Chapter 274 Falling Down
Jiang Nuannuan felt sorry for this man. His feelings were sincere and unreserved, but she was a big liar who pretended to be stupid from beginning to end.

The inability to reciprocate her feelings always made her conscience hurt, and the pain reached its peak when he risked his life to save her.

She sniffed hard and whispered: "Don't take risks in the future." It was not worth it at all.

Zhai Heng was silent for a long time, then pinched her tear-stained cheeks and said, "I know."

Jiang Nuannuan was pushed to sit on the folding bed in the tent. Someone outside brought a hot water bottle and quietly glanced at the woman on the bed.

He looked a little embarrassed, but he couldn't hide his bright and beautiful face.

Mr. Qingrun doesn't like the cheongsam beauties with empty names, but it turns out he likes little foxes like this.

The doctor who was sent along was about to treat Jiang Nuannuan's wounds. She needed to take off her pants, so Zhai Heng turned her back and said, "I'll wait outside."

Jiang Nuannuan noticed several oxygen bottles on the ground early in the morning, blurted out that it was too cold, and said, "You stay here with me."

Zhai Heng finally unfolded a folding chair from the side, sat next to her, and put his hands on her legs.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his fair and slender hands, and then at him who was looking straight ahead, "Why did you give me your hand?"

Zhai Heng said warmly: "The medical equipment here is limited. You will need stitches for several wounds. If it hurts, just hold me."

The female doctor couldn't help but peek at him several times, feeling envious of this model good boyfriend.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but feel emotional. She carefully took off her dirty pants and jacket, got under the quilt with a hot water bottle, and exposed only one of her legs for the doctor to treat.

The triangular needle hooked into the skin, and she screamed out in pain. Her body trembled, and she immediately grabbed Zhai Heng's hand and pinched him with [-]% of her strength.

The man held her back, lowered his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Please be gentle."

"Okay, okay." The doctor nodded repeatedly.

In fact, it was just a few wounds with one or two stitches, so there was no need to bother with anesthetics. After much thought, she decided to put some anesthetics on Jiang Nuannuan's legs to relieve her pain. It was really a sign of the presence of the man who hired her next to her. It was too strong and she panicked a little.

After the sutures were completed, Jiang Nuannuan's legs were almost numb from the cold. She let go of Zhai Heng's hand, and there were several clear fingerprints on the back of her hand.

She touched it with her fingertips guiltily, "I hurt you."

"It doesn't hurt."

Zhai Heng pulled the quilt over and lightly covered her legs, "I'm going to get a washbasin."

Jiang Nuannuan, who didn't know what he was going to do, held a hot water bottle in her hand and watched him pour hot and cold water into the basin. She stretched out her hand to test the temperature, and then let her soak her feet in hot water to dispel the coldness in her legs.

When Zhai Heng took care of her and lay down, there was still a layer of dust on her hair and face. He wiped her clean with a handkerchief and said warmly: "You'll just have to spend the night today. I'll have someone take you back to Linggang tomorrow morning." Recuperate in the hospital.”

Jiang Nuannuan held his hand and said worriedly: "Your complexion has always been bad. Is your health okay?"

"I'm fine." Zhai Heng took the back of her hand and kissed it gently, then tucked it into the quilt and covered it, "Get some sleep, get up and go home with me."

The place he kissed was slightly hot. Jiang Nuannuan hugged the hot water bottle and responded.

Before she was about to fall asleep, she remembered and opened her eyes again and asked, "By the way, did you see a child during the rescue? The one who was buried under that house with me."

"A girl?"


Zhai Heng was silent, "I saw it, I'm sorry."

Jiang Nuannuan's heart dropped heavily and she bit her lip.

Zhai Heng saw that her misty eyes were about to cry again, so he pressed the ends of her red eyes and said, "If you don't cry, it's not your fault."

"I know."

She just didn't know how to tell Grandpa Huahua and how he would live in the future.

Jiang Nuannuan slowly fell asleep with her thoughts in mind.

Zhai Heng sat by the bed for a long time, until her breathing was steady and long, and people outside came in to look for him, he lowered his voice and said, "Bring a wheelchair over here."

Knowing that he was already in a bad state after enduring so much, the man immediately brought him medicine and a wheelchair, "I brought the medicine, you take it first."

Zhai Heng pressed on the armrests and sat on the wheelchair. He endured the unbearable pain in his legs, stroked his sore chest, and said, "Take me to see Zhai Lin first."

Zhai Lin was still debriding his shoulder in the medical tent. He was still awake, covered in sweat, and his blond hair was wet against his scalp. When he saw him coming, he asked, "Is she asleep?" Zhai Heng came to him and said coldly. : "You protect her this time, I don't blame you."

Zhai Lin knew he was in the wrong and pursed his lips in silence.

