked at each other for a long time in the cold night wind. He lowered his head and asked her, "Then who do you like best? Among these people."

Jiang Nuannuan asked him, "Among the women around you, who do you like best?"

He sneered, "Are they worthy of me?"

Jiang Nuannuan opened her clear eyes and said nothing, and gave him the answer.

She didn't like it either, they were the same.

He understood.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly smiled and hugged his neck, "When you can't continue this game, you will know who we like the most."

After the cigarette on his fingertips burned out, Gu Shizhou asked her again: "Except for my brother, tell me the truth, how far have you gone with them?"

Although he was a playful person, his weird side had to be clean. If this lover's game wanted to continue, she, Jiang Nuannuan, naturally had to be on the same level as him.

Jiang Nuannuan answered seriously, "They are indeed just good friends. You interrupted me before I could go any further."

Gu Shizhou took her down from the balcony, looked down at her for two seconds, and returned to his previous romantic and handsome mask appearance, "Are you brave enough to tease everyone?"

Jiang Nuannuan put her hand on his waist and said with a smile: "Aren't you the same? A guy who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger."

Gu Shizhou is far from being as cynical as he appears. Since he knows Gu Tingyan's itinerary even when he is not in the company, he also owns 30% of the group's shares, and their brothers are also the protagonists of the script, how could he be stupid.

System 66: "Alipay has received 2000 million, and Gu Shizhou's favorability is 50%. He likes your speaking skills very much."

You are the most special. Only you have seen my true face. We are the same kind of people, and this kind of thing always works well for men.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes flashed slightly.

Of course an ordinary person would be angry, but who would let it be Gu Shizhou who acted out of common sense.

A man who can play lover's games with her certainly has good psychological endurance.

"Come to the club's pool hall tomorrow."

Having promised him a date, Jiang Nuannuan readily agreed.

The next morning, Jiang Nuannuan went to the hospital to check on Fu Ying's condition.

She was not forced to have an abortion, and Zhai Lin had not been here recently, so her life was pretty good.

Zhai Lin no longer pestered her, and Fu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. "I only have one wish now, which is to go home with my child and boyfriend."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Zhai Lin probably won't go to trouble Ye Hang. It just depends on whether your family will file a lawsuit and let him go to jail."

What she said was ambiguous, but the fact was that the Fu family would definitely put Ye Hang in jail.

Fu Ying also knew what was going on, and grabbed her by the hem of her clothes, "You will help me, right? It's been so long that you should help."

Jiang Nuannuan looked down at her, "I still give you the same advice, don't regret it."

"Knock knock."

Behind me there was a cry of "Sister".

Jiang Nuannuan looked back, her eyes brightened, and her voice softened, "National, why are you here."

The little boy who was standing on a prosthetic leg slowly came over and hugged her leg, "Brother, take me to see the doctor."

Zhai Lin stood by the door, biting a lollipop and said, "He has a fever."

Jiang Nuannuan probed the child's forehead with her hand, and it was really a bit hot.

She led the person to the door and said in surprise: "How did you know he had a fever and went to pick him up?"

Zhai Lin lowered his eyes, "Wasn't that village going to be demolished before? My family has developed it."

Jiang Nuannuan: "What did you do?"

Zhai Lin said gloomily: "I went there personally and demolished several illegally constructed lands without any compensation."

He had said before that he would not make things easy for the family and would not make it easy for them to get compensation. Later, he had someone go and carefully check the approval procedures for the foundation.

In the past, rural people had many personal relationships and were not very particular about it, but he actually found out something.

The foundation of Guomin's house was falsified when it went to the relevant departments for approval in the early years. A large area was added to the land certificate, which constituted illegal construction.

If their house is demolished, they don't need to pay for the foundation at all, but at most tens of thousands for some furniture.

The family went crazy when they learned they couldn't get the money after he came to visit them as a businessman.

Jiang Nuannuan could imagine the scene of turmoil. She lowered her head and glanced at Kuomintang, "You did this and took the child out. What will he do in the future?" Originally, the child was not favored at home. There is also the risk that he will be abandoned at any time.

Zhai Lin acted impulsively, but this time he had already thought about the consequences, and said calmly: "Transfer him to the best school, with the best resources, and just pay a little money." What he lacked most was money.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and joked: "You really want to be his new father."

