Chapter 275 Return to Linggang

The grief was so great that his grandfather cried until he fainted and was treated urgently. Only then did Zhai Lin look up at Jiang Nuannuan, who had been standing for a while.

There was a sense of morbid gloom on his face, with thick emotions accumulated in his eyes, manic and chaotic.

One night, Zhai Lin's mood changed drastically.

Jiang Nuannuan touched the pockets of her clothes and remembered that there were no candies in her new clothes.

The two looked at each other. Zhai Lin turned his eyes first and looked behind her, with ridicule flashing in his eyes.

Gu Tingyan's calm voice followed, "Don't run around if your legs are injured."

Jiang Nuannuan was picked up by him and looked at him in surprise, "When did you come?"

"Early in the morning." Gu Tingyan knew that Zhai Lin had called Jiang Nuannuan to do charity work, so he didn't have a good look on him, and turned to leave with a cold face.

The medical staff passing by occasionally glanced at them. Jiang Nuannuan shook her legs and said, "Put me down. There are a lot of people here."

Gu Tingyan pressed the person into his chest instead, "No one will talk nonsense, I've taken care of it."

Zhai Lin stared at his back closely and suddenly said: "Jiang Nuannuan, do you like to trample on yourself and others?"

Gu Tingyan stopped and turned his head, his dark and deep pupils full of warning.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned into his arms and tightened her grip on his shoulders.

Zhai Lin stood up, walked up to the two of them, and said softly: "You like Gu Tingyan so much that you would rather be his shady lover for the rest of your life? What does it mean that my brother was sent to rescue because of you, and his life and death are unknown?"

What he said contained guilt for Zhai Heng, as well as selfishness. He selfishly hoped that it would stimulate her to leave Gu Tingyan.

Gu Tingyan's eyes suddenly changed and he frowned fiercely, "Zhai Lin, shut up."

In just a few seconds of silence, Jiang Nuannuan thought a lot, and finally said: "You asked the helicopter to send me here, right? Send me to the hospital now."

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, tightened his jaw, and said in a cold voice, "Are you going to find him?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I have a responsibility, please send me there."

Zhai Lin said: "I have prepared a plane."

She paused and said, "Put me down."

Gu Tingyan's fingers curled up, and he turned around with her in his arms and walked behind the curtain, "The Zhai family has the best medical team. It's useless for you to go. I might as well take you back to recuperate and wait for news."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "Zhai Heng came by plane yesterday. The mountain collapsed and there was no way, so he climbed a mountain. Gu Tingyan, do you think I should go?"

No matter what, she should go, but he was one step behind others.

Gu Tingyan first explained for himself, "I got the news that something happened here too late."

Jiang Nuannuan asked him, "Would you have come over immediately?"

The situation at the meeting was very bad. Gu Tingyan clicked her chin without thinking, "I'll be there." He should have been the first to come to her.

Jiang Nuannuan gave in and said softly: "Arrange for me to stay in Zhai Heng's hospital. He is a lifesaver. I only go to see him. Don't think too much about it, okay?"

The lover's agreement has been burned, she can be free at any time, she can spread her wings and fly to others, it is difficult for Gu Tingyan not to think too much.

He said: "I want to accompany you."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "Otherwise, who else would accompany me?"

The coldness in his eyes broke the ice and he gave in.

So there were three people sitting on Zhai Lin's plane.

Jiang Nuannuan held hands with Gu Tingyan the whole time, while Zhai Lin lowered his eyes with a gloomy expression.

The time we arrived at Linggang Hospital was in the evening.

The hospital has already prepared an independent ward, and this is Fu Ying's hospital.

Zhai Heng's rescue ended at noon and he was transferred to the intensive care unit. Jiang Nuannuan sat in a wheelchair and was pushed by Gu Tingyan. They both breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that he was still alive.Standing outside the ward was Mrs. Zhai and a middle-aged man and woman.

Jiang Nuannuan: "I want to go there by myself."

