Chapter 264
Jiang Nuannuan hummed: "Thank you, you are so thoughtful."

"But." He got off the bed and walked to her, "I remember you opened your studio to Linggang, and you mainly draw design drawings. Where are you going on a business trip?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "I often do charity work."

She turned around and went to the living room to get her bag. The discomfort between her legs made her twist a little.

Gu Shizhou was quite satisfied with his masterpiece. He gathered up his nightgown, took the car keys and walked over to pick him up, "I'll take you back."

More than one person called Jiang Nuannuan last night.

There are those from Fei Jinzhao and those from Zhai Lin.

She glanced at the people in the driver's seat and secretly sent them a message.

Called by Fei Jin: I fell asleep when I got home last night and was too tired to hear.

To Zhai Lin: See you at the airport.

Gu Shizhou glanced at her and said, "Send a message to Fei Jin?"

Jiang Nuannuan paused with her fingers and turned to look at him, "It's a work issue."

He raised his eyebrows slightly, "Don't lie to me, he called you last night."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

The tenderness last night made him in a good mood today. When he arrived at his destination, he tapped the tip of her nose with his finger, "Don't cause too much trouble."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, pressed her elbow on the armrest box and came to him, "You have the whole package."

Gu Shizhou pinched her chin and kissed her lips, "Bad woman."

Jiang Nuannuan stepped back and said, "Come on for the new show, come back and visit your class."

Gu Shizhou twitched the corner of his lower lip and said, "Okay."

After the car drove away, System 66 reported the results from last night to today.

"Gu Shizhou's favorability rating is 60.5%, and Alipay has received 6000 million."

"He discovered your secret."

Jiang Nuannuan went upstairs to pack her luggage and replied: "It was expected. No matter what, Gu Tingyan and I have been lovers for a year. Gu Shizhou must have thought that we slept together. The impact of the surprise last night was quite big."

System 66: "I'm a little uneasy."

Jiang Nuannuan changed into a pair of velvet jeans, took two steps, and immediately revealed her mask of pain.

Forget it.

I'd better wear a skirt, my legs will be worn out.

"What's uneasy?" she asked while putting on her skirt.

System 66 sighed: "I can't tell."

Jiang Nuannuan: "We'll know when it's over."

She drove to the airport with her luggage, and Zhai Lin had been waiting for a long time.

He pushed a trolley suitcase alone and stood in front of the bright arched floor-to-ceiling window. He was not wearing a hat, and his blond hair was slightly curled and messy. The sunlight from outside the entire glass wall shone in, making his side face flamboyant and dazzling.

Jiang Nuannuan stood a few meters away from him. There were so many people and so many pairs of eyes peering at him openly and covertly. He showed his whole face calmly, as beautiful as a painting.

A beautiful girl stepped forward and whispered something to him. The man took two steps back, his face as delicate as a statue falling into pieces and becoming bored in a second.

The angel descended to earth instantly and scared away the girl who asked for her WeChat ID.

Jiang Nuannuan thought he was cute because of his fierceness. As soon as a smile appeared on his lips, Zhai Lin turned around and caught him.

He turned his whole body to face her, without the obstruction of the trolley case, and the white bear scarf in his hand became eye-catching.

He came over and put the scarf on her shoulders, "Give it back to you."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't move. "You didn't notice that I have something on both my left and right hands. Can you help me put it on?" Zhai Lin lowered his eyes and saw that her left hand was a laptop bag, and her right hand was a suitcase with a bag on top.

He subconsciously passed over the thought of helping her carry things and leaving her hands free to wear the scarf. With a 'reluctant' face, he reluctantly raised his fingers and unfolded the scarf.

Jiang Nuannuan took a step forward, raised her head, and her fair and thin neck was exposed in front of him. Her black hair spread behind her like a waterfall, and the white background became more and more vivid.

He wrapped the scarf around her neck with unfamiliar movements.

Jiang Nuannuan reminded: "You have to get my hair out, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to stick to it."

"You have a lot to do."

As Zhai Lin said this, he inserted his fingers into the scarf, brushed the back of her neck, and pulled out all the hair.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head slightly, and every inch of skin and posture shown to him was full of temptation.

System 66: "1000 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 38%."

As soon as she raised the corners of her lips, Zhai Lin pressed the side of her neck, lifted her hair, and asked, "What is here? It's red."

His thumb pressed on a red mark. Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, and then realized whose work it was, and quickly repaired it, "Maybe it's a bit allergic, I felt a little itchy on the way here."

"Allergy?" His smoky gray eyes stared at her with confusion.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a few seconds, rolled up her sleeves and showed him, "Well, I used a new bath ball in the morning bath, that's it."

There were also some red marks on her arms, but they flashed past Zhai Lin and put down her sleeves.

Jiang Nuannuan: "There may be something wrong with the ingredients of the bath ball."

Zhai Lin took back his hand, pursed his lips, and said hesitantly: "Go to the hospital?"

"No, it will definitely subside today."

Jiang Nuannuan reached into her pocket, took out a candy cube, opened the package and put it to his lips, "Eat one."

The jellybean was pushed directly into Zhai Lin's mouth by fingers. The warm fingertips rubbed against his lips, inserted a small amount, and then quickly withdrew.

Zhai Lin suddenly took a step back and bit the candy in his mouth.

It's soft and tastes very sweet.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, her almond-shaped eyes slightly curved, "How about it? This time it's gummy."

"It's not bad." He turned away his eyes, trying to suppress the strangeness that came to his mind, and no longer noticed the strange marks on her body.

The radio is announcing that those heading to Haiping City should board the plane at Gate B2.

The two entered the cabin one after another. Jiang Nuannuan was about to put luggage on the shelf. Zhai Lin bit the gummy and reached out to hold her suitcase rod, which inevitably covered the small half of her hand.

The touch under the palm is the same as the one that penetrated the lips just now, very soft.

"I come."

She nodded, let go, and watched him put the box on it.

After the two sat down, Jiang Nuannuan asked: "Have you checked the information about Haiping City we are going to?"

Zhai Lin took out the information from his backpack and handed it to her.

Jiang Nuannuan opened it and checked it.

The people they helped, Huahua, a friend of the people, were poor households in the villages deep in the mountains of Haiping City.

The destination is called 'Landmine Village'.

According to the feedback from Zhai Lin's people on the survey, Dilei Village is a place bordering neighboring countries. It is close to the sea on one side and faces the city on the other. It was the place where wars took place in the early years.

At that time, due to its special location and in invaded territory, in order to ensure the territorial integrity of the country, a large number of landmines were laid there after the people evacuated.

As time has passed, people who have left the villages have gone home one after another, and the removal of landmines hidden in the villages has become the top priority. However, the number of landmines buried underground is staggering. The demining experts sent by the state have no way of estimating the specific data, and there is no way. After removing all landmines, the villagers spontaneously learned to join the demining army.

(End of this chapter)

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