When he sees Zhai Heng now, he has to think of the two nights he slept with Jiang Nuannuan. It feels like a betrayal and a secret affair, and he feels very twisted in his heart.

Zhai Lin's lowered eyes flickered. Before he could struggle out of his emotions, he heard Zhai Heng say: "Jiang Nuannuan doesn't owe you anything. The contract signed with Fu Shiliu was just a child's play. Now the game is over. Come back." After Linggang, she will no longer be your psychological counselor."

Zhai Lin suddenly raised his eyes, moved the stool with a splash and stood up. The wound on his shoulder that was still being cleaned tugged at the pain. He frowned fiercely and gritted his teeth and said, "You have no say in this matter."

Zhai Heng raised his head, his handsome face was as cold as ice, and his voice was gentle and decisive, "You can talk to me again after you get on top of me."

He turned the wheelchair and left the tent. Behind him, the tall man's clenched fists creaked.

As soon as he left the tent, Zhai Heng's pretense of calm suddenly became twisted.

He covered his chest with one hand.The veins in his neck bulged, and the angina in his heart prevented him from breathing smoothly. His body fell from the wheelchair and fell into the snow, like a delicate and beautiful porcelain doll, with cracks all over it.

Zhai Lin heard someone outside screaming for first aid. He opened the curtain and went out to see Zhai Heng lying on the ground. His eyes were horrified, "Brother!"

A helicopter braved environmental dangers and made an emergency landing on the top of the mountain, and sent the person back to Linggang Hospital for rescue overnight.

Late at night here in Linggang, Gu Ting had a banquet, and Li Zhucai told him about the earthquake in Dilei Village.

The man's tired expression froze, and the cap of the pen fell off his hand and rolled to the ground.

He stood up from the chair abruptly, buttoning his suit while his cold aura was in vain, "You're just telling me now?!"

Li Zhu lowered his head and replied quickly: "The helicopter is ready on the top floor. You can go at any time."

Gu Tingyan suppressed her panic, hurriedly passed by him, and said harshly, "I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

Li Zhu stood there holding his tablet and sighed. A person like his boss, who was emotionally stable no matter what happened, would lose his temper and not consider the overall situation for Jiang Nuannuan.

Even though he understands this, Li Zhu still doesn't think he has done anything wrong. The rescue team has arrived at Dilei Village. Jiang Nuannuan's life and death are left to fate, but the boss's career is in his own hands and cannot make any mistakes.

He believed that after being a person in power for so many years, he should understand why he did this as an assistant.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't see Zhai Heng when she got up in the morning. She was the only one in the tent. The hot water bottle she held in her hand was still very hot. It should have been changed quietly.

There were people and noisy voices outside. She struggled to sit up, put on a new set of clothes prepared nearby and got out of bed.

Opening the curtain and looking out, the search and rescue process was still going on. People were coming and going, but Zhai Heng was nowhere to be seen.

After the anesthetic on the wound had worn off, there was a dull pain. Jiang Nuannuan had not taken two steps out when a familiar figure appeared in the distance.

A large group of media gathered around the indifferent Gu Tingyan and were walking here.

He came in a hurry in the early morning and happened to bump into the first group of media who arrived, which resulted in the current situation.

Microphones and cameras crowded around him. Wearing only a sweatshirt and casual trousers, he was lost in the crowd of media, and his tall figure stood out.

A man born to stand in the spotlight will reduce others to foil wherever he goes.

Jiang Nuannuan took a few steps back and walked away from the back of the tent.

She couldn't appear on camera with him in such a high-profile manner, and couldn't be photographed by the media, otherwise you can imagine what the press releases flying around would say.

The truth comes out after an earthquake. Gu Tingyan has a fiancée and is suspected of cheating on her. She must not see it.

As Jiang Nuannuan walked into the medical tent, Gu Tingyan, who had escaped the media's entanglement, entered her tent, and the bed was empty.

The hot water bottle he quietly changed for her in the morning was taken away by her.

He put the breakfast he had brought back on the table, turned around and went out to look for someone again.

The medical tent was full of wounded people, and the smell of blood was very strong. Jiang Nuannuan walked along the middle road and met the old bead-stringing couple who were safe and sound. She saw Zhong Ya, who had one of her legs amputated and was still in a coma, and Her parents in the bed next to her.

She stayed in front of Zhong Ya's hospital bed for a moment and walked slowly inside.

Zhai Lin did not receive any special treatment. His hospital bed was at the far end, and he was sitting on the bed with Grandpa Huahua, who was crying bitterly. His face was tense and his gray eyes were dim.

Grandpa asked many times this morning where Huahua went and why she didn't come to him.

Until he could no longer hide it, the old man realized that something must have happened, and insisted on going out to find Huahua. Then accompanied by a nurse, he went to see his granddaughter's unrecognizable body in person. He collapsed on the spot.
(Words: Two updates will be resumed tomorrow, and one update will be continued today.)
(End of this chapter)

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