They had played this game before, and Guomin, who still had a slight fever, secretly held her hand and tugged on Zhai Lin's little finger.

In the child's private mind, he was indeed unhappy in that home. He loved and looked forward to having a pair of beautiful parents who didn't dislike his lack of legs.

Facing her teasing, Zhai Lin lowered his head and glanced at the boy holding his hand, and said calmly, "There's nothing wrong with it."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised and raised her hand to flick the candy stick he was biting on his lips. "You did a good job, but you have to be patient when raising children. You can't lose your temper in the future."

He looked at her for a few seconds and said, "I have a plan."

The two of them chatted at the door for a long time. Fu Ying, who was sitting by the bed and couldn't say anything, thought again and again, then slowly got in between the two of them, bent slightly and apologized to Zhai Lin, "What happened last time has never been found. Chance, I’m really sorry for treating you like that.”

Zhai Lin's thoughts on her have become much lighter recently. Whether it is disappointment or anger, his heart is like a deflated rubber ball. After denying the meaning of pursuing her, everything becomes less important.

He rarely nodded his chin at her calmly and said indifferently: "Forget it."

Fu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and raised her face to look at him again.

Zhai Lin, who doesn't lose his temper, has short blond hair, smoky gray eyes, and a smooth and delicate face, is always very attractive.

There are fundamental differences between him and Ye Hang, both in appearance and financial resources. They are two extremes.

Fu Ying suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. Thinking of her promise to Ye Hang and her children, she hurriedly turned back.

Zhai Lin didn't pay attention and just focused his attention on Jiang Nuannuan again.

She was wearing a beige long skirt today, with a plaid fur cloak draped over her shoulders, and she looked warm.

Inexplicably, he felt that he was in a good mood today and asked her, "I want to go through the procedures for a new school for him, can we go together?"

"Okay." Jiang Nuannuan naturally had no objection.

Guomin held an adult's hand on one side, and the three of them left from the door. Behind them was a family.

Fu Ying stared blankly for a while, then came to her senses and touched her bulging belly.

When a child is born, he needs to settle down, find a good school, and find a room in a school district. There are many, many things to do.

For wealthy families like them, one sentence can solve it.

She still remembered that Ye Hang once said that he would work hard to make money in the future, strive to buy a house, and give his children a complete home.

Now such a large amount of money, and the fact that he was going to jail, were like heavy clouds of worry, weighing on Fu Ying's heart.

She didn't think that the Fu family, a so-called wealthy family, would buy a house for her and have children. They just wanted her to have an abortion to curry favor with that man.

In the evening, Jiang Nuannuan had to go to the club for an appointment. Zhai Lin went crazy at the hospital last time and was evaluated by a professional doctor during this time. The two of them only ate KFC with the people one more time, so they took care of themselves first. He was placed in a residential school.

"You have to take care of his parents. It's okay to give them some money. After you save enough money, they will say that we kidnapped their children and they are going to make trouble."

Jiang Nuannuan reminded him that after all, this was someone else's child on the household register. It would be one thing whether the citizens would move out when they grow up. Now that they have shouldered this responsibility, they naturally have to let him grow up without worries.

Zhai Lin: "I know."

He asked again: "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Morning Star Club."

After giving her address, she was keenly aware that Zhai Lin was depressed. She turned her head and glanced at him leaning against the window, "What's wrong?"

Zhai Lin looked out the window and asked awkwardly after a few seconds: "Who are we going to play with?"

"A friend, we just want to talk some business and leave." Jiang Nuannuan got off the car underground, leaned over and put her hand against the window and said, "Sugar is very sweet. Eat less. What will happen to tooth decay?"

Zhai Lin snorted coldly, "I want you to take care of me, I'm not a child."

He pressed the window coldly, but the corners of his lips hidden by the glass slowly turned up.

System 66: "Alipay received 2000 million, Zhai Lin's favorability is 35%"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and turned to enter the club.

Zhou Qi also didn't expect that the beauty he had glimpsed at the fragrance venue would meet again in the club so soon.

Of course, he completely classified her as a woman who came to catch men.

A woman who can come to a club alone and has no background can only catch men.
(End of this chapter)

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