Chapter 263 The sky is blue and the water is hot

Gu Shizhou turned sideways and circled her directly in front of the kitchen counter from behind, "I can't control you."

A kiss fell on her ear, and then he kissed her down densely.

Jiang Nuannuan took a breath and grabbed his hair with her backhand, "Gu Shizhou."

The roots of his hair hurt from being scratched by her. The man pressed the corners of his lips and straightened up, "You continue."

"Don't get so close."


Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to simply mix a vegetable salad in a glass bowl, put two forks in it, turned around and said, "Okay, let's go out to eat."

Gu Shizhou straightened up, grabbed a handful of his messy hair, and pulled her to sit on the sofa.

He held the fork and held the vegetable leaves to her mouth.

"I have it myself." Jiang Nuannuan raised the fork in his hand, and he leaned over and took a bite of the vegetables on it.

"It's gone now."

She was speechless for a few seconds, and finally opened her mouth to eat the vegetable leaves he fed.

This salad dressing is quite delicious.

Gu Shizhou felt a little itchy when he saw the white salad dressing on the corner of her mouth and the fork on the top of the bowl.

"Fu Shiliu will get married early next year."

Jiang Nuannuan said in surprise: "Still getting married? Has she decided to get married again? Marry Zhou Qi?"

She sat down next to him, her crossed legs pressed against him, and a small part of her white ankle was exposed from her trousers.

Gu Shizhou fed her vegetables again, and watched as more and more salad dressing stuck to her lips and was licked clean by her tongue. Repeatedly, his eyes became darker and darker.

He said in a deep voice: "If you don't marry Zhou Qi, what else can you do?"

Jiang Nuannuan licked the salad dressing at the corner of her lips, thinking so.

"Are you going to the wedding?" Gu Shizhou asked viciously.

Jiang Nuannuan gave him a roll of her eyes.

Gu Tingyan didn't leave a way out for Fu Shiliu at all. The leakage of those sexy photos was a big stain on her. Apart from Zhou Qi himself, which young man from the upper class would be willing to marry her without losing his face?

She was going to attend the wedding, and Fu Shiliu would probably interpret it as a winner showing off his power.

Only fools go.

Gu Shizhou put the half-empty glass bowl on the coffee table, turned back, held her ankle and pulled her towards him.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't sit still and fell into the sofa.

The person in front of her leaned down and asked in her ear: "Are you full?"

"When you're full, get up." She pursed her lips and looked at the lust in his eyes, knowing what he was going to do.

She reached out to cover her mouth, but Gu Shizhou grabbed her first, leaned over and ate the remaining salad dressing at the corner of her lips.

Jiang Nuannuan's skin was too white, and there was a slight blush on her face, which seemed to be deliberately tempting.

Gu Shizhou kissed her and whispered, "It's time to take a shower after eating."

"What? No. Uh."

Her hair covering the sofa was swaying in the air. Gu Shizhou hugged her and stood up. She almost fell backwards and quickly hooked her arms around his neck.

The cell phone on the table rang.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly turned to look, "Mobile phone! Mobile phone! I want to answer the phone!"

She moved restlessly and tried to break away, but Gu Shizhou stopped and held her hand and fell down.

Jiang Nuannuan froze suddenly, clinging to his shoulders, her face turned red, "How could you do this?"

"I don't have much patience. I can just hold you and answer the phone." Gu Shizhou said and hugged her to walk back.

"No more!" Jiang Nuannuan's eyes turned red and she screamed, "Hold me up."

She hooked her legs around his waist and pushed up with all her strength, trying to escape.

Gu Shizhou curled his lips and smiled, opened the bathroom door with his foot and took her in.

"What are you shy about?"

There was no light in the bathroom, so he didn't put the person down. He just leaned against the cold tile wall and said in a low and seductive voice: "I just want to prove to you that I really have no experience in this area."

Jiang Nuannuan hugged his neck, and the coolness on her back made her skin crawl. "It's cold."

Gu Shizhou turned on the shower next to her with one hand, and hot water suddenly poured down from her head. Her heart skipped a beat, and a cry of surprise filled her mouth.

In the dark, anything you do is twice as exciting.

"Has Fei Jinzhao ever done this to you? Or is it my brother?"


Jiang Nuannuan pushed him with her hand and shouted tremblingly: "My clothes!"

My sweater is wet and stuck to my body. How can I wear it tomorrow?

She thought about this question for a few seconds before being stripped down to the decorative suspender belt underneath.

Gu Shizhou pinched her waist, bit her shoulder that was soaked in hot water, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll ask someone to deliver it tomorrow morning, both inside and outside."

The hot water quickly heated up the tiled walls, and he pushed the hair stuck to his face away.

The hot water on top of his head was a little too small. Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly opened his eyes. The muscle lines under his fingers felt so good.

She curled her fingertips and listened to his temptation again: "Come and try, Jiang Nuannuan, can I do it cleanly?"

Two in the morning.

The bathroom door opened again, and a white steam came out.

Jiang Nuannuan was wrapped in a blanket and went to bed.

My fingers are weak and my legs don't want to move.

She still adhered to the final bottom line, but she was basically manipulated by him.

Gu Shizhou calmed down because he was depressed about being left out tonight.

She was his willing lover, he cooperated with her, and she also gave him a surprise tonight.

He is a good brother who owes a lot to his noble moral character.

He began to expect that when their agreement was up, he would get her over.

Jiang Nuannuan shrank when the blanket was taken off her body, and her warm body and quilt were quickly wrapped around her.

She opened her eyes and pushed him again, "I want to wear pajamas."

"I don't have your clothes." He hugged her and didn't let go, "I'll send them to you tomorrow."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Even though she was very uncomfortable, she was extremely tired and fell asleep quickly.

Gu Shizhou touched her smooth back, tangled his fingers in her hair and played with it for a while before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

7:[-] am.

Jiang Nuannuan woke up from the cold and felt itchy on her legs. When she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Shizhou grabbing one of her legs and applying medicine.

I got some scratches last night.

Seeing her looking over with sleepy eyes and a few hairs on her head, Gu Shizhou spread his legs and knelt at the end of the bed, with his V-neck nightgown loosely spread to his abdomen. He raised his eyes and smiled lazily at her, "You can't help but tossing like this? Your skin will break if you move." "

Jiang Nuannuan kicked him in the chest, but he held his ankle and pushed him back.

"do not move."

She was now like a naked loach, hurriedly pressing the quilt on her legs.

"what time is it?"

"Seven o'clock."

Jiang Nuannuan sat up wrapped in quilt and pushed him away, "Clothes, clothes, I have to go back to pack my luggage for my 10 o'clock flight, I can't be late."

Gu Shizhou took out a piece of paper to wipe his hands and carried the bag next to the door.

Jiang Nuannuan changed her clothes. They really looked suitable inside and out, and she had a very fashionable taste.

"Why a skirt? It's not convenient."

She looked down and thought that she was going to a mountainous area and had to go back and change her clothes.

Gu Shizhou raised his eyes and sat on the bed, illuminated by the morning sun, like a fox.

"The skin is already broken. Are you worried that it doesn't hurt to put on pants?"

(End of this chapter)

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