Chapter 269 I am also a lame person

Five dishes and one soup were put on the table one after another by Zhong Ya. There were fish, meat and vegetables. Her fingers were swollen like radishes.

When Wang Xiuqin asked everyone to sit down, she held Zhong Lin's cracked hand and exaggerated her heartache, "Tomorrow we will go to the town at the foot of the mountain to buy some cream to apply on it. It's hard for Lin Lin to cook alone."

She was quite involved in acting, but Jiang Nuannuan didn't criticize her. He just took a hand cream from upstairs and handed it to her, "I only used a little, so I'll give it to you."

Zhong Lin was stunned and took it.

It's a foreign brand, so it doesn't look cheap.

She only squeezed a little and returned it, "Look, this is quite expensive. I don't want it."

Jiang Nuannuan waved her hand, "It's okay, the road down the mountain is slippery, so you don't have to go down and buy it."

Wang Xiuqin pressed Zhong Lin's hand and said with a smile: "Just take it as a gift."

Zhong Lin always knew that her mother liked to take advantage. She glanced at Zhai Lin secretly, silently held the hand cream and sat down.

The three families gathered around the small round table. Zhong Lin's seat was specially arranged next to Zhai Lin. She could smell the good smell of him as soon as she sat down.

Wang Xiuqin also specifically asked about the relationship between Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Lin. When she heard that she said they were just friends hanging out together, her heart was relieved.

She originally thought that there would be some trouble if they were a couple, but as they were just friends, their Yaya would have a chance to show off.

Zhong He changed the subject and chatted with them about some big and small things in the village. While talking, he put vegetables on the plate and picked out meat to eat.

Zhai Lin's face became a little cold when he saw that he liked to use chopsticks to pick at every dish. Since the child Huahua was also there, he tried his best not to have an attack.

Wang Xiuqin would take the opportunity to add a few words from time to time, "We, Lin Lin, are going to a good university next year and are art students studying painting."

Jiang Nuannuan asked casually: "Where did you take the university exam?"

Zhong Lin grabbed his chopsticks tightly, not wanting his mother to say anything, but Wang Xiuqin was worried for her, "Linggang, where the resources and education are the best, she is up for it, she just wants us to work hard to provide for her, alas."

"Mom!" Zhong Lin stopped her, "Stop talking! I haven't decided yet."

There are so many good schools for learning painting, how can the family support her to go to school in Linggang, a place where money is spent?She was from Linggang, and her mother's intention was very obvious. Wasn't she secretly asking for money?

Shame, shame too!
She didn't even dare to look at Zhai Lin beside her, feeling embarrassed.

Jiang Nuannuan revealed the matter very calmly, "Your family has raised an outstanding child. Many schools in Linggang offer scholarships. If you pass the exam, you won't have to worry about tuition fees and living issues."

Wang Xiuqin smiled, and Zhong He patted her leg. Both of them were a little embarrassed.

As for Zhong Lin, her grades were at most a junior college degree of 3+2 in a private school in Linggang. She knew it, and she felt even more ashamed and angry when it was exaggerated. She put a chopstick of braised pork into Zhai Lin's bowl.

"Sir, don't listen to my mother's nonsense. I can go out to study if I have a good education. You can try the braised pork I made."

The braised pork stained with the stranger's saliva was placed in the rice bowl. Zhai Lin's gray eyes were full of disgust.

Everyone watched him get up, carry the rice bowl to the trash can, and pour the rice and the piece of meat into it.

The harmonious atmosphere of the dinner table suddenly became subtle.

Wang Xiuqin and Zhong He felt physical pain, while Zhong Lin was at a loss and turned pale.

"Why are you wasting food!"

Wang Xiuqin, who had been humiliated, was a little angry, "My daughter is kind enough to cook for you, and she even brings vegetables and meat. You don't appreciate it!"

Zhai Lin looked at Jiang Nuannuan impatiently and said, "I told you to send it to me earlier. Do you think you can take it?"

I ate a bowl of rice with Jiang Nuannuan, and paired it with untouched pickles, which actually tasted quite good.

She also saw Zhong He's habit of picking vegetables and felt that she couldn't eat it.

Zhong Lin dropped his chopsticks on the table, thinking it was because of himself, "I cooked it. It tastes terrible."

Jiang Nuannuan made up a reason, "It's not unpalatable, but he's just a bit mysophobic. Remember to use serving chopsticks when picking up food for him."

He could even eat Grandpa Huahua's big pot of stew, let alone the delicious food on the table. Zhai Lin simply disliked this family who had no table manners.

Huahua, who was caught in the middle, didn't know what to do, so she timidly said: "I will deliver food to grandpa."

Zhong Lin glared at Wang Xiuqin and said, "You should speak less."

The purpose of their coming tonight was revealed by this woman in a few words. Zhong Lin had a pale face and knew that rich people have many rules, so he quickly said: "How about I bring you another bowl of rice?" I didn’t know you had to use serving chopsticks when serving food to others.”

Zhai Lin said mercilessly, "No, you will also eat dirty food."

He disliked the drool on her chopsticks. Zhong Lin had always been held up by young men of the same age in the village. Now that he was humiliated, his eyes were watery and he was about to cry at any time.

Zhai Lin took a pack of cigarettes, took one out and lit it in his mouth, "Be generous and say you want to ask for some money, I will give it to you."

He stood against the wall, looking at the red and white faces of the family, and twitched the corners of his lips, "Why do you do so many dramas? All the fine arts academies in Linggang accept top students with rural household registration and have high scholarships."

The implication is that if she is really the good student Wang Xiuqin says, she doesn't have to worry about money at all.

Zhong Lin couldn't bear the other person's mocking eyes and was immediately made to cry. He put down the bowl and rushed into the snow and ran away.

