Chapter 282 Tit for tat, a kick before leaving

The ship was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago, but the radio said there was something wrong with the fireworks and that we needed to wait.

At this time, Gu Tingyan asked people to wait. Maybach rushed to the port and stepped out of the car with shiny leather shoes. A man with straight shoulders appeared behind the car door.

He has an outstanding appearance in a suit and leather shoes, and there are people guiding him along the way. People watching on the shore are paying attention to him.

He did not participate in such crowded cruise activities. His dark eyes scanned the deck, and his aura was cold and abrupt, causing the people around him to unconsciously make room for him to make it easier for him.

Jiang Nuannuan and Gu Shizhou stood side by side, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and a purple skirt. When the wind and waves rolled up, the hem of the skirt caressed his legs.

The two of them were too close.

Gu Tingyan's expression became even colder. The two men looked at each other and saw sporadic fire in each other's eyes.

He came to her side, with the two of them sandwiched between them, one on the left and the other on the right. There were bodyguards brought up behind him to create a small space between the three of them.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to hold his hand, but thinking that the two of them could not have an intimate relationship outside, the raised hand fell down under Gu Tingyan's gaze. His mouth felt bitter, and he felt a self-inflicted pain.

She grabbed the corner of her clothes, her lips curved to hide her happiness, "Didn't you say you wouldn't be back after working overtime tonight?"

Gu Tingyan put one hand in his suit pocket and stood upright, "I want to come back and give you a surprise."

Gu Shizhou sneered, "Would you do such a thing? Or have you forgotten?"

He tilted his head, his dark and narrow eyes were like sharp edges, his resolute face was tense, and he immediately took out two tickets from his pocket.

It was two VIP tickets for the fireworks show.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes moved slightly, watching him take the ticket back, and pursed his lower lip, "I don't know."

Gu Shizhou snorted coldly, "If the invitation is blocked, don't blame others for stepping forward."

"I don't have as much free time as you." Gu Tingyan said indifferently: "If you want to take revenge on me, don't attack my people."

In his opinion, Gu Shizhou deliberately approached Jiang Nuannuan mainly because he had talked with Fu Shiliu in the early years and he wanted to come back for revenge. Other than that, he had no position to compete with him.

Gu Shizhou, who was wearing a peaked cap, raised his tongue to the roof of his mouth and clicked his tongue, his tone calming down, "Your person? If you get married, will he be yours? Brother, your marriage partner is not here."

When he spoke now, he could scratch Gu Tingyan's body with a knife, and he was reminding Jiang Nuannuan in disguise that his brother was just a shrewd businessman who was about to get married, not a good person.

Gu Tingyan frowned and glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, "I still can't tell who I will marry."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, the boat started to sail, and the sound of the flute came together with the cold wind. Jiang Nuannuan took the opportunity to speak, "Can you please stop quarreling today on New Year's Eve? I want to watch the fireworks."

The two were silent together.

The dark river swayed, and there were clusters of illuminated buildings on the other side. On the edge of the bustling city, gorgeous fireworks soared into the sky with the countdown. The exploding sparks illuminated the night and reflected in Jiang Nuannuan's pupils.

Like the people around her, she exclaimed in wonder, her eyes as bright as stars, "It's New Year's Eve!"

Gu Tingyan turned his head to look at her.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and looked into his thick eyes, smiling, "Don't you want to watch the fireworks?"

Her voice was unclear, and he leaned down to listen carefully, "What?"

Jiang Nuannuan pressed her cheek against his, her voice sweet and soft, "Look at the fireworks, don't always look at me."

Gu Tingyan asked her, "How do you know I'm looking at you?"

She turned her head and blinked her long eyelashes, "I've been peeking at you. Happy New Year, Gu Tingyan."

The man's thin lips curled up slightly, and he whispered something to her again, and both of them had a smile on their faces.

Gu Shizhou felt sour when he saw the two of them abandoning him to whisper, so much so that big bubbles popped up in the vinegar vat.He suddenly pulled Jiang Nuannuan into his arms, directly distanced the two of them, pushed her away and stood on the other side, squeezing himself into the middle.

