Chapter 281 Accident
Seeing that she had been looking at him for a long time, her almond-shaped eyes still exuded unfinished charm, and she was entangled in him. Gu Shizhou couldn't bear it, so he hugged her up, and then his lips were entangled with hers. He said, "I didn't buy a condom. Why don't you ask Fan Jiang to go to the pharmacy outside?"

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't breathe smoothly and raised her hand to push him, "I didn't think about it."

She responded with a low laugh, his lips lingered on her cheek for a moment, then reluctantly moved away, "Then don't look at me like that, I want to do it to death."

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her hands, scratched a few finger marks on his chest, opened his hands and jumped down from his lap. She shouted at him with an unsteady breath, "Go meet your fans, and you should talk like this."

"No, I'll tell you this."

Gu Shizhou crossed his legs, and his tight abdomen was no longer covered by her body. The cold texture lines were crisscrossed, the muscles tightened, and the abdominal muscles that were submerged in his pants became more obvious.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't dare to look at her. She turned around, put her clothes in order, and called Fan Jiang and the makeup remover to come in.

Both of them saw the marks on Gu Shizhou's neck and chest, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of tacit ambiguity.

After the meeting, they went to Nanchun Hotel for some lunch. During the meeting, Jiang Nuannuan received an unexpected phone call.

Her parents had a car accident in Linggang and needed someone to sign for surgery.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "Why did you call me? You didn't contact Jiang Meng and Jiang Yan?"

The nurse on the other end was a little anxious, "We've also made that call. If they don't come, you are their daughter and you should come and take a look."

What was said on the phone was unclear. She picked up her bag and went to go. Gu Shizhou stood up to see her off, "The Jiang family wants to see you?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know clearly, so she shook her head, "I don't know. Let's go to the hospital first."

Gu Shizhou didn't ask any questions and drove her on the motorcycle he had changed to take her all the way to the hospital.

The two of them arrived at the door of the operating room. The doctor gave her a signed consent form for the operation. Jiang Nuannuan took a closer look at the name on it and realized that the people lying in the operating room were not the Jiang family's adoptive parents, but her biological biological parents.

Since this body was taken over by Jiang Nuannuan, she has no news about her biological parents, nor has she taken the initiative to find them. This suddenly appeared in front of her in a critical condition. She signed the consent form first, but her thoughts were still a little confused.

Gu Shizhou came over with two policemen, "I'm looking for you."

After paying for the medical expenses, Jiang Nuannuan went to the police station again.

Surveillance showed that at 12 o'clock in the morning, this elderly couple was crossing the road with a pickle jar, heading in the direction of Jiang's villa area. There were few people on the suburban road and the place was large. They were both hit by a speeding truck and ran a red light. run down.

The policeman lamented, "It's a good thing it was an empty truck, otherwise there wouldn't even be a chance for rescue."

The driver who caused the accident took control. When Jiang Nuannuan saw him, he almost knelt down in front of her and was so regretful.

The compensation was determined as it should be. She came out of the police station without any emotion. She had forgotten her light-colored woolen coat on the chair. Gu Shizhou helped him take it out and put it back on her shoulders. He placed his palm on her waist and held it gently. Then he asked: "Should I take you back to the hospital again?"

For him, watching the fireworks or going to the hospital was fine. After all, the two of them could be alone.

The sun is setting in the evening and the fireworks show is about to begin.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, I want to watch the fireworks."

Three years before she came here, the original owner of this body was already a fake daughter, and she had no interaction with her biological parents. Could it be understood that their relationship was not good or close?

The two elders carrying the vegetable jar to Jiang's house were probably just to see Jiang Meng. Jiang Meng was probably having a hard time now, and she didn't want to talk to the adoptive parents who raised her.

After thinking about it briefly, Jiang Nuannuan thought that it was enough for her to fulfill her obligation to pay for the treatment, and the rest had nothing to do with her.

Gu Shizhou had never seen Jiang Nuannuan mention her biological parents, and he guessed that they were not on good terms with each other. He carried her on the black and heavy motorcycle, held her hand and put it into the sleeves of his coat, "Then get dressed and come with me." Take a boat ride.”

