Chapter 266

Riding a motorcycle to the top of the mountain, the snow was thicker than the one on the mountainside. A family stood on the dirt path to greet us in advance.

Huahua, who has no legs, is sitting in a wheelchair wearing a floral cotton-padded jacket. Next to her stands an old man wearing a military coat and leaning on a cane.

Both were very shy and made basic introductions.

Huahua's mother works in other provinces to earn money. Not long ago, she took Huahua to Linggang Hospital to have her legs checked. It was the people she met there that led to Zhai Lin becoming a philanthropist today.

Jiang Nuannuan asked: "Where is her father?"

There was only one grandfather who accompanied Huahua. He sighed: "Huahua's legs were blown off and his family's fortune was emptied. He said he wanted to go out to make money, but he never came back."

Although the house is a two-story self-built house in rural areas, it is only made of red bricks inside and out, without plastering or any extra decorations.

The home only has basic facilities for people's needs, and the incandescent lamps are hung on a wire from the roof.

"The environment at home is not very good. The air conditioner was installed when Huahua's father was here. The quilt covers are all new. They use the four-piece set bought by Huahua's mother." Grandpa Huahua took them upstairs to see the house.

There are only two rooms upstairs, and only one has air conditioning.

Zhai Lin directly placed Jiang Nuannuan's luggage at the door of the air-conditioned room and went to another room.

It was a really cold day. When Grandpa Huahua went downstairs, Jiang Nuannuan took the air conditioner remote control. The buttons were all brand new, covered with a layer of plastic film and wiped clean.

It doesn't look like it has been used.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that the grandfather and grandson had used this room specifically to receive them.

She put down the remote control, patted the dust on her skirt, and went to find Zhai Lin.

"How do you sleep at night? It's cold."

His room also had half a window open, making it a natural ice nest.

Zhai Lin said: "You can't freeze to death."

He chose to come here and has no regrets.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment, "If it's cold at night, come here."

He paused in his steps and turned to look at her, "I won't sleep with you."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Okay."

If it weren't for the fact that her friendship kept increasing, she would have almost believed him.

In the kitchen on the first floor, Grandpa Huahua brought out two cups of hot water, sat with the two of them for a while, talked about some past events in the village, and then went to the door to change into a pair of rain boots.

The exposed left foot is a prosthetic leg made of wood.

Grandpa Huahua put on his rain boots, took a kitchen knife, and went out with the basket.

Zhai Lin: "What is he going to do?"

Huahua had met him once, but seeing this beautiful brother up close still made her shy, "Go dig vegetables in the back mountains and cook stew for dinner."

Jiang Nuannuan asked him: "Are you going for a walk?"

"It's very snowy outside." Zhai Lin glanced at her, his eyes fell on her bare leg artifact and long skirt, doubting the anti-freezing effect of these items.

In the end, neither of them went out. Huahua found drawing paper and asked Zhai Lin to teach her how to draw.

Compared with the low self-esteem and stage fright of the people, Huahua is much more optimistic, and she greets the gloomy Zhai Lin with a smile, so no matter how bad her painting is, Zhai Lin does not get angry, suppressing the annoyance in her heart caused by the bad painting, and starts to do it I helped him revise and really taught him a few things.

When Grandpa Huahua came back, Jiang Nuannuan looked at a basket of vegetables dug out of the ground and his red, frozen hands, and said, "Let me help you."

"You guys came all the way here, just sit down and I'll come."

He walked in steadily carrying his things and skillfully cooked a pot of fragrant vermicelli stew.

The food is not very good, but it contains meat, vegetables and vermicelli, which is pretty good for this family.

Zhai Lin had never eaten such a big stew before. Jiang Nuannuan gave him a chopstick of Chinese cabbage and said, "Eat it."

He poked it with chopsticks, and reluctantly opened his mouth to eat under the expectant eyes of his grandfather and grandson.


Jiang Nuannuan smiled. The mist in the pot blurred the outline of her face, adding a bit of softness. She said, "Natural organic vegetables in the mountains are delicious even when boiled in plain water."

Seeing that they were happy, Grandpa Huahua felt relieved and decided to go to the house next door to buy some pork tomorrow.

As long as his granddaughter can be fitted with prosthetic limbs, he will do whatever he can to please them with the little money he has.

After dinner, Huahua repaired the half-painted painting and walked to him on a walker. Without her legs, she was no taller than a stool. Zhai Lin could only bend down and ask: "What's wrong?"

His tone was unconsciously filled with tenderness, and his patience was stretched infinitely.

"Beautiful brother, you go home after playing and bring this to the people." Huahua raised the drawing paper and said with a smile: "I can't go to school for painting classes, but you taught me to draw the people today, so I'll give it to the people." Give it to him as a gift."

Jiang Nuannuan helped her grandfather wash the dishes, walked behind Zhai Lin, put her fingers on his shoulders and leaned over, saying exaggeratedly: "The Huahua paintings are so beautiful."

"My brother taught me, he is very good." Huahua said proudly, then turned to show off to her grandfather.

Jiang Nuannuan also nodded in agreement, "Brother is very powerful, and so is Huahua."

He called out "brother" into Zhai Lin's ear. It was soft and sweet, full of coquettishness to coax a child.

He almost wrinkled the corner of the drawing paper, but he didn't dare to turn his head rashly. She was very close, and he might kiss her lips.

Just thinking about this, Zhai Lin's head suddenly tilted a little to one side, and the hand on his shoulder was removed as the owner straightened up.

His head that wanted to turn around also stopped thinking, and he was still a little annoyed at why he took the initiative to get closer.Jiang Nuannuan picked up Huahua and put her in the wheelchair, "We will bring it to the people. It's time to go to bed now."

