Chapter 267 Accident
Jiang Nuannuan got up in the morning and happened to see Zhai Lin sitting by the bed putting on a prosthetic leg.

She asked confusedly: "What time is it?"

The man who heard her voice put his feet down, stepped on the prosthetic limb and buckled it, covering up the atrophied and ugly muscles.

"8 o'clock." Zhai Lin put down his trousers, stood up and entered the toilet.

In the morning, Grandpa Huahua went to cut vegetables in the vegetable field again. Jiang Nuannuan went downstairs to drink hot water, looked at the white snow outside, and said, "Shall we go out and take a look? Grandpa hasn't been back for a while."

Zhai Lin had a cold face since he got up, and now seeing her amnesiac look on her face, there was a bit of dryness in her eyes.

How could she forget everything?

Are you treating the kiss with him last night as a dream, a dream of kissing Gu Tingyan?
Seeing that he didn't respond, Jiang Nuannuan put on a scarf and picked up the umbrella by the door, "If you don't go out, I'll go and take a look myself. You can stay at home with Huahua."

As a result, not far out, Zhai Lin bent down and got into her umbrella and took her umbrella.

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him, her thin, porcelain-white chin slightly raised, and her gray eyes staring forward glanced at her, "What are you doing?"

"Are you angry?" She asked curiously: "Did I snatch your quilt last night?"

When she woke up this morning, she was still in her bed.

Recalling that she stayed in his arms all night last night and threw her back this morning, Zhai Lin said coldly, "No, you were talking in your sleep, it was very noisy."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows: "What did you say?"

Zhai Lin stopped, lowered his head to look at her, then started walking again.

In such silence, Jiang Nuannuan did not ask further questions.

"Since you like Gu Tingyan, why are you so close to my brother?"

About ten minutes later, Zhai Lin asked her this question amid the flying snow in the mountains.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while and replied: "There will be no results if you like it. Over time, you won't like it anymore."

So she liked it. Zhai Lin didn't ask again, but his eyes darkened a little.

The two came to the field behind the house. Most of the fields were covered with plastic sheds, and some were covered with only frost and snow.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly stopped and looked into the ground.

A low cry for help reached my ears.

She turned around and walked straight out of the umbrella, down the dirt steps and towards the path in the field.

Zhai Lin frowned, "Where are you going?"

"there's noise."

Jiang Nuannuan looked around in the white and brown field. As she walked further in, the ice on the ground was thick and slippery. Her cotton shoes slipped and she stumbled. The man who followed her grabbed her arm to steady her. .

The big umbrella was raised above her head. Jiang Nuannuan hugged Zhai Lin's arm. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Grandpa Huahua lying on the ground in front of her. She patted his arm and exclaimed: "Zhai Lin! Grandpa fell. !”

Her head suddenly turned around, her eyes were anxious, and a little unmelted snow fell on her long eyelashes. As the eyelashes blinked, they fell on her eyelids and melted.

"Take it."

Zhai Lin's eyes stayed on her face for a moment, then he put the umbrella handle into her hand and strode towards Grandpa Huahua.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly followed. When Grandpa Huahua was bent down to help him up, half of his body was stiff and stiff from the cold. The wooden prosthetic leg fell off and fell to the ground, with a thin layer of snow falling on it. It looked like it had been falling for a while.

The old man breathed hard, and his eyes immediately turned red when he saw them.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly took off the scarf and put it around his neck, "Are you okay, grandpa? Where did you fall?"

He panted for a while, recovered, endured the pain and said, "Leg." The only intact leg fell and was sprained.

Zhai Lin looked at the cabbage in the basket and the kitchen knife that fell not far away, frowned and said, "I'll hug you."

He knew in his heart that the old man was working in the snowy fields to get them some food.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Zhai Lin's feet. They had been walking here for almost half an hour. If they carried someone back, his feet might suffer.

But now there is no other way but to get Grandpa back as soon as possible.

Zhai Lin hugged the old man sideways, and Jiang Nuannuan quickly picked up the vegetable basket, held up an umbrella to support them, and said worriedly: "Zhai Lin, the road is slippery, be careful."

He glanced at the half of her wrist she had exposed to hold up the umbrella, "Hold it yourself."

"It's okay." Jiang Nuannuan shrank her neck and looked at the old man who was gasping for air and enduring pain in his arms, "I'll call an ambulance to come up."

Grandpa Huahua was afraid of spending money, so he quickly said: "No! No need! I just sprained my foot. There is a barefoot doctor in the village. Just ask him to come. Just ask him to come."

An old man of this age is quite heavy, and Zhai Lin's prosthetic limbs will ache after being put under pressure for a long time. He gritted his teeth, tried to maintain a normal pace, and carried the person back home.

Huahua was sitting in a wheelchair waiting at the door to see her grandfather injured. She was frightened. As a young woman, she immediately called the landline to call the barefoot doctor in the village.

After putting away the umbrella and entering the house, Jiang Nuannuan's hands were almost numb from the cold, but she was more worried about Zhai Lin's legs. He tried his best to hide his discomfort when he came back, but she still noticed that he was uncomfortable.

"are you OK?"


Zhai Lin's stump hidden under his trousers trembled slightly, and his eyes focused on Grandpa Huahua's stump.

His stump was black, swollen, and bleeding locally. It looked like the prosthetic limb was worn out of place.

Zhai Lin whispered: "You have been wearing this for so many years? You don't want to change it when you are younger?"

Grandpa Huahua leaned on the pillow and said in a hoarse voice: "I still have to save money to install Huahua's legs. My prosthetic limbs can be used and I can walk."

Zhai Lin frowned and his chest felt a little swollen.

Jiang Nuannuan looked apologetic, "We didn't think carefully and asked you to go out and get food for us to eat on a snowy day."

Grandpa Huahua waved his hand quickly, "You are guests. Besides, if you don't come, I have to go to the back mountain to cut vegetables for food. I have to live to raise my children."

Some people with disabled legs are still trying to make progress in the face of such a difficult life, but Zhai Lin, who is also disabled, spent two years in isolation and closed himself off.

He sat on the edge of the bed with his eyes lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

The barefoot doctor came with a medicine box. He was in his forties and was from the same village.

He was first amazed by the appearance of Zhai Lin and Jiang Nuannuan, and then he spotted a clothing brand he had only seen on TV. While the two were out, he closed the door and asked Huahua, "Those two are from the city?" Come on, you’re not from our village, Huahua.”

Huahua nodded, "Yes, they are from the city."

"What are you doing here?" the barefoot doctor asked seemingly unintentionally.

Grandpa Huahua coughed a few times and said, "He's just a guest at our house."

The doctor gave his prosthetic leg some simple treatment and then said, "Don't lie to me. The truck selling rice just passed by our door. I heard that he came to the village to do charity. Now he is doing some research."

Grandpa Huahua kept silent about the matter, "Just help me take care of the twisted leg. The price will remain the same."

While looking at him, the barefoot doctor said in a low voice: "Uncle, you are so tight-lipped when they come to do charity. People in the village don't know if you offend someone and they stop doing charity and don't come to give money, what will happen to Huahua's legs?" What to do? Have you ever thought about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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