Zhai Lin separated Gu Tingyan's hand and grasped the wheelchair push handle, "I'll do it."

"I am here waiting for you."

No matter what, Gu Tingyan was one step behind now, and he even had to thank Zhai Heng for his immediate rescue. He stood there, nodded to Mrs. Zhai who was looking over, said hello, turned around and went to the stairwell to get some food. Take out the cigarette box and light a cigarette.

Seeing that Zhai Lin had come back intact, Mrs. Zhai excitedly stepped forward to hug him. On the other hand, the middle-aged parents also looked distressed in their eyes, but their behavior was much more reserved. They did not have any physical contact with their son and stood side by side. , keeping a certain distance.

After the lady was happy that Zhai Lin was still alive, she turned to face Jiang Nuannuan in the wheelchair. She was the most angry and unbelievable, "Are you the woman that Zhai Heng risked his life to save?"

She knew that she was Gu Tingyan's mistress.

This matter was also learned from Fu Shiliu's mouth. Zhai Lin was to be assigned a psychological tutor. Of course, she would truthfully tell her family about the tutor's information, so they all knew about it.

It didn't matter that she wasn't familiar with Jiang Nuannuan before. That was because she was from Gu Tingyan. Now that she almost killed her eldest son, she wanted to vent her anger no matter what.

Jiang Nuannuan did not force Zhai Heng to come to save his life, but accepted the offer. After all, he was the precious son of the family. She also accepted the anger of his parents and bowed her head to apologize.

"it's me."

"Feel sorry."

What she responded to was a slap from the woman who raised her hand in anger. Zhai Lin's eyes changed and he raised his hand to block it. Mrs. Zhai took the first step and grabbed her hand.

"Mom!?" The lady raised her eyes in surprise.

The tassels of Buddhist beads between the old lady's sleeves dangled in front of Jiang Nuannuan's face, and her wrinkled-skinned wrist used a strong force to throw her hand back.

"What are you doing so pretentiously?"

The noble lady looked stunned, "What did you say?"

Mrs. Zhai scolded her coldly, "Save your useless feelings and pretend to be in front of me."

The husband in a suit and tie next to him couldn't stand it and said, "Mom, we are all worried about our children when this happens. It's normal to be emotional."

Mrs. Zhai lowered her hands, her eyes were extremely shrewd and sober, and she mocked: "Come on, you don't have to pretend to be so arrogant as soon as you get home, he already knows about the trouble between you two."

The lady was stunned for a moment, her eyes became frightened, "What?"

Zhai Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, "What are you hiding?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the sudden change of expressions on the wealthy couple's faces and had many guesses in her mind.

It is said that Zhai Heng's parents were doing business abroad and did not return home. If you think about it carefully, this is really the case. There is no trace of their parents' lives in that home, and Mrs. Zhai is taking care of them.

Mrs. Zhai looked at Zhai Lin and sighed for a while, "Go and ask them yourself."

She usually cooperates with them, but now she doesn't want to hide it anymore. Zhai Lin also has the right to know what the two men have in mind about the family scandal.

Zhai Lin let go of the wheelchair handle and looked at his parents with a serious look, "Tell me to the stairwell."

When only Madam Zhai and Jiang Nuannuan were left outside the ward, she calmed down and lowered her head and asked, "Want to go in and see him?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes."

She was about to push the wheelchair by herself, but Mrs. Zhai took the initiative to walk behind her and push her into the ward.

Gu Tingyan, who gave the stairwell to Zhai Lin's family, stopped in front of the door. Listening to the conversation coming from inside, the hand on the handle to open the door dropped again.

The dignified CEO of Gu Group, under the curious gaze of the passing medical staff, tilted his body slightly, using his 1.9-meter aura, and eavesdropped on the corner with an expressionless face.

Zhai Heng was wearing an oxygen mask on the bed, his face was bloodless, and two of his belongings were placed on the bedside table, a gold ring and a string of Buddhist beads.

(End of this chapter)

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