Chapter 273 How can you wait?

Her palms were wet, and from the few rays of light that penetrated, she could see that her hands were full of blood, and she looked panicked.

"You're injured!" Jiang Nuannuan was anxious and didn't know what to do. There was nothing around him that could help him.

Zhai Lin lowered his head, rested his chin on her shoulder, and whispered, "It's okay."

Next to him, Grandpa Huahua woke up after a brief fainting. He was still a little confused and shouted, "Huahua, my Huahua."

The small living space was very dark. Jiang Nuannuan couldn't see clearly her grandfather's current condition, and she didn't dare to tell him rashly about Huahua being crushed. She could only lie to him first, "Huahua was taken out by us. She is fine."

Grandpa, who originally wanted to struggle to sit up, breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that there was an earthquake, he shed tears of guilt, "You came in to save me and buried me underneath. You are still young, what are you doing here?"

His life was worthless. If it were two young people, they would die of guilt underground.

Zhai Lin said calmly: "If you want to do it, just do it."

Ever since the car accident, he had never thought about how he would go in the future. As soon as he rushed in, he just wanted to go back alive. He would not live like this without any purpose again.

He knew that the woman in his arms was guiding him to the right path in life, not his parents, not Fu Ying, but her, Jiang Nuannuan, who was changing him unknowingly.

Grandpa Huahua sighed deeply.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to touch her cell phone to make a call, but her hand was only empty in her pocket. She probably didn't know which way she dropped it when she ran away.

She asked Zhai Lin again, "Did you bring your mobile phone? Call home."

Zhai Lin shook his head and said, "It fell."

Jiang Nuannuan looked disappointed. It was such a coincidence that her phone broke when she was with him.

The three of them stayed quiet for a while, with sand falling from above their heads from time to time. Listening to the faint wailing outside, the small dark space was as scary as hell.

Zhai Lin hugged her tightly and asked in a low voice: "If you die with me today, will you regret it?"

Jiang Nuannuan immediately sighed and said nervously: "Don't talk nonsense, we won't die, and I don't want to die."

Zhai Lin pursed his lips and said, "If I hadn't asked you to come, this wouldn't have happened."

Jiang Nuannuan focused on his back. She took off the scarf from her neck, touched the black circle and pressed it on his shoulder.

This position also made Zhai Lin completely bend down and press against the skin of her neck. He thought about it, but his body didn't want to move.

Jiang Nuannuan pressed the wound and said to him: "I could have refused you, but I didn't. It's not your fault that I am willing to come here with you to do good things. No one can blame anyone for the sudden natural disaster."

She didn't generously say it was okay, nor did she blame him, she just said she wanted to be with him.

Zhai Lin felt regretful but also felt happy.

System 66: "5000 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 52%."

Snow was falling outside, and the temperature was getting colder and colder. Jiang Nuannuan, who was just kneeling on the ground, shivered from the cold soon. Zhai Lin's back stopped bleeding, and the white scarf was stained with large pools of blood and became thick.

The two of them were so close together that her teeth couldn't help chattering.

Zhai Lin unzipped his clothes, pulled him into his clothes and hugged him.

He had a high body temperature, and Jiang Nuannuan quickly warmed him up as he pressed against him. She whispered, "I'll hold you tighter, let's keep each other warm."

Zhai Lin lost a lot of blood and had little strength, so he opened his mouth and said, "Can you be a small stove?"

Jiang Nuannuan hummed softly, "It's not good to just warm you up."

"I don't know who is taking advantage." Zhai Lin couldn't sit still, regardless of the wound on his back, he leaned on the collapsed beam.

She was a little worried and wanted to straighten up, "I can't lie on top of you, it will press the wound."

"No." Zhai Lin held her waist and put the clothes on her back. His tone was a little impetuous, "Stop moving, I will be cold to death by you."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't dare to move anymore and leaned on his chest obediently, "Then if you feel uncomfortable, tell me, I can change positions with you."

Zhai Lin thought about the scene for a moment and curled his lips, "Okay."

Snow gradually thickened on the collapsed buildings.

The condition of the top of the mountain was not good and the vision was blurred. It was difficult for the helicopter to find a place to land. Zhai Heng could only land at Haiping Airport and drove to the foot of the mine village.

He held his cell phone and looked serious throughout the whole journey until he reached the foot of the mountain. The road into the mountain was destroyed due to landslides, so he could only walk on foot.

Zhai Heng took out his backpack in the car, filled it with emergency supplies, and walked straight to the local rescue team that arrived first.

Everyone who came with him knew his situation and tried to dissuade him with earnest words, "Young Master, I will take people up to bring out the Second Young Master and Miss Jiang. You can just wait in the tent at the foot of the mountain. It's more than ten degrees below zero. Your body can’t bear it!”

Zhai Heng turned a deaf ear and extended his hand to the person holding the sign, "I'm a volunteer here. Give me a vest."

Putting on a red volunteer vest, he blended into the team, held a hiking pole, and stepped onto the steep rock.

The people behind him had no choice but to follow him and climb the mountain with his vest.

The mountain peaks disappear into the clouds. If you walk quickly from the bottom of the mountain, it will take five or six hours to reach the top.

There are many places affected by the earthquake. Mine Village has become the most dangerous place because underground mines are unpredictable and will explode with aftershocks.

Looking at Zhai Heng's slender back, the group of people following him had no choice but to grab an extra AED device to deal with any accidents that might happen to him at any time.

People with heart failure exercise strenuously, and in severe cases have difficulty breathing, cardiac arrest, and swollen legs, often unable to walk long distances.

