Chapter 283 Lock the car and talk
She followed Gu Tingyan into the car. He sat in the driver's seat and the driver left early.

After half-opening the window, he took out his cigarette case and took a bite of a cigarette, then turned the steering wheel with one hand and left the port.

The smoke was carried away by the night wind, and the frost slightly condensed on the young and steady profile. Jiang Nuannuan was sitting beside her, as quiet and obedient as a rabbit.

When the car entered Bishui Bay, a notice was posted at the door. The power supply in the underground parking lot was abnormal tonight. After entering, it was completely dark inside, with two car lights shining in front.

Gu Tingyan stepped on the brakes and turned into the private garage.

He didn't speak a word the whole way, which was enough to prove that he was angry. Jiang Nuannuan broke the silence first, "I still have some eggs and vegetables at home. Go up and I'll cook you some noodles."

She turned around and was about to open the door and get out of the car. Gu Tingyan locked the car door first, and the cigarette butts burned to the end of his fingertips fell out of the window. He was silent for a long time, closed the window and asked: "Did I ask you to stay away from him? You never listened. Is it difficult to do?"

The two headlights at the front of the car were turned off, and he was trapped in the completely dark car. He had a straight face. Jiang Nuannuan could not see anything, and her eyes were a little blank, "Yes, I just accepted a friendly invitation."

"Has your social circle narrowed to the point where you have to choose Gu Shizhou?" Gu Tingyan stared at her with dark eyes, and the buckle of his seat belt clicked open.

All the sounds in the darkness were amplified around her. Jiang Nuannuan tightened her grip on the hem of her skirt and remained calm, "He invited me and I went to the appointment as a friend. We didn't do anything."

Gu Tingyan asked coldly: "What do you mean you didn't do it? The Linggang River Fireworks Show is a must-go place for lovers. It's easy to guess what his intentions are when asking you out. And you wouldn't come to see me when you went to visit his class."

Jiang Nuannuan moved her fingers and turned her head to look at the blurry outline in the darkness. "There was also a family going to the fireworks show, and there was also one person, and I just made an appointment with him to leave from the film and television city. The visit was completely unexpected. I I didn’t know the road over there and squeezed into the fan group. The fans there requested me to give him water. He was rumored to be having an affair with an actress recently, and those fans wanted me.”

She was a little embarrassed to say it, and finished the rest of her words in a whiny voice, "Anyway, this was a complete accident."

Gu Tingyan tightened her lips and said nothing. She had not answered his question yet.

The quiet atmosphere in the car was suffocating. Jiang Nuannuan felt hot, took off her coat and put it on her lap, "Tell me why I want to find you."

She turned sideways and folded her hands on the armrest box, knowing that the two of them were very close at the moment, and she could smell the faint smell of tobacco on his body.

She said calmly: "I have become Fu Shiliu's substitute, so no one can know about this relationship. Now that you have Feixin as your fiancée, why should I come to the company to find you? What's more, when I call you , you made it clear that you wanted to work overtime, and you always put work first.”

The man's chest was tight and his face was dark.

After a long time, he asked:
"Jiang Nuannuan, have you ever thought about continuing with me?"

Jiang Nuannuan was angry with him without any hesitation, "Who knows, after all, you will forget even New Year's Eve, oh yes, and the same goes for ordinary Valentine's Day. We don't have any Valentine's Day or dates. You just forget it from beginning to end." Throw money in my face and try to use it to solve all problems."

Gu Tingyan: "It has indeed solved many problems. You have never been dissatisfied. You have used this reason."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." She doesn't want to lose face, right?

She grimaced and retorted, "Then don't you think others can use this trick on me? Everyone's tricks are the same. What's so special about you? Do you spend more money than anyone else?"

Gu Tingyan's breathing was stagnant, and his throat was choked by the little girl in front of him. His narrow black eyes were filled with anger.