Grandpa Huahua took Huahua to sleep on the first floor. There was an electric blanket available, so he didn't worry about the cold.

Jiang Nuannuan felt free to use the air-conditioned bedroom.

It was midnight and there was no movement next door. She was woken up by peeing, crawled out of bed and wrapped herself in a blanket and walked outside.

It was bone-chilling cold in the corridor. Jiang Nuannuan was about to walk to the end to go to the toilet, but she didn't want to bump into Zhai Lin, who was smoking against the window of the corridor. He was standing in front of the window, looking at the snow falling from the street lights outside, his face stained. The crystal white color is exquisite.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Still not sleeping yet?"

Zhai Lin turned around and saw that she was wearing a cotton white nightgown, staring straight at him with her eyes. She didn't think there was anything special about her before, but now she looks attractive no matter how she looks at her.

He didn't know what to say. He didn't even think much and said, "It's too cold."

Jiang Nuannuan touched his hand with an unsurprised expression. It was indeed very cold. "Smoking won't solve the cold problem. Just take the quilt and go to my room. I'll go to the toilet right away."

He put out the cigarette and grabbed her arm, "Do you really want me to sleep in the same bed with you?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him with a righteous and calm expression, "What does it matter? You only have Fu Ying in your heart, and you will never do anything to me. We can only be bed partners."

She emphasized the word "bed partner" and her voice was soft and soft.

Zhai Lin let go of his hand and lowered his eyes.

Only he knew best that this had nothing to do with Fu Ying.

When Jiang Nuannuan came back from using the bathroom, he saw Zhai Lin piled his quilt on the left side of the bed. There was enough heating, so he took off his coat, leaving only a gray knitted sweater.

The two of them each took their own side and neither disturbed the other.

The room was filled with the fragrance of women. It was a little difficult for Zhai Lin to fall asleep. The people around him were not caring at all. Maybe they trusted him too much. His breathing became even after a moment and he fell asleep.

It's just that Jiang Nuannuan's sleeping posture has never been very good, and it's easy to slip into other people's quilts.

As soon as Zhai Lin felt sleepy, he was kicked awake.

He turned to look at her. The woman was sleeping in her thick hair, with her eyes closed tightly. The nightgown with a round neckline slid down a lot, revealing a piece of white skin.

It was very beautiful. Zhai Lin realized that he had been looking at it for too long. He closed his eyes, held her feet and stuffed them back.

Within two or three minutes, the cold foot came in again. This time he deliberately slept on his side with his back to her, but she kicked him on his butt.

Zhai Lin froze. After realizing that she was even trying to squeeze in, he turned around unbearably, held her feet, and growled, "Jiang Nuannuan!"

Why is she so dishonest when sleeping!And move his ass!
That small roar really didn't have much deterrent effect. Jiang Nuannuan heard it in his head. He was still asleep, but he just hummed from the tip of his nose, lazily like a cat.

Zhai Lin's arrogance was extinguished inexplicably, and his heart was tickled by that 'hmm', and it trembled again and again.

He gave up the idea of ​​tucking her legs back and had no choice but to lie flat on his back and let her sleep closer and closer until she completely abandoned her quilt and got into the crook of his neck.

too close.

Zhai Lin pressed against her shoulder, feeling extremely uncomfortable and trying to regulate his breathing, "Jiang Nuannuan, do you want to squeeze me out of bed?"

Now her voice was louder again. Jiang Nuannuan opened her eyes in a daze, her mind empty, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She turned her head and kissed him on the lips, muttering: "Gu Tingyan, don't make trouble." Oh, I'm so sleepy."

In one moment, because of this kiss, Zhai Lin's brain exploded with fireworks, and in the next moment, because of her next words, he fell into the glacier, his face looking ugly.

She recognized him as Gu Tingyan, so they often slept together and even kissed on the bed.

How else to explain her subconscious words and actions?
Zhai Lin turned sideways, dug his fingers into the sheets beside Jiang Nuannuan, trapped her under him, and asked angrily: "Open your eyes and recognize clearly, who am I?"

Jiang Nuannuan was annoyed and opened her eyes, "Well, Gu"

She admitted that she had deliberately misidentified the person.

She didn't even have to wait for her to finish saying Gu Tingyan's full name, Zhai Lin's ferocious aura entangled her, and the kiss was sudden and unprepared.

I was kissed while lying on the same bed, and was mistaken for someone else.

Could anything be more annoying?

When Zhai Lin made this move, he did not consider other emotional factors at all, only anger.

"Cough cough."

Zhai Lin suddenly turned his head and coughed a few times in a hoarse voice.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the person in the darkness blankly, "You pressed my hair."

Zhai Lin took back his hand, feeling a little uncomfortable in his throat. He turned to the other side and coughed a few times.

Jiang Nuannuan next to her quickly became silent again, as if she didn't care about the kiss at all. Half of her shoulders were exposed under her nightgown, her head was sandwiched between two pillows, and she fell asleep again.

No heart or lungs.

Zhai Lin stared at her for a long time, rubbed the corners of his lips, feeling discouraged.

What is he angry about?
Why should she be angry if she admits the wrong person?

But she was the one who crossed the line, wasn't she?

But that was because she had the wrong person, and he could scold her instead of kissing her in return.

They didn't have the kind of relationship where they could kiss, so why would he want to kiss her so madly.

The villains on both sides of Zhai Lin's head were fighting like crazy, and he didn't know what conclusion he would come to in the end. System 66 reported that Jiang Nuannuan's favorability level increased to 40.

(End of this chapter)

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