Chapter 271 Earthquake without warning

Jiang Nuannuan just wanted to maintain this ambiguity, but if it was revealed that she was awake to seduce him, the nature would be different.

Grandpa Huahua’s legs are much better today. Breakfast was delivered directly to the mountain by Zhai Lin’s car.

After breakfast, it didn't snow outside, so the two decided to take a walk in the village.

On the other side, Hua De, who got up early, made an appointment with a few brothers at the end of the village and rode an electric bike toward them boldly.

Throughout the morning, Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Lin visited five or six households in a row, and for some reason today, the chickens and ducks raised in captivity and the chained guard dogs were very irritable. She almost died when she entered the house. After being bitten by a dog, the owner came out to comfort him and he managed to regain his temper.

Jiang Nuannuan just took it as a dog with a bad temper. None of them took this trivial matter to heart and continued to visit the villagers to learn about their daily lives.

There are young people with disabled legs who rely on their own hands to make mobile phone parts in a town at the foot of the mountain. As the New Year is approaching, they take the goods home to make them, hoping to make more money for their wives and children.

There is a girl who also wants to pass the Dashan exam. The books piled up in her home are all recycled and unwanted by others in the town. Every one of them has been read. She just suffers from the fact that both her parents have disabled legs and the family only makes a living by farming and has no money. , has pretty good high school grades, but can’t afford to go to a public university.

Jiang Nuannuan is more inclined to help such girls. Unlike Zhong Ya, they only have longing for the outside world and are positive.

There was also an old lady who was making beads at home. Zhai Lin went up to try it out, and Jiang Nuan did the same. After a while, her eyes became sore.

She asked: "Mother-in-law, does it hurt if you cross your eyes every day?"

"You're used to it. It's also to reduce the burden on the family. Do you want to stay for lunch? I'll cook noodles for you."

"No, it's almost time. Let's go back."

Zhai Lin saw the poor struggling to survive in difficult circumstances. Most of them did not care about other people's eyes. They accepted their fate but did not succumb to it. It was very contradictory.

He walked to the door, suddenly turned around and asked his mother-in-law, whose eyes were cloudy and still had to do handicrafts, "You have been without legs all your life and you have to be ridiculed. Is it your family that supports you to survive?"

The mother-in-law asked with a smile: "Are you a rich person?"

Zhai Lin nodded.

The mother-in-law put down the string of beads, took some cream and wiped it on her dry and old hands. She said slowly: "I watched TV, disabled people with no legs can go rock climbing, athletes with no hands can participate in swimming competitions, and some athletes with no legs can do it." Or I can dance and win big prizes without hands, and shine on the stage. As for me, I string beads in the village and then sell them to the boss. Many children have bead bracelets I strung on their hands. They wear them. It’s very beautiful.”

Speaking of this, my mother-in-law was a little proud and smiled, "It's not my family that supports me to survive. It's me who has found something meaningful in my life. It makes me feel that being disabled is not a big deal. I can still contribute to society and have a wife." Come accept me, love me, and always care about the disgusting looks of people in the village, how can you live a good life?"

At this point, my mother-in-law's husband came back for lunch.

He was an old man with normal limbs and a bit of stoutness, about seventy years old. He had a hoe on his shoulder and a hen and vegetables in his hand.

Zhai Lin and Jiang Nuannuan walked out and looked at the two old people talking in the room. The years were quiet.

The mother-in-law said loudly to the two people at the door, "We have been together since we were 18 years old. It has been decades."

Zhai Lin was stunned for a moment, then responded in a low voice, "Yeah."

Jiang Nuannuan whispered: "So, what is the difference between normal people and disabled people?"

Zhai Lin didn't answer, so she continued, "What normal people can do, disabled people can do too. They work hard and have reached heights that many normal people cannot match. They still shine in their respective fields." .”

And what about him?He is so good at painting and comes from a wealthy family. Compared with his impressive talents, resume, and various advantages, missing a leg is really nothing.

She hoped that Zhai Lin could understand what her mother-in-law said.

She thought he would understand.

Jiang Nuannuan stepped on the dirt road and asked him: "Go home for dinner?"

Zhai Lin pursed his lips and said, "What do you want to eat?"