Jiang Nuannuan ignored him, took the opportunity to reach over and unlock the car door, turned around and opened the door to get out of the car.

Before she could touch the handlebar, the person next to her had already made a move. Her arm was accurately grasped in the darkness and pulled back fiercely.

She stumbled back into the chair, and was immediately lifted out of her seat and pulled over.

His feet were suspended in the air and he kicked the car door, making a muffled sound. Then he sat astride Gu Tingyan's legs, and he held his legs firmly, unable to move.

"Gu Tingyan!"

Jiang Nuannuan pressed his hard legs with her hands, and her heartbeat suddenly became chaotic.There was already little space in the driver's seat, so she suddenly sat on top of him and could barely move.

With the soft fragrance in his arms, the man slapped her butt hard with his big hand to vent his anger.

Jiang Nuannuan shook violently and screamed in pain.

This was the second time she was beaten in his hands!
"What are you doing! Domestic violence!"

Two buttons of his suit were torn off. He held her wrists that she was beating wildly and said in a cold voice, "Talk to me. Who do you want to spend money on for you?"

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against him, eyes red, and said angrily: "You can find anyone, there are plenty of them anyway."

The hand on her hip tightened instantly, and she almost twisted in pain. The man leaning on the back of the seat suddenly straightened his back, leaned forward, pressed her against the steering wheel, and his lips suddenly fell.

His movements were very heavy, he crushed her and kissed her roughly and eagerly, almost biting her to bleed. She fought back in pain, and was bitten back into her lips by him unable to plunder her. The rolling shutter door outside the garage did not come down, and there were car lights at midnight. Shine it over, it's dazzling.

Jiang Nuannuan froze, her skin was so frightened that small pimples appeared, and her pupils shrank.

Those cut eyes were full of water, and her enamel-white cheeks were covered with a thin layer of red.

Knowing that she was afraid of being seen, Gu Tingyan raised his hand to cover her face, pulled back his lips slightly to let her breathe, and reasoned with her in a low voice.

"When I handed you my business card, your temper was completely different from what it is now. I never thought I would fall in love with you at that time."

"Now that things have happened, I won't let you go. I asked you to wait for me. If you agree, don't provoke others."

"If I still have time to spend with you, I'll use the money to explain. I've given myself a holiday. It's you who wants to wait until after next spring. I understand your thoughts, so I'll cooperate with you."

"There are many things in relationships that I don't care about and don't understand very well. Only when you remind me do I know what to do."

Her breathing was rapid, and her long legs under her skirt were clinging to his suit pants. Her feet were trying to find a place to stay, but his legs were spread a little, so she couldn't step on them, and they were dangling helplessly.

"Did you hear clearly?"

Gu Tingyan raised his eyes and stared at her, put his palms into the purple dress spread out on his legs, rolled up the sides, and said, "Talk to me."

He was so tough that Jiang Nuannuan couldn't bear it, her long legs trembled, and she bit her lip, "I heard you clearly."

She grabbed his arm, her nails almost breaking into his strong muscles, "Take it out."

At this time, there were car lights approaching again, and she was deeply afraid that someone would see her through the window, so she buried herself in his arms in embarrassment, pulling his wrinkled suit to cover her face.

The heart under Gu Tingyan's shirt was beating fiercely, hitting her lips time and time again. His emotions were not as calm as he seemed to be in control of the situation, but he just liked to pretend to be steady.

The man did not obey her words and pressed her waist with one hand. Hearing her exclamation in a different tone, his thin lips slightly opened, "It's you who refuse to relax at all."

She raised her face and bit his chin hard, "I don't like it!" It was more convenient for him to wear a skirt today.

He didn't know what was going on at hand.

Gu Tingyan's hot lips kissed him back, his voice was unsteady and cold, "You know how I feel about you now. What happened to Gu Shizhou is not your fault, but what about Zhai Heng? It's you who is the one on the snowy night."

(End of this chapter)

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