Chapter 246 Who will suffer?

Jiang Nuannuan sent a reply to Gu Shizhou on her mobile phone. She was downstairs, and the way she was walking with her head lowered was blocked by someone.

She bumped her head into the chest of the man's suit, then said sorry and looked up, her eyes froze.

Zhou Qi admired her unexpected expression, straightened her chest, and showed a kind smile.

"meet again."

This guy doesn't look bad, but when he smiles, he looks bohemian and has no good intentions.

Jiang Nuannuan turned off her phone, "It's quite a coincidence."

"My name is Zhou Qi. It's fate that we meet for the second time. Come in and have a drink together?"

The man ordered someone to push open the box door. Inside, the lights were dazzling, the music was sexy, and several couples of men and women were dancing closely on the small dance floor.

"I have an appointment, next time."

Jiang Nuannuan turned sideways to leave, and someone grabbed her arm. Zhou Qi said with a smile: "Don't worry, Miss Jiang. The Jiang family has driven out of the house to rely on the fake daughter who pretends to be a mistress. Who are you not? Don't be a fool." I’m setting up a memorial arch now, and I’ve successfully aroused your interest, so you want to play with me?”

She frowned and looked at him, "Have you investigated me?"

These words were directly misinterpreted by Zhou Qi, and she admitted her disgraceful things.

He felt that Fu Shiliu's words were quite reliable and brought him such a delicious little dessert.

Zhou Qi took her wrist and pulled her into his arms, "Why is it an investigation? Your matter was such a big deal before, who doesn't know about it?"

Jiang Nuannuan narrowed her eyes.

An inappropriate word like "being a mistress" cannot be exposed. Gu Tingyan has always been very good at keeping secrets in this regard, and no one will seek death on him.

Who told Zhou Qi?He didn't look like he knew the truth, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to touch her if he had only ten courages.

After thinking for a few seconds, she was pushed into the box, her phone dropped on the ground at the door, and she shouted that there was a call.

Jiang Nuannuan was pulled to the sofa and looked at the wine glass raised to her eyes with a hint of meaning in her eyes.

She should know who it is, but to hit her with a gun at this time is not to seek death.


She also helped to add fuel to the flames.

Jiang Nuannuan put down her bag, touched it, and found that her phone was missing.

She frowned and looked at Zhou Qi, "Can I drink juice?"

There was a laugh from the couples dancing in front.

One of the club's escort girls said to her: "Don't pretend to be a pure girl when you come to a place like this."

All crows in the world are black, so tell her to stop pretending.

Zhou Qi forcefully raised her wrist to hold the wine glass. With just a little force, a few finger marks appeared on her well-maintained and delicate wrist.

Jiang Nuannuan held the wine glass and pursed her lips tightly, as if she would not give in.

Zhou Qi was very interested in this type of hard-to-get game. He held her wrist with his fingertips and rubbed it, "I have been a little princess in the Jiang family for so many years, and I never had the chance to treat you to a glass of wine. I'm so disrespectful." ?”

"No medicine, right?" Jiang Nuannuan asked him, his eyes were very straightforward.

With such a beautiful face and such a character, Zhou Qi laughed loudly, "I don't force women, they usually pretend to be drunk and crawl into my bed."

A young man from a rich family will always encounter some women who will crawl on him with a look on his face.

Jiang Nuannuan concluded with just one glance that the man was not lying, so she held the wine glass and raised her head to drink.

The strong liquor entered her throat. It was hotter than anything she had ever drunk before. It burned into her stomach like fire, so she held back.

On the top floor of the club, the swimming pool is glowing with blue water. In the billiards room next to it, a man in a blue shirt frequently lowers his head to look at his mobile phone.

After calling her five times and not answering her phone, this woman let him go?

With a depressed look on his face, Gu Shizhou threw his cell phone on the table, knocked open a colored ball, and dropped it into his bag with a clang.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Bai Liang asked cowardly: "What? Did Jiang Nuannuan not come in even when she reached the door? Your charm has never worked on that woman."

Gu Shizhou glanced at him, suppressed his emotions, took the phone back, and called the front desk directly, "Has Jiang Nuannuan come in?"

The club has a real-name system, and everyone who comes in is registered. As the top VIP, Gu Shizhou quickly got the answer. "Ms. Jiang arrived half an hour ago."

