Chapter 270 Dreaming

Jiang Nuannuan had just finished washing up in the toilet when she heard a scream outside. She opened the door and came out, just in time to meet Zhong Ya holding a cotton-padded jacket in her hand. Her hair was wet as if someone had splashed water on her. She was crying and rolling around. ran downstairs.

The door of the room where she and Zhai Lin slept was still open.

Jiang Nuannuan's pupils shrank, and she followed Zhong Ya's hurried figure and found Huahua who had climbed halfway up the stairs. She explained in a panic: "Sister Zhong Ya must go up. I didn't stop her."

Without legs, it was difficult for her to even climb stairs.

"It's okay, I'll go take a look. Huahua, please don't come up."

Jiang Nuannuan ignored Zhong Ya who ran away, pushed the door open and entered the bedroom, "Zhai Lin!"

Zhai Lin lowered his head and sat on the stool. The water bottle and washbasin were knocked over, and there were water stains on the floor.

He raised his eyes, his eyes full of evil.

Jiang Nuannuan carefully walked around the broken pieces from the boiling kettle, glanced at his hideous stumps floating on the wet floor, pursed her lips, took the towel on the back of the stool, and knelt down to wipe his feet. .

Realizing her intention, Zhai Lin held down her wrist and bulged his masseter muscles, "I'll do it myself."

Seeing his forbearing look, Jiang Nuannuan hesitated for a moment before handing him the towel.

She didn't ask what happened between him and Zhong Ya, and went to the bathroom to get a broom and mop to clean up the debris and water stains on the floor.

Later, Jiang Nuannuan asked him: "Do you still want to fund them?"

Even in a village full of cripples, some people despised cripples, and Zhai Lin instinctively felt disgusted.

He lowered his head, and the Huahua family flashed through his mind, his eyes dull.

After a long while, he said, "Let's see again."

"it is good."

Jiang Nuannuan thought that Zhai Lin was worried about Huahua and Grandpa, and that there might be more simple people like theirs in this village.

She turned around and went to get the nightgown thrown beside the bed to change. When she touched it with her fingers, she realized that the nightgown was stained with some water.

She turned around and asked, "Did you throw the foot-washing water at Zhong Ya? Did she say something unpleasant?"

Zhai Lin nodded, "Yeah."

He originally wanted to beat someone up, but those words about a cripple not being worthy of a normal person deeply irritated him.

The reason for giving up was deep in his heart, and he admitted it.

When approaching a rich disabled person, normal people have a purpose, and this is always the case around him.

Except Jiang Nuannuan.

She was lured to Fu Shiliu's side by a contract, and her original intention was to let him avenge Fu Ying.

Thinking of the past, Zhai Lin's eyes deepened, and he didn't dare to think about the fact that not only did he not become enemies with her later, but he also had a strange and absurd relationship.

Fu Ying was fading out of his mind. It was not him who caused her to fall off the cliff, and it was not his own fault that she didn't love him. Without obsession, he could not think of any reason to torture himself and her.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know he was brainstorming. She was just annoyed that she couldn't wear the pajamas stained with footwash. Fortunately, the quilt didn't get wet. It was probably just Zhong Ya's hair that had water on it.

"Zhai Lin."

She turned her nightgown over and pursed her lips in displeasure, "I just brought this nightgown, and now it's dirty. How do you want me to sleep at night? I can't wear a thick sweater, right? It's very uncomfortable."

It was so cold in the mountains, and all she had brought were thick clothes. It would definitely be uncomfortable to sleep in bed at night.

Zhai Lin said casually: "Wear mine."

Jiang Nuannuan took out a white shirt from his suitcase.

Thin enough.

She turned to look at him, "Why did you bring summer clothes?"

Zhai Lin: "Wear them together."

Oh, it’s that fashion of wearing clothes layered under a shirt.

In fact, she also spotted a thicker and more conservative sweatshirt, but she didn't take it.

Jiang Nuannuan went out to change and then came back.

The long shirt barely covered her buttocks, and underneath there was only a pair of naked long legs. She dangled in front of Zhai Lin and hid under the quilt.

This satin shirt is still white, and it is translucent to the skin when worn.

Zhai Lin's Adam's apple slipped and he turned around and went out to wash his face.

When Huahua arrived upstairs, he passed by and carried her down and put her next to Grandpa Huahua. He said briefly and concisely that it was okay.

Jiang Nuannuan waited in her bed for a while. Zhai Lin didn't come back for a long time, so she fell asleep by herself.

Zhai Lin smoked a cigarette before returning to bed. The lights in the room were switched to dim warm lights. Jiang Nuannuan fell asleep. The heat made her cheeks red, and she unconsciously licked her dry lips.

Zhai Lin has been paying attention to these little details of her movements recently. As soon as his eyes fell on her, he was flustered.

He lay down on the bed, turned off the light and forced himself not to look at her, but in his heart he thought about whether she would come over tonight. He pursed his lips and couldn't sleep well.

If he recognized the wrong person again like last night, Zhai Lin's face darkened just thinking about it.

While he was thinking wildly, the quilt beside him surged, and Jiang Nuannuan pressed forward like a boneless body, throwing away his own quilt and crawling straight into his arms.

But Zhai Lin slept with his back to her tonight, so she had to put one hand across his waist and press her body against his back.

With his limp body pressed against his back, Zhai Lin was as stiff as a piece of wood. The core was ignited by a fire and began to burn from the inside out.

She was only wearing one of his shirts, and he could even feel her slipping her smooth thighs in, touching his stump.

The foot lightly stepped on his bad leg. It wasn't very painful, but it was terribly itchy.

He took a deep breath, turned around and warned, "Jiang Nuannuan, don't touch me there."

