Chapter 252 Explained
She looked back at Gu Shizhou on the sofa, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Nuannuan said, "I have to leave tonight, your brother is back."

He pursed his lips and clasped his hands lightly on his legs, "You want to leave as soon as your pants are lifted?"

Jiang Nuannuan unplugged the data cable and walked back, "Send it to me."

As soon as his brother comes, he, Gu Shizhou, has to be a qualified lover and give up his throne.

The man clicked his tongue, picked up the key on the table and stood up, "Did you sign the agreement? Two years?"

In the few words he just said, he guessed most of it.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, at first your brother came to me because I looked like Fu Shiliu, and he signed a two-year lover agreement with me."

Gu Shizhou held her wrist and pulled her back from the door, "Now that there is only one year left, you two will break up?"

His eyes shimmered, and after receiving a positive answer, the corners of his lips curled up, and he took the initiative to open the door for her in a good mood, "Then I did something wrong."

"what's up?"

"Fu Shiliu should be returned to him, how can he be given to Zhou Qi as his wife." He walked her into the car, helped her fasten her seat belt, and said: "Next time, let's go together to help my brother."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him for a few seconds, "What are you thinking about? You don't want to play the game anymore?"

Gu Shizhou's eyes darkened and he snorted coldly, "No way."

She returned to Sunshine Huating, charged up her mobile phone, and called Fei Jinzhao.

The other end rang for a long time before picking up.

"Hello." Fei Jinzhao left the hospital lobby and entered a quiet corner.

Jiang Nuannuan cheered up and said in a shocked tone: "I saw the news, Fei Jinzhao, you have a family again. Are you still used to the life there?"

He leaned against the white wall, listened quietly to her voice, and said softly: "I'm getting used to it."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Will life be very difficult in the future?"

"will not."

To him, the hardships of growing up, the hardships of struggle, and the hardships of being young are all the same.

"Master Fei, come and do a blood test."

The nurse's voice came from the end of the corridor. Fei Jin turned around and said, "I'm busy first."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't miss that sentence, frowned and asked, "Where are you? Is it the hospital?"

"Well, I'm just here for a routine physical check-up." Fei Jinzhao whispered, "Nothing's wrong."

Jiang Nuannuan was a little worried, "Okay, no matter what, if you need help, call me anytime and I will come."

Before hanging up the phone, Fei Jinzhao called her in a low voice, "Jiang Nuannuan."


There was silence on the other side for a few seconds, "Remember to eat well and wait for me to pick you up."

"Know it."

Fei Jinzhao put away her phone and entered the blood drawing room.

After a series of examinations, he will extract part of the bone marrow and donate it to his nominal father. The reward he will receive is a new identity and a dying game company.

He agreed to a fair deal, which led to the headlines on the major pages today.

Nine p.m.

Jiang Nuannuan was sitting in the living room drawing design drawings. Gu Tingyan opened the door to go home and walked straight towards her.

"I am back."

She put down her pen and raised her head to see him pulling off his tie. There was still a frame on his nose, and he looked like he was busy working in the car.

Immediately, she was lifted up from the ground and placed on his lap by Gu Tingyan.

He looked very tired, and his eyes behind the glasses were red and bloodshot after staying up late.

"Have you been busy until now?"


Jiang Nuannuan reached out and took off his glasses, and his head came over, leaning on her shoulders, his thick shoulders relaxed.

She put her arms around his neck, not touching his gelled hair, and said distressedly: "How many days have you not slept?" "Two days, I slept for a while on the plane back at midnight."

He put his arm around her waist, bowed slightly, and pressed closer to her. He didn't speak for a long time. He was really tired.

Jiang Nuannuan sat on his lap, hugged him for a while, and patted his back, "Shall we go upstairs? You take a shower and go to bed first, and we can talk tomorrow?"

He stood up slowly and carried her upstairs, his voice hoarse, "Wash together?"

"I've washed up and will wait for you on the bed."

Jiang Nuannuan was placed in the bedroom by him, opened the closet and got him a nightgown, "Go."

The sound of water rang in the bathroom, and Gu Tingyan's cell phone rang at the same time. She leaned over and took a look. It was Li Zhu's.

She didn't answer.

After the call ended, another unsigned number came in.

Jiang Nuannuan still didn't care. She didn't interfere in Gu Tingyan's personal affairs.

After sitting on the edge of the bed with a hair dryer and waiting for a while, the man came out with a bath towel around his waist.

He faintly heard several phone calls coming in.

"Who called?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I don't know, please answer it first."

She put down the hair dryer and prepared to avoid it.

Five or six strange numbers came in one after another, and she actually had a guess.

"Come here." Gu Tingyan glanced at the phone and ignored it, saying in a tired voice, "Don't you have a hair dryer? Let me dry my hair first."

He sat on the edge of the bed and spread his long legs. Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, walked back to plug in the hair dryer, and then stood between his legs.

Gu Tingyan lowered his head at the right time and said, "Blow."

There was a whistling wind, and soft fingers were intertwined in his hair. His strong body was slightly arched, looking very submissive.

During this period, the phone rang several times, masked by the sound of the hair dryer.

Gu Tingyan frowned, his strong chest rising and falling as he breathed, feeling unhappy.

My hair was dried and my phone stopped ringing.

He raised his head and looked up at Jiang Nuannuan who was standing with her messy hair pushed back a few times, revealing his mature and handsome appearance.

He closed one leg, asked her to sit down, held her waist and tilted his head to look at her, "Do you want me to explain?"

Their eyes met, Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "You say."

Gu Tingyan didn't want to wait until tomorrow. After destroying the agreement and understanding his feelings, he had too many things to tell her.

He told Jiang Nuannuan about the potential conflicts within the family, the overt and covert siding of shareholders, the risk of being jointly impeached by his father to seize the throne, and some of the secrets involved in the specific cooperation with Feixin.

Before Mr. Gu went to prison, he was imprisoned because of his short-sightedness, failed investments, and broken capital chain.

Following him are a group of old shareholders with similar ages and similar personalities who stayed in Gu's family. They used their status to interfere in many major and minor affairs of the group, overtly or covertly. Now, a young man named Gu Tingyan is riding on his head, and he has also seized the power to prohibit some money transactions. Makes them very unhappy.

Now that Mr. Gu has come back and wants Gu Tingyan's position, he must unite with a group of old people to pull him down.

With Gu Shizhou's 30% support and the shares of old shareholders, it would be easy to impeach him.

The reason why they have to wait until the spring of next year is that Gu Tingyan wants to use Feixin's name and her hands to throw out the tainted evidence of those people's past and force them to sell their shares and live with their tail between their legs.

Except for Gu Shizhou's part of the shares that he won't move, he wants to cut off all the old people who are working against him, take away the shares, and take complete control of the group.

Doing these things would have taken a lot of time and energy. Gu Tingyan had planned it a long time ago. The decision to get married at the beginning was also to add a layer of protection for himself.

Jiang Nuannuan listened carefully. She had a general understanding of these things. Gu Tingyan worked hard and traveled around, just to settle the matter as soon as possible.

He was doing it for her, but not entirely.

Even without her, he would have reached this point, but as a businessman, he lost his stability as a hunter and desperately wanted her.

Marriage between wealthy families and strong alliances were a step up to the next level for Gu Tingyan, but now he gave up.

Jiang Nuannuan looked into his dark eyes and said warmly: "Actually, I thought about it for a long time after you called me."

(End of this chapter)

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