Chapter 247 Gentleness covered with cruelty
While doing such a cruel thing, he still acted like an innocent person, playing with the half-broken wine bottle in his hand and pressing it against Zhou Qi's carotid artery.

"Who is your friend?"

"Why are you so obsessed with it? Are you going to touch my people?"

His tone was light and fell into the ears of another group of people.

They were like a group of sardines, trembling and huddled together, constantly apologizing after Gu Shizhou.

"We don't know this lady, and we don't know that she is the second master's son."


Although it was Zhou Qi's fault and they didn't know why they had to apologize, they were right to admit their mistake.

Zhou Qi almost fainted from the pain. He had rarely failed in flirting with girls before. This time he was kicked directly. He was afraid that his family's business would be affected. He also hated Fu Shiliu and hated her for not speaking clearly.

Being a lover also depends on whose lover you are.

He actually became lustful and wanted to get someone into bed without knowing it clearly, but he failed.

He howled like a pig, "It was Fu Shiliu who told me she could play whatever she wanted! She told me! I'm sorry, Master!"

Jiang Nuannuan's curled up body on the sofa moved, her chin resting on her knees, her expression a little dazed.

"She actually wanted you to have sex with me? How bad is that?"

She knew exactly how to start a fight at a critical moment.

Gu Shizhou chuckled softly, curling his affectionate peach blossom eyes to hide his cruelty, and then disappeared.

"It's very bad, that's why this hand is so dishonest."

He took one of Zhou Qi's left hands and forced his palm against the countertop, right in front of his eyes, letting him watch the broken bottle pierce into his palm.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, and the box was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Zhou Qi's screams could be heard clearly even in the corridor.

Gu Shizhou chuckled, "This will help you remember better."

A group of young people crowded together and looked at him as if they were the king of hell. They screamed in fear and their palms began to hurt.

They all looked at Jiang Nuannuan, who was numbed by alcohol on the sofa, and looked at her with pleading eyes.

If this person is not stopped, they will die.

As long as Gu Shizhou understands who the mastermind behind it is, half of the goal will be achieved. The rest depends on how he will perform. The results obtained by tonight's sacrifice are not bad.

She put her legs down on the sofa and stood up unsteadily. When the man at the table saw this, he pulled out the bloody half of the wine bottle and threw it on the ground. He walked over and picked him up.

"Drink a lot?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and groaned uncomfortably, "Let's go, I want to vomit."

Gu Shizhou hugged the person tightly, glanced at the half-dead Zhou Qi, and said, "This matter is not over yet."

Seeing him walking away with the person in his arms, and the people in the box rushing out of the door, the waiter dared to call 120 for an ambulance.

Gu Shizhou took the person up to the top floor. Bai Liang put down his club and watched him come in with the person in his arms. He walked up and asked, "Who made the person become like this?"

Gu Shizhou was too lazy to pay attention to him, kicked open the door of the lounge, and said coolly: "You wait outside first."

He kicked the door open, carried her to the toilet, held her waist against the washstand and patted her gently, "Okay, vomit."

Her stomach was burning, Jiang Nuannuan lay there and retched several times, but nothing came out, and her throat was uncomfortable.

Looking at the man behind him in the mirror with red eyes, he said in a hoarse voice: "It feels uncomfortable."

It feels so uncomfortable that I want to vomit but can't.

Gu Shizhou turned her over, put his fingers on her lips and rubbed them, "Shall I help you?"

He wanted to stick his finger in, but Jiang Nuannuan quickly bit it with his teeth and said vaguely: "No, I won't vomit."

It's disgusting to have her throat pressed, but she doesn't want it.

Seeing the disgust in her eyes, Gu Shizhou didn't force it. He pulled out a towel and wiped her mouth with the tip of his tongue touching his teeth, feeling a little angry: "You won't answer my call? Just sit and wait for me to come?"

"I lost my phone and I can't call you. Why are you being so mean?"

Jiang Nuannuan tugged on his collar and muttered dissatisfiedly, her cheeks were red from the alcohol, there were tears in the corners of her eyes, and she looked pitiful.

Gu Shizhou held her face and softened his tone, "I didn't mean to blame you or hurt you."

If you want to blame it, it’s also those few who don’t have eyesight.

Why was she so drunk tonight and why was she almost played? He had to take it back.There is no reason for one of our own people to be bullied in vain.