Wang Xiuqin hurriedly caught up, and Zhong Lin looked ugly, "We just want to entertain the two bosses on behalf of Grandpa Huahua."

After spending so much money and ending up with a thankless end, he stood up with a cold face and said only: "This meal tonight cost my family 50 yuan." Jiang Nuannuan: "I'll go I’ll give you the money.”

Zhong Lin pretended, "That's not what I mean. What I mean is that it's all food, don't waste it, and don't break our Lin Lin's heart. Let's eat it while it's hot before we leave."

Jiang Nuannuan drew a hundred and stuffed it into his hand, "It's okay, you can keep the food money and processing fee."

Zhong Lin pushed her all the way to the door, finally put the 100 yuan in his pocket and left.

Zhong Lin, who was running in the snow and crying, bumped into the pig farm's son Huade. He had a circle of green tattoos on his exposed neck. His slightly fat body hugged him, "Lin Lin! What's wrong with you? ?”

He was originally going to come to get engaged tonight, but when Zhong Lin called and said he was going to cook for the two big bosses, the matter was postponed.

Now seeing Zhong Lin running out of Huahua's house, looking aggrieved, he immediately said, "Did they bully you?"

Zhong Lin just cried and whimpered, "He dislikes the fact that my cooking is unpalatable, and he dislikes me serving him food and pouring rice."

Seeing how beautifully she was crying, Hua De quickly comforted her and even touched her face with his hands. However, he had just killed a few pigs and his hands were full of pig smell. Zhong Lin quickly pushed him away because of the smell. .

Looking at that ugly face, she couldn't help but feel sad, was she going to offend that man and marry Hua De tonight?
What kind of horror would it feel like if his fat pig-like body pressed against her?
Hua De still wanted to hug her, but Wang Xiuqin chased after her and took Zhong Lin back home, cursing and telling Hua De who was following her that the two bosses were arrogant and bad everywhere. Bullying these rural people hard.

Huade secretly kept the matter in mind. This was in the mountains, and his family was the richest in the village, so he was afraid that those two people would not succeed.

All the food on the table was stored in the refrigerator and kept for Huahua and his grandson.

Jiang Nuannuan boiled two pots of water and took a basin upstairs.

Zhai Lin watched her put the basin in front of her and frowned, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Nuannuan patted his leg, "You don't have to eat, but you have to soak your feet tonight."

Zhai Lin's expression turned ugly for a moment, "Is it so obvious?"

Is his limp that obvious?Did she see him when he was going up the steps?

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, her eyes glowing with gentleness under the lamp, and she said, "Thank you for your hard work today."

She broke open a candy and popped it into his mouth. "You go to the bar yourself. I'll go to the toilet and wash up. I'll come back in half an hour."

After she went out, Zhai Lin disassembled the prosthetic leg, revealing the swollen and ugly stump. He took a deep breath and soaked the leg.

However, none of them expected that Zhong Lin, who had run home not long ago, would run back because of Huade.

She opened the door upstairs and found Zhai Lin sitting on the stool next to the bed. He was about to ask why Jiang Nuannuan came in again, but when he looked up and saw that it was her, his gray eyes suddenly darkened.

"Get out."

Covered by the bed, Zhong Lin didn't see the stump soaked in the basin. Instead, he closed the door and mustered up the courage to say, "Sir, I did come tonight out of selfish motives."

With tears in her eyes, she choked and said: "Huade, the son of the pig farm, used five pigs to marry me as his wife. My parents agreed, but I don't want to."

Zhai Lin leaned back in his chair and said coldly: "It's none of my business."

Zhong Lin bit his lip, "I hope you can help me and let me go out to study. I don't want to marry a cripple without legs."

Zhai Lin clenched his hand suddenly, "Can't you marry a disabled person?"

Zhong Lin nodded vigorously, "No, how can a normal person marry a disabled person who has lost his leg? Even if you want to marry,"

She glanced at him and pursed her lower lip, "He is also better than me, a normal person with sound limbs."

"Ha." Zhai Lin sneered, clenching and unclenching his hands, his voice cold, "Didn't your mother say that you will go to Linggang to go to college next year? Why are you begging me?"

Zhong Lin suddenly gritted his teeth and said the truth that both of them knew well: "I only got admitted to a junior college in fine arts, but the cost of the junior college is much higher than that of an undergraduate degree, and my family can't afford it."

Zhai Lin interrupted her, "Then get married."

He pulled his lower lip and sarcastically said, "Anyway, you're a waste after studying for a junior college."

In the painting industry, if you don’t learn and master it to the extreme, you will be wasting your time.

Why should he help a talentless waste change his destiny?


Zhong Lin seemed to have been hit hard and took a few steps forward excitedly, "How can you say that to me! Do you know that I can give everything I have to get out of the mountain!"

Zhai Lin: "For example?"

Zhong Lin gritted his teeth and took off his coat, revealing his beautiful figure wearing only a sweater, "Myself."

She always imagined that as long as she was given a stepping stone, she could go to school in a big city, meet many successful city men, and then she could settle down in a small home there to get married and have children. She couldn't be like Hua De, who only knew how to feed pigs. Hooligans with a little bit of culture hanging out together.

She said firmly: "I just want to live a normal life. If you can help me, you can do whatever you want to me."

Zhong Lin walked around the end of the bed and suddenly saw one of Zhai Lin's legs soaked in the basin. Below the calf was a ferocious stump.

This man with such outstanding and handsome appearance is also a disabled person! ! !

When Zhai Lin came into contact with Zhong Lin, his eyes widened in fear, and he looked like an evil ghost crawling out of hell, with a cold smile, "What should I do? I am also the legless cripple you mentioned!"

(End of this chapter)

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