The gentle look in Gu Tingyan's eyes disappeared in an instant. His tall body was straight and his eyes were cold, "Gu Er, let go."

The man in the hoodie sneered, "There are so many people, brother, are you afraid of any impact if you get too close to her?"

Jiang Nuannuan's wrist hurt from being held, so she shook it off, "You hurt me!"

Gu Shizhou let go of his hand, and Jiang Nuannuan stood alone next to him, angrily looking up at the fireworks and not wanting to pay attention to anyone.

After coaxing things to happen on the left and right, destroy them!She doesn't want to care anymore!

Gu Tingyan confronted Gu Shizhou. He had the aura of being in the shopping mall all year round. His resolute face was stern, "You ask her to block me, I won't argue with you. You can't do anything but three, don't go against me."

Gu Shizhou was not timid at all and showed his wildness like a wolf-dog, "You are at the end of your rope now. I can't step on you. Aren't you worried?"

The two brothers looked at each other.

Gu Tingyan's lips twitched coldly, "Just give it a try."

Gu Shizhou knew his expression very well. This man did not do anything uncertain in business.

He took a step forward and hid his voice under the fireworks, not letting Jiang Nuannuan hear. He only challenged Gu Tingyan, "I didn't know about your two-year lover agreement with Jiang Nuannuan at the beginning, but now that I know it, I'm a little curious. Do you care about this?" For your sake, what will you do if she doesn’t follow you anymore?”

Gu Tingyan has been secretly worried about this matter recently, and when it was revealed openly, he relied on his experience and stable mentality to break through the defense. For the first time, he wanted to beat his disobedient brother directly on the deck with his fists.

The violent factors of both of them were ready to activate. Jiang Nuannuan was watching the battle in the dark and felt that it was no good to ignore it. She tilted her head and called Gu Tingyan, with a soft and boneless tone, "When we get off the cruise ship later, you come home with me. "

Looking back, Shi Zhou also broke his guard. He invited people out. Why didn't he go home with him and was intercepted halfway? !

He turned his head and glared at her bitterly, but the little girl would only blink innocently and give him a look that put him right.

Gu Tingyan felt comfortable, her tense broad shoulders relaxed, her whole attitude softened, and she felt proud after listening carefully to the cold words, "She can only go home with me."

Gu Shizhou gritted his teeth angrily. He really wanted to say that she had gone back to his home a lot and slept on the bed frequently, but a small hand came in from the corner of his clothes and quietly touched and scratched his back. He was so itchy that he couldn't say anything.

After the unbearable fireworks show was finally over, the ship returned to the port. Jiang Nuannuan could endure it to the end. Her performance had improved today and she didn't pick her toes.

Tourists got off the bus one after another.

They were escorted by bodyguards and walked at the end. Someone recognized the three of them and wanted to take pictures, but the keen bodyguards noticed and stopped them.

However, this kind of candid filming is not easy to control at all, and sooner or later it will make the news.

Jiang Nuannuan saw it in her eyes and thought it was not a big deal. The three of them could go out as friends while watching the fireworks together, but it would be another story if the two of them watched and were photographed together.

Gu Shizhou was unwilling to let Gu Tingyan feel comfortable like this. When he arrived at the parking lot, he took off the helmet from the motorcycle and said to Jiang Nuannuan who came to see him off: "Next time I come to support me, I won't wear a yellow vest. There are so many people. I can’t find you.”

She said this as if he was his little crush.

The breath of the people around him was extremely cold, and Jiang Nuannuan's scalp felt numb. "I understand, go back quickly, and be careful on the road."

Gu Shizhou slowly took off his mask and put on his helmet, opened the mask, looked at her with a pair of peach blossom eyes and said, "Which brand is the drink you specially gave me today? It's very sweet."

Jiang Nuannuan was already begging him to shut up with her eyes, "Can you also forget what you endorsed?"

Gu Shizhou suddenly said, "Oh, no wonder it's sweeter."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

He wanted to harm her.

(End of this chapter)

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