Zhai Heng was completely gambling with his life.

They didn't know what kind of person Ms. Jiang was, so that a boss who had been single for 29 years could risk his life.

11 pm.

Zhai Heng stepped on the last step, feeling a tight pain in his chest, and his heart was beating wildly and clamoring to stop working. As soon as his swollen legs took a step, one knee went weak and he was about to kneel down. The people behind him hurriedly came up to hold him back.

"Young Master!" He tightened his grip on the trekking pole, veins bulging on his forehead, trying hard not to lose his composure and to stand up again.


A man held an oxygen bottle in front of him and advised, "Young Master, you have reached your limit. At least take a breath of oxygen and rest for a few minutes."

He was able to come up in one breath, his willpower was impressive, and he was lucky that nothing happened.

Zhai Heng knew that he could not turn into a corpse yet, so he took the oxygen bottle and looked at the devastation around him. His throat was dry and stinging, and his lips were pursed tightly.

He took a few breaths and paused, then put down the oxygen bottle.


Everyone else would be surprised when they saw him. Why would such a beautiful and fragile man come here?

It's hard for him to even breathe here.

Zhai Heng had all the information here before he came. He entered the first aid tent and looked around. He learned from the nurse that they were all from the village, which only proved that Jiang Nuannuan was still buried at home.

It's also easy to find a local survivor and bring him to Huahua's house.

There are still very few rescue teams coming in, and no one has excavated the two houses that are close to collapse.

Zhai Heng took off his backpack, held a crowbar, and asked the search and rescue dog he brought to find the person.

He acted calmly throughout the whole process, and the discomfort he felt physically was less than one ten thousandth of what he felt inside.

Several hours have passed since the incident, and the surface temperature is extremely low.


Ten minutes later, the search and rescue dog stopped at one place and started barking.

Zhai Heng climbed up. He had learned a lot. After a short inspection, he grasped the crowbar and selected the location to dig.

Soon, a piece of clothes appeared under the stone slab. It was very red and very small. He could tell that it was just a child.

Zhai Heng stopped, turned around and walked towards the dog that started barking at the other end. Without even looking at the little girl who was dug out and changed beyond recognition, his gentle voice showed indifference, "Send the bodies to their gathering point, don't pile them up." At the entrance of the tent.”

The person next to him looked back at the child and said in an unbearable voice, "Young Master, you must be mentally prepared for this situation."

Zhai Heng glanced at him and the other person shut up.

He was just worried that leaving the child on the roadside would frighten Jiang Nuannuan. He never considered the possibility of her death, nor did he accept it.

Zhai Lin heard the faint barking of a dog coming from the stone slab. He straightened up and Jiang Nuannuan, who was leaning in his arms, was awakened and heard the same noise.

"someone is coming!"

In surprise, she stretched out her hand to push Grandpa Huahua, who was leaning next to them. The old man reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at the slowly loosening stone slab above.

Jiang Nuannuan also raised her head and stared upward.

As the noise outside became louder and louder, several crowbars were inserted into the stone slabs against the beams and lifted up, and the light of the emergency lights at night suddenly shone into the deep pit.

The snowflakes fell and melted on Jiang Nuannuan's eyelashes. The smile she had just raised suddenly changed and she was stunned when she saw the figure standing on the top against the light.

Zhai Heng, who was wearing a jacket and his hair was wet with snowflakes, dropped the crowbar and knelt on one knee by the pit, his gray eyes bursting with astonishing brightness.

"Jiang Nuannuan."

"Give me your hand."

His voice was as gentle as ever, and his outstretched palm was covered with thick gloves with a big hole in them.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyelashes trembled. She had already imagined who would save her, but she didn't expect that person to be Zhai Heng.

What a high mountain this is!
Zhai Lin glanced at his brother, then pressed Jiang Nuannuan's lower back and pushed her up, saying in a low and hoarse voice: "What's the ink mark? Come up quickly."

Jiang Nuannuan held Zhai Heng's hand and was pulled up by him. Her little face suddenly turned white from the cold and her lips trembled, "Zhai Heng, Zhai Lin's back is still injured."

"Someone will take him to the medical tent."

Zhai Heng took off his gloves and put them into her hands. After confirming that her skin was intact except for scratches, he pulled her slowly down the ruins.

Jiang Nuannuan looked back three times at a time, and only felt relieved when the stretcher was taken off.

Zhai Lin was carried out and only had time to see Jiang Nuannuan entering the tent. He suppressed the strangeness in his heart and looked away.

Grandpa Huahua came up and grabbed the rescuer's hand and said, "Did Huahua cry when our family ran away? Tell her that grandpa is okay and go find her immediately."

The rescuers looked at each other in silence, thinking of the bodies that had been taken away not long ago.

Entering their own temporary rescue tent, Zhai Heng held Jiang Nuannuan in his arms like a drowning man eager to hug the driftwood, confirming over and over again that she was still fine.

"never mind."

He still coaxed her gently and helped her wipe away her tears.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the pale color of his lips and thought that he must have learned the news after the accident in the morning and rushed to the rescue. It was obvious that he came by plane at such a fast speed.

"You risk your life by flying here!"

Her eyes were red and tears kept falling, "Don't you know your physical condition? Zhai Lin and I will just wait for the rescuers to arrive. What if something happens to you on the road?"

He couldn't wipe away her tears and his hands were wet. Zhai Heng had no choice but to hold her chin and kiss her cold lips gently.

He sighed softly, "Don't cry, you know I can't wait."

How much he likes her, he wants to give her his heart, how can he wait.
(End of this chapter)

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