Chapter 251
Gu Shizhou had a sullen face and laughed angrily at her.

"You think I'm Teddy? You pounce on everyone you meet?"

"I just put you in my bed last night, okay? Or does the bed in the club not count? You stay here tonight and we can discuss health issues in depth?"

He became very violent when provoked.

But of course Jiang Nuannuan knew that he was clean and slutty on the outside, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll stay here tonight."

This time it was Gu Shizhou's turn to be stunned, and his anger suddenly leaked out. After a few seconds, he said, "How dare you, Jiang Nuannuan, to provoke me."

She smiled, "Are we lovers? It's normal to have an affair."

Gu Shizhou was a little frustrated. He couldn't express his anger or curse. He was still vaguely looking forward to sleeping together at night.

After a small commotion caused by a sexy video passed, Jiang Nuannuan finally opened the cake box successfully and took out the small cake inside.

Gu Shizhou sorted out the scripts on the table, except for the book she had read and spread out, which he left alone.

"Originally, you were also going on a date with me today." He put the script in front of her and said calmly: "How about you give me a line?"


He didn't make any excessive demands, just a line. Jiang Nuannuan took the script and said, "Which part? I don't have much experience, so I may just read in vernacular."

Gu Shizhou flipped through a few pages and clicked on a certain clip, "I came across this two days ago, and I just needed a woman to play with."

She leaned over and took a few glances, then raised her eyes to look at him, "I play the cannon fodder demon concubine."

Gu Shizhou nodded, "Okay?"

Jiang Nuannuan poked at the only line, "But I only have one sentence."

He hummed calmly again.

She said: "Your Majesty, it's time to take medicine? Is this it?"

Gu Shizhou: "Otherwise? You are just a villain who is killed as soon as you appear."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Okay, I'll cooperate with you. Where's the medicine?"

He pointed to a piece of cake that had already been cut on the coffee table.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Okay."

She picked up the cake and turned to look. Gu Shizhou was already sitting on the sofa, with one hand on the armrest. He seemed to be sitting in a loose posture. Because of the serious mood on his handsome face, his aura changed instantly.

That petty man turned into a majestic emperor in the blink of an eye.

He lowered his eyes, stretched out his hand to her, and said in a gentle voice, "It's cold, why are you here again?"

Seeing him enter the scene immediately, Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly and leaned into his arms, picked up the extremely unexpected piece of cake, and said in a stiff voice: "Your Majesty, it's time to take the medicine."

Just like this embarrassing scene that made her laugh out loud for a second, Gu Shizhou stared at her eyes without a hint of smile, and his gentle tone was like water falling into a cold pool, with a chill, "Counting the time from golden autumn to now, it will be a whole year." In March, I love my concubine without taking any medicine, and I feel sorry for my body."

His behavior made Jiang Nuannuan suppress the smile on her lips, and her back felt cold.

She scooped out a spoonful of cake and obediently held it to his lips.

The man chuckled, his peach blossom eyes were quiet and eerie, and the dark light in his eyes almost sucked her in.

The big palm caressed her back, and he sighed in a deep tone, "Forget it, just feed the orphan."

He opened his mouth to eat the cake, and the hand that was caressing her waist instantly grabbed her neck, pushed her against the sofa, and gagged her hard.

The sweetness of the cream spread on the tips of her teeth. Jiang Nuannuan, who was forced to take a bite of the cake, was a little speechless. Gu Shizhou, with the cream on his lips, stared at her arrogantly and evilly for a few seconds, then said slowly: "It doesn't feel right. Again."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She ate the cake in her mouth and was a little angry, "Why didn't I know there was this plot behind it?"

Gu Shizhou leisurely took the script and turned a page, "Because it is my part, the medicine will be returned to you after you die."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the script and then at him, "Are you so dedicated? Are you even going to skip this part?"

"Oh, there is a substitute kisser. I have to borrow my seat later, but I still have to find your mood first." Gu Shizhou wiped the cream on the corner of his lower lip with his fingertips, looked at her and said, "Go on, I will adjust my mood."

Jiang Nuannuan listened to his bad excuse and as soon as the cake was put away, she didn't want to play anymore.Gu Shizhou immediately held her wrist and asked lightly: "You said you let me do whatever you want, does that count?"

She sat back again, picked up the small piece of cake, gritted her teeth and said, "If you eat a piece of cake, do you need to do so much foreplay?"

Gu Shizhou: "We are playing against each other."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." You are very confident.

She finally understood that he must compare Fei Jinzhao and her about eating cake.

Jiang Nuannuan held the small cake again and said, "Okay."

Throughout the afternoon, she told her countless times that it was time for the emperor to take medicine, but Gu Shizhou ate the cake every time and stuffed it in her mouth.

The strawberries on the cake were crushed between his lips, full of sweet and sour juice, and he chased them and tasted them all.

He always had all kinds of excuses. After saying all the lines that followed, he felt that it was not okay and kissed him again and again.

The kisses were all different, each one mixed with desire, like an endless role-playing game that had long gone beyond the scope of the script.

A whole 6-inch cake was eaten by two people in an incredible frolic.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know how long she had been kept in check by him, and finally she sat on his lap with her belly propped up, unable to breathe. The sunset outside was slowly setting, and the room was half dark.

Gu Shizhou played with her hair, feeling comfortable and asked, "How are you going to celebrate the New Year?"

Remembering that it was almost the Chinese New Year, Jiang Nuannuan replied briefly: "I don't know."

She really hasn't thought about this issue, but there is a high probability that she will accompany Fei Jinzhao.

He was the only one, and the other two pairs of brothers must be with his family. There was no need for her to cause trouble for herself and get involved.

But this year has passed, and Zhai Heng is 29.

Thinking that he was going to die in his thirties, Jiang Nuannuan felt a little relieved.

She also had to mention her trip with him as soon as possible, but where to go?
Compared to her being lost in thought, Gu Shizhou had more ideas, "Remember the code lock here and wait for me at home to celebrate the New Year? At that time, my brother probably has Feixin in his hands and has no time to take care of you."

In his eyes, it was only a matter of time before they broke up.

Jiang Nuannuan straightened up against his chest, "Let's talk about it later."

She got off his lap and listened to 66's report on the progress of the 56% favorable impression. It was no surprise that Gu Shizhou wanted to spend the New Year with her.

"Borrow a charger."

Jiang Nuannuan charged up her mobile phone and saw a lot of news coming in, as well as several missed calls from Gu Tingyan.

She opened the Weibo headlines and played the pinned video.

#富士集团, a major real estate company, today announced that the young master who has been living abroad has returned to the family#
#Feixin officially announced her marriage to the president of Gu Group in spring next year. #
Both of these pieces of news came out in a video from the venue.

The introduction of Fei Jinzhao appearing in public as an illegitimate son was very short, and more of the news was about wearing a suit and standing side by side with Fei Xin for an interview.

Jiang Nuannuan understood that Fei Jinzhao's counterattack was about to begin.

During the Chinese New Year this year, she will probably be the only one left.

Gu Tingyan's call came in just a moment after she turned on the phone.

Jiang Nuannuan answered.


She said: "Have afternoon tea outside."

"Let's talk tonight."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Are you talking about the news? Gu Tingyan, you don't keep your word and you lied to me again."

The man was silent and explained in a deep voice: "The news is false. I will not marry Feixin. I will get home at nine o'clock tonight and I will tell you the answers to all your questions."

(End of this chapter)

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