She pushed his arm and said with a smile: "Stew hot pot! I didn't eat enough yesterday, eat more today!"

Huade, who didn't find anyone at Huahua's house, finally caught the two people returning home on a small road with a group of village thorns.

There was still a lot of snow on the ground, and four or five people were blocking the way.

Jiang Nuannuan was confused: "Who are you?"

Hua De, the leader, looked at her twice, then pointed the finger at Zhai Lin and raised his voice, "Is this someone from your city bullying my wife Zhong Ya?"

Just from the circle of tattoos on his neck, Jiang Nuannuan knew that he was not easy to mess with, but she was even more surprised that Zhong Ya would let a man she didn't want to marry come to get her back.

Alert Zhai Lin pushed her behind him and said, "You go first."

The eyes of Huade and the other men were almost glued to Jiang Nuannuan. They cleared their throats and said, "You can go wherever you want. No one is allowed to leave. Either go apologize to our Yaya today, or let me beat you up!" You really think us rural people are easy to bully!”

The veins on the back of Zhai Lin's hands bulged, and his eyes suddenly turned sinister, "If you look at her again, I'll dig out your eyes!"

Jiang Nuannuan was afraid that he would be beaten for provoking people here, so she huddled behind him and whispered: "There are many of them, why don't we two run away first."

Seeing her tender skin and tender flesh, Zhai Lin said, "I'm going to beat her too much" and choked back. He couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't be injured.

Hua De was angered by him. He took off his jacket and lifted up his sleeves to reveal the black tattoos on both arms. "Damn it, you really want to get beaten up, right? You bullied my woman, disliked her food and even poured it out in front of me." ! What’s wrong with me looking at your woman?”

Zhai Lin held Jiang Nuannuan's hand, turned his eyes to him, and sneered, "Your woman was in my room last night and performed a striptease for me before I kicked her out. She didn't tell you?"

Hua De was stunned for a moment, and even the arrogant brothers around him found it surprising and expected.

Zhong Ya usually showed a pure and arrogant look in front of them, saying every day that she would go to the city to study and become a city citizen.

being a city dweller
The little brothers thought about it, glanced at each other, and whispered, "Brother, don't tell me, this Zhong Ya has always wanted to be a city girl." So it seemed reasonable to seduce a rich man.

Hua De looked angry: "She is not such a person!"

When they fell into silence, Zhai Lin pulled Jiang Nuannuan and turned around and ran back.

"Brother!! Run away!"

The two of them walked through the path of the earthen room. Jiang Nuannuan's hand was pulled tightly by him, and the warmth that passed through his palm was hot.

Zhai Lin glanced back at her from time to time. The little bear scarf around her neck was flying up and down, revealing a pair of eyes as clear as glass beads, filled with deep concern for him. "stop!"

Huade roared angrily, "Liar! We Yaya are not like this! I will beat you to death!"

Zhai Lin clasped Jiang Nuannuan's hand. The place where the prosthesis fit was painful due to friction, but he ran faster and faster, and his pursed lips slowly rose.

The smile didn't last for even one minute, and they reached a dead end as they were unfamiliar with the place.

Hua De was out of breath as he chased you. He took an iron rod from nowhere and said with an angry look on his face, "Keep running! Huh, if I don't beat you in front of Zhong Ya today to apologize, my surname will not be Hua!"

Zhai Lin pushed Jiang Nuannuan to the corner and stood in front of her. With violent emotions in his eyes, he stopped running.

"You come."

He allowed mania to sweep over him, his originally handsome features, his thick eyebrows lowered, his gray eyes narrowed, full of hostility.

Hua De felt that the opponent was not as strong as him, so he rushed over with an iron rod in hand, thinking only of beating the person until he apologized to Zhong Ya.

The wind from the stick caused a few strands of hair to fall in front of Zhai Lin's forehead. A few centimeters away from his face, he caught the swinging iron stick with one hand, punched Hua De in the face, and raised his foot to hit his knee hard. kick.

Huade, who only knew how to fight brutally, immediately fell to his knees, but Zhai Lin snatched away the iron rod and hit him hard on the back with the iron rod.


Screaming like a slaughtering pig, the man immediately fell to the ground.