His face suddenly darkened, "Fuck."

If people arrive but don’t come up, where can they go?
Gu Shizhou ordered in a cold voice: "Go check the surveillance camera and find the person for me."

Bai Liang: "What? Someone took your little princess away first?"

He hung up the phone, rolled up his shirt sleeves, and walked out the door.

Bai Liang, who was playing ball at the next table, raised his eyebrows when he saw him in such a hurry.

It looks like someone is going to suffer tonight.

After drinking three half-full glasses of wine in a row, Jiang Nuannuan felt sick to her stomach. The alcohol content was very high. She quickly lost the energy and leaned back on the soft sofa. She looked at the newly handed glass of wine in front of her, without any panic in her heart.

Zhou Qi put his hand on her shoulder and asked her in a gentle voice: "Who is your current sponsor? Have you considered changing to another one?"

Jiang Nuannuan pressed her temples with her fingertips and looked at him, "I usually like to visit auction exhibitions when I have nothing to do. My monthly fixed expenses are hundreds of millions. If Master Zhou accepts it, I can consider it."

What she told was the truth, but Zhou Qi thought it was a joke, "Which scapegoat would dare to spend so much money on a woman?"

"You tell me a more precise number and I'll think about it."

His hand gradually went down her back and was held down by Jiang Nuannuan. Her eyes became dangerous for no reason.

"Mr. Zhou, you're still not letting me go even after drinking. Why don't you help me answer a question."

"Is there a reward?" Zhou Qi felt that her hand was very soft, and it felt like soft cotton on the back of his hand, and his eyes were a little deeper.

"What's your relationship with Fu Shiliu, partners? She wants you to tease me like this."

"Oh, if nothing unexpected happens, I plan to marry her." Zhou Qi said with a smile: "I didn't cooperate with her, I was just reminded a little bit."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but stare at the red lips that were opening and closing, and he lifted her chin to kiss her.

There was a commotion at the door. Jiang Nuannuan heard it and suppressed her intention to smash the wine glass on his head.

The box door was kicked open, and the thick soundproof door fell to the wall and was sucked. Light and shadow poured in from the door.

Gu Shizhou stood there with an angry look on his face and saw Jiang Nuannuan being pressed on the sofa.

Everyone inside knew him, and seeing that he looked like he was looking for trouble, they became silent for a moment and restrained their movements.

The hand on Jiang Nuannuan's shoulder also retracted under the man's dangerous gaze.

Zhou Qi sat on the sofa with a surprised expression, and bravely stood up to greet him, "Second Master Gu, long time no see."

Their family is engaged in trade, and they are not a prominent family. They have taken over a lot of cooperation under the Gu Group, so they naturally respect the second master.

Jiang Nuannuan slowly put down her wine glass, raised her eyes to meet Gu Shizhou's gaze, tugged her lips, and her soft tone seemed to be complaining, "You came so slowly."

As soon as the words came out, Zhou Qi's eyes suddenly turned frightened.

they know each other?

Damn it, the person behind the Jiang Nuannuan that Fu Shiliu said was being taken care of was this cynical prince?

Gu Shizhou snorted softly from his nose. His anxious pace slowed down after finding her. He walked into the box, bent down and picked up the empty wine bottle on the table, bumped it in his palm, and said slowly: "We are doing business now. Big, you have the guts to detain my people."

After Zhou Qi realized who the person behind Jiang Nuannuan was, he was strong and calm, "I just invited Miss Jiang to drink two glasses of wine. How can I arrest someone? Second Master and I are friends. Just take her back."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and felt a little headache.

Seeing her curled up on the sofa in discomfort, her face turned pale.

Gu Shizhou's eyes narrowed slightly, his jaw tightened, and his masseter muscles tightened.

Gu Shizhou, who didn't smile, lost his grace and became domineering.

No one reacted, and he hit Zhou Qi's head with a bottle, which was very cruel.

A shocking scream scared the people in the box and wanted to run away. The bodyguards who followed blocked the door and no one could escape.

Gu Shizhou held the broken bottle in one hand, grabbed Zhou Qi's hair, and brutally pressed his face onto the cold marble table, pushing him into a pile of broken glass shards.

(End of this chapter)

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