"Oh." She was still in a daze of sleep, her voice was sweet and soft, and she retracted her legs obediently, only stepping on his thigh, and her body was arched like a little shrimp, nestled in his arms.She answered oh, then she knows who it is tonight.

This realization suddenly made Zhai Lin feel excited, everywhere.

The shirt that barely covered her buttocks had been rolled up high under the quilt, revealing a smooth abdomen. Inevitably, his hand between the two of them touched her naked waist.

Zhai Lin's breathing was stagnant, and his heartbeat was getting faster and faster. At this moment, Jiang Nuannuan was half asleep, her head buried in the quilt rubbed against his chest, "Zhai Lin."

He stiffened, "Yeah."

"Turn up the quilt for me, my back is cold."

She was murmuring vaguely, and Zhai Lin understood it, and pulled his quilt a little behind her, wrapping her whole body in it.

Jiang Nuannuan snorted softly, her head popped out and rested on his shoulder. The hand on his lower back also slipped into his clothes to cover it. Her pretty nose rubbed against his Adam's apple and pushed forward.

Zhai Lin felt like something was about to come out of his body, and he couldn't control it at all. The ends of his eyes were aroused and dyed with lust.

He pushed her to lie down, pinched her chin, breathing rapidly, "Are you pretending to sleep with me?"

How could anyone act so coquettishly while sleeping? She must be pretending to sleep!

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyelids, staring at him with misty almond eyes, and then she hugged his neck, her tone full of temptation, "Don't be so far away from me, the quilt is very cold due to the ventilation from the middle."

The bright red lips opened and closed, saying words that sounded like an invitation.

After staring at her for a few seconds, Zhai Lin couldn't help it any longer and leaned forward to kiss her heavily.

The intertwined bodies blocked the cold wind coming in from outside, and were tightly wrapped in quilts, with hot flames emanating from within.

Zhai Lin's hand on her waist was between her shirt and skin, and his fingertips slipped in.

Jiang Nuannuan snorted softly, and bent her arms on the back of his neck to press him down.

Her breath was almost taken away, and she rubbed his lips softly.

There was snow falling outside, and the heating in the room was getting more and more stuffy.

His waist hurt from his pinching, and 66 also sent a surprise message in his ear, and Zhai Lin's favorability rose to 47%.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that she was almost done. If she continued like this, her shirt would be unbuttoned.


Jiang Nuannuan held his hand that was inserted into his clothes and hummed, "Zhai Lin."

Her voice trembled, her soft body pressed against his chest, her ears were tickled, and Zhai Lin suddenly hugged her tightly, his smoky gray eyes surged with desire, and his voice was hoarse, "You like Gu Tingyan and make me crazy, is that intentional?" .”

Jiang Nuannuan clung to his arms, her sweet voice getting softer and softer, "Because it's a dream, I can do whatever I want to you."

Zhai Lin, who recovered from his desire, was angered by her reasons.

Another dream?
She did it on purpose!

When he pinched Jiang Nuannuan's thin waist again and questioned her, she closed her eyes tightly and fell asleep again.
For two consecutive nights, Jiang Nuannuan's sleep quality was so good that he was helpless and didn't dare to wake anyone up. He was extremely anxious!

In the cold winter night, the man finally went to stand in the corridor for a while to let the pain under him calm down.

He even wondered inexplicably, does Gu Tingyan need to be like this when he is with her?

He quickly denied it.

Hey, whatever they want, they can do it openly.

Zhai Lin pursed his lips and went back to the house with a cold expression, deciding never to touch her again next time.

Nothing to touch.

He is a mad dog and has no reason to be seduced by other people's women again and again.

But she will be abandoned soon, she will be alone sooner or later, and it doesn't seem to matter if she is kissed.

The two villains in his mind started fighting. Zhai Lin frowned and pursed his lips, feeling that he was really going crazy.

Jiang Nuannuan still woke up in her bed, with her clothes neatly on her body. She sat up and looked at Zhai Lin, who was leaning on the head of the bed. She noticed the light blue under his eyes and subconsciously avoided them.

Last night's intense scene was interrupted, which seemed to hurt him.

She was going to wash up, lift the quilt and get out of bed to put on her shoes. Zhai Lin stopped her halfway and said, "The shoes are on backwards."

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head, her cheeks turned red, and she quickly stepped onto the floor with bare feet to change her shoes.

The pair of white jade feet were still moving around on his thighs last night. Zhai Lin raised his eyebrows lightly and suddenly got out of bed and followed her.

The two squeezed into the bathroom together, brushed their teeth and washed their faces together. Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head the whole time, only exposing her fair neck to him.

Zhai Lin moved his eyes away, "You saw that I seemed panicked?"

Jiang Nuannuan wiped her face with a towel and said in a low voice, "No."

She blushed again, and Zhai Lin leaned against the toilet door to prevent her from going out, "Did you do something bad last night while I was asleep?"

Jiang Nuannuan held her breath and said vaguely for a long time: "It was just a dream. I probably kicked you a few times."

"What dream?"

He had no intention of opening the door unless she told him.


Jiang Nuannuan gritted her teeth, "You won't go so far as to ask me for specific details, will you? Let me out."

So she thought the passionate kiss last night was a dream, and she felt ashamed that it was him.

She should be ashamed, but if it wasn't him but Gu Tingyan in the dream, would she still be ashamed?
Zhai Lin felt that he had found the answer, became sulky, and let her out with a gloomy look.

(Commentary: Today’s update, I would like to add that the names of the characters in the previous chapter are confusing. Zhong Lin is the father, Zhong Ya is the daughter, and Wang Xiuqin is the mother.)
(End of this chapter)

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