Zhai Lin squatted down on one knee, grabbed Hua De's hair and pulled up his head, looking back with a fierce look, "Is it okay to beat you to death?"


Before Hua De could react, he held his head with one hand and slammed it into the snow again and again.

Jiang Nuannuan stood behind him and understood his emotional changes very well. The violence factor always made him become bloodthirsty and excited.

He can really beat people to death.

The few Ward brothers behind them who were not holding any weapons were startled by Zhai Lin's posture. They just wanted to beat people up and scare the people in the city, but they didn't really want to cause any harm to anyone.

"Pull away! Save Hua De!"

They rushed forward. Zhai Lin stood up holding the iron rod with one hand, whipping one with one stick, or kicking the person against the wall. His stump was very painful, and he staggered twice when he stepped back. He was beaten by Jiang. Nuannuan hugged her waist from behind to stabilize her.

"Zhai Lin." She called him worriedly and scared.

The man did not look back, but straightened his back, stretched his broad shoulders, and protected the person behind him.

Hua De, who had lost a few teeth and had blood on his face, was taken out by someone. Looking at the man who was desperate for his life like a mad dog, there was already fear in his eyes.

The other party is not fighting, he is killing someone to death!

Just as he was about to speak, the gentle dirt road suddenly began to shake.

The frozen soil on the ground was loose. Jiang Nuannuan held onto the wall with one hand and realized that something was wrong.

She panicked and shouted: "Zhai Lin! Something's wrong! Zhai Lin!"

The words fall.

The minefield in the mountains not far away made a loud bang, and the explosion was enough to frighten the few people surrounding Zhai Lin.

They all stopped and looked up. The top of the mountain was covered with white snow, and there was a small area halfway up the mountain with thick smoke.

The earthquake under my feet became clear and strong. Brick dust continued to fall from the walls on both sides, and stones rolled.

Huade and others who finally reacted were filled with panic, "Is it an earthquake? It seems like it! Run! Run quickly!!"

They didn't dare to fight anymore, so they turned around and ran away, faster than anyone else.

In just ten seconds, two explosions sounded in the minefield.

The voice was so terrifying that Jiang Nuannuan grabbed Zhai Lin's hand, her eyebrows filled with panic, "Go home! Go home quickly! Huahua and grandpa are still at home!"

One of the two people has no legs, and the other has an injured leg, so they can't run out!

Zhai Lin realized the seriousness of the matter, threw away the iron rod, wiped the blood from the corner of his lip that was accidentally beaten, and ran after her, completely ignoring the poor condition of the stump.

The earthquake was sudden and violent, like a train running from underground with a rumble.

Many mines that have not been cleared in the mountain minefields are triggered by changes in the soil.

Someone ran out of their home and cried on the road, "My husband went into the mountains to clear mines today! Oh my God!"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know whether the source of the earthquake was under her feet. Her throat was filled with smoke as she ran, and her dry throat sucked in a lot of cold wind, which was like a knife blowing in. It hurt so much.

She didn't dare to stop. She saw the house that was only made of soil collapsed, and the dust was flying. The sound of crying and the earthquake of mechanical roar filled her eardrums, like a reminder.

The quiet System 66 shouted loudly in her head: "It's so scary! It's so scary! Why are you so unlucky, host! Run!"

The thick tree trunk leaning against the house on one side suddenly split in half and fell sideways, crushing Hua De who was running ahead of them.

He didn't even have time to shout, there was still panic in his eyes, and his body was instantly crushed from the middle.

Zhai Lin suddenly pulled Jiang Nuannuan back and protected him in his arms. The flying branches scratched his cheek, leaving a long trail of blood.

Jiang Nuannuan had never seen such a scene before. One second he was fighting with them, and the next second blood exploded from Huade's body and flowed out. His legs kept twitching. The scene was extremely terrifying.

Her pupils were constricted and her cheeks were pale with fear. Even in two lifetimes, Jiang Nuannuan had never experienced a major earthquake.

Zhai Lin held her face and growled: "Don't look!"

(Composition: One chapter usually has 3k+ words, which is not much different from two chapters. Zhong He is Zhong Lin. I wrote it completely wrong, haha.)
(End of this chapter)

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