He carried her to sit on the bed, bent down and took off her shoes, pulled the quilt and covered her, "Lie here."

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his wrist, opened a slit of her eyes, and asked him hummingly, "Why are you going?"

She looked so coquettish and beautiful that Gu Shizhou couldn't help but leaned over to her lips, "What are you doing? Now you can't bear to let me go for a while?"

She nodded and hummed honestly.

So good.

Gu Shizhou wondered why she became so obedient after drinking.

He lowered his head and pecked her lips, "I'm going to get something and I'll be back soon."

Only then did Jiang Nuannuan let go.

After the door to the lounge was closed, Gu Shizhou called the service desk and asked them to bring some hangover soup.

Bai Liang handed him a cigarette and lit it with a lighter to his lips. "What's going on? An ambulance just came. Is it you who lost your hand to that boy Zhou Qi and ended up in the hospital?"

Gu Shizhou leaned towards the side door and took a puff of cigarette. After exhaling, he said, "Just a reminder, if the person is not dead, just let him get a simple bandage. I will see him discharged here tomorrow."

Bai Liang raised his eyebrows and asked him, "Is this over?"

"Of course there will be no end to the people who want to have sex with me."

Gu Shizhou sneered and flicked the ashes of his cigarette, "You can invite Fu Shiliu in my name tomorrow."

Bai Liang couldn't help but stand up straight, "What do you want to do? What does this have to do with your first love?"

After a few seconds, he came to his senses, "Is Fu Shiliu really involved? This woman is really capable when she grows up."

This relationship that had become dark history was brought out by Bai Liang as a joke. Gu Shizhou glanced at him and admitted frankly, "Young people are blind when choosing people."

After saying that, he stabbed him again, "Are you separated from Hang Panxia? I haven't seen her recently."

When he mentioned this, Bai Liang suppressed his smile and said lightly, "It's just a tantrum. The birdcage is only so big. If she wants resources, she has to fly back."

The waiter brought sobering soup. Gu Shizhou put out his cigarette and took the tray, "I'll feed her some soup. You go first."

Seeing him serving people like this, Bai Liang felt ridiculous and sympathetic.

It's ridiculous that Gu Shizhou can also serve women, and it's pity that he is serving his elder brother's lover.

In short, she can't offend anyone. The person who tricked her is really unthinkable.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed Fu Shiliu's number, "Shi Zhou invites you to come to the club for a party tomorrow. Are you coming? Dress nicely."

Fu Shiliu on the other end was surprised by the sudden invitation, and said reservedly: "If he invited me, I would come."

For this reason, she went into the cloakroom and opened the entire wardrobe to pick out tomorrow's jersey, with her eyes full of the relationship they were about to repair.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned on the bed and watched Gu Shizhou coming over with a bowl of hangover soup. It was rare for him to see her weak and weak. He sat on the edge of the bed, picked up a spoon, took a spoonful of soup, and put it to her mouth, "I'll feed you." you."

This was a novel experience for both of them.

Jiang Nuannuan touched the soup with the tip of her tongue. It was so hot that she shrank back and said in a hoarse voice, "It's very hot. Blow on it first."

The man took a sip himself and said, "It's hot."

Then he did as he was told and blew on the spoon, then handed it to her and said, "Try again."

Jiang Nuannuan took another sip and felt much better this time.

Her frown relaxed a little, and she felt much better after being fed more than half a bowl of hot soup.

Gu Shizhou put down the bowl and watched her huddle up under the quilt again, her lips moistened and red.

He thought for a while and asked her, "Sleep here first tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and responded lazily.

"Pretty good."

Gu Shizhou raised one lip, touched her face, unbuttoned the bloody shirt, and entered the bathroom while taking it off.

Half an hour later, the sound of the shower stopped in the bathroom. The man in a black bathrobe lifted up the quilt and got on the bed at the other end. He leaned next to her and propped his head up to look at her drunken look with disheveled hair. "I didn't do anything tonight. Quite a loss.”

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't fall asleep because her stomach ached. She opened her eyes and looked at him. Her voice was like a little hook hooking into his heart, "Gu Shizhou, I have a stomachache."

The man's warm body quickly came close to her, his lips pressed against her forehead and asked in a low voice: "Then let me touch you?"

(End of this chapter)

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