Jiang Nuannuan spread her legs and sat astride him, hugging his waist, "Drive slowly, the temperature is getting cooler at night."

Gu Shizhou smiled leisurely and said, "It's not as useful as if you hug me tighter."

Jiang Nuannuan put her hands into his clothes, grabbed his waist and twisted it. Hearing his breathing in the wind, she endured the pain and cursed with a smile, "Jiang Nuannuan, you can do it, I'll drive slower."

She buried her head behind him and raised her lips.

Gu Tingyan, who finished work early, took two boat tickets and went to Bishui Bay. Because Aunt Mei said she was not in Sunshine Court, he went here to pick up people to watch the fireworks.The room was dark, not a single light was on.

It was empty, she wasn't home.

Gu Tingyan loosened his neat tie, leaned against the entrance cabinet, and called Jiang Nuannuan.

After answering the call, there was the sound of loudspeaker playing and the sound of crowded people talking, which was very noisy.

He asked in a deep voice: "Where?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the ship that was about to leave and answered truthfully: "We are watching the fireworks show. Are you done?"

Glancing at the VIP viewing boat ticket that Li Zhu bought, Gu Tingyan clenched it unconsciously, "Who are you going with?"

The other end was silent for a while and then replied: "Gu Shizhou invited me to come. Do you want to come over now?"

"Who?" An unruly male voice suddenly sounded close to him, and the phone was cut off.

They all said that the annual fireworks show at Linggang River was a must-go place for young couples during New Year's Eve. Gu Tingyan had never paid attention to it. Now he wanted to take someone there on a whim, but someone else took her there first. Stab on it.

Gu Tingyan stood for a moment, his handsome face dark and calm, he casually placed the tie he took off on the entrance cabinet and went out.

Jiang Nuannuan was squeezed, but it was Gu Shizhou who pulled her to her side before she could stand still.

There are no priority seats for VIP cruise viewing. Everyone is standing on the deck and crowding around.

Her call button was squeezed by her fingertips until she hung up.

Gu Shizhou asked her: "My brother's phone number?"

Jiang Nuannuan held the railing and nodded, "He should come."

Although she didn't say it explicitly, her intuition told her that he would definitely come.

The corners of Gu Shizhou's lips drooped, and he placed his hands against the railing to circle her in the middle. His peach blossom eyes under the brim of his hat were sinister, "I'm not enough? Are you asking him to come?"

Her almond-shaped eyes shimmered with helplessness, "What is our relationship, and what is my relationship with him?"

"Do you know how to remind me at this time?" He leaned over, and she turned her head slightly to avoid him, revealing one of her bright white ears, "Stand back, there are a lot of people here."

"How can I kiss you while wearing a mask?" Gu Shizhou touched her earlobe, pinched it with his fingers, and said unhappily: "Why didn't you remind me of our relationship in bed? Tell me to keep our distance?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and came back, "Isn't that relationship reflected in bed? Why should I mention it specifically?"

Gu Shizhou choked, looking into her clear eyes, veins bulged on the back of his hand holding the railing.

He felt aggrieved and gritted his teeth and said, "Do I have to wait for you to break the agreement? Do I have to like him?"

Jiang Nuannuan blinked slowly, "Gu Shizhou, you can't afford to play games for a long time."

The man choked, pursed his lips under the mask, and gave a bone-crushing smile, "You can lose the game, but you can't get away from me."

"I didn't let you leave." Jiang Nuannuan pressed against his abdomen and whispered: "Stand still, I don't want to fall off the boat. When your brother comes later, you have to cooperate."

The voice was now soft and waxy, a little more begging.

She really knows how to pick the right moment to tell him to get into position.

The tip of his tongue touched his cheek. Gu Shizhou endured his dissatisfaction and stepped back to stand.

So what if he doesn't want to play anymore, the game is already open, if he doesn't continue playing and keeps people around him, he will be kicked out.

(End of this chapter)

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