Chapter 294 Special New Year’s Gift
"what did you say?"

She held his face as he tried to pull away.

Fei Jinzhao lowered his head, "It's past twelve o'clock, you should go to bed."

Still unable to say it, he had to consider the consequences of failure so that she could still live her life well.

What he just said was not that long. Jiang Nuannuan pinched his face and said, "You lied, I won't sleep."

Fei Jin called: "Then I won't sleep."

He refused to say anything anymore. She hummed twice and didn't push him anymore. She just stayed on his lap and refused to leave until the fireworks at 12 o'clock ended. The noise was over and sleepiness came over again.

Fei Jinzhao turned off the TV, bent down and picked her up, "Go to the bedroom and sleep."

She wrapped her legs around his waist, placed her head on his shoulder, and her eyelids trembled, "Which one should I sleep with?"

His eyes narrowed slightly and hesitantly replied in a low voice: "Guest room."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and said unhappily: "Did you make the bed in advance? Has anyone else slept here?"

Before Fei Jinzhao could understand what she meant, she pursed her dry lips and said, "No one has been here, and there is no bed in the guest room, only the master bedroom."

She hugged his neck tightly and sighed, "There's nothing I can do about it. I can only sleep with you at night."

It's not like they had never slept together before. They had done intimate things while drunk. The memories hidden in the honey jar leaked out. Fei Jinzhao pressed her heels against the bedroom door and touched the light with her arm.

The furnishings in the room stunned Jiang Nuannuan for several seconds.

He moved everything back in Shili Lane, including the furniture she bought.

Fei Jinzhao's voice dropped a few degrees, "There are your clothes in the cabinet, go wash them."

Also put her clothes on
He wanted to put the person down, but Jiang Nuannuan refused, and wrapped her legs tighter around her thin waist, "Did you move all my things here?"

Even the air in the bedroom is intertwined with an extremely familiar fragrance of peach.

It was coming from the aromatherapy on the bedside table, which was the same brand as her usual perfume.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at him suddenly, "Are you thinking about me every night?"

Fei Jinzhao's thoughts were exposed and she remained silent. Her heartbeat was as fierce as a drum. Her long eyelashes were half-draped to hide her emotions, "Go down and wash up."

Jiang Nuannuan deliberately leaned down on him and touched his chin, "Do you want a drink?"

Fei Jinzhao was stunned for a moment and raised her eyes, "Drinking now?"

She nodded, "You tend to go crazy when you drink. Have you forgotten? Why not tonight? I remember you drank too."

That thought was almost brought to the surface. Why didn't Fei Jinzhao understand?

A slightly hoarse voice asked her, "Is that what you mean?"

Judging from his calm expression, if you remove the impulsiveness in his eyes that is about to break out of the cage, it is indeed the case.

Jiang Nuannuan hooked the short hair on the back of his neck and tangled it with her fingertips, and said softly, "You don't have to understand it this way."

She knew that Fei Jin had been depressed, so she acquiesced and wanted to give him a moment of indulgence.The remote control placed on the quilt was pressed by her arm to turn on the button, and a single by the band Muse was played. The man's hand on her body loosened, and the music brought back a trace of calmness in him.

Fei Jinzhao sat next to her, her arms and back muscles protruding, and her loose casual shirt tilted to one side.

"I didn't think so."

His lips were moist, and his eyes, disturbed by lust, struggled to stay clear.

Either she didn't know what he was thinking, or she felt guilty and distressed when she knew it.

Her fingers were very cold when they penetrated. Fei Jinzhao's body suddenly froze, and she put her palms up to suppress her, "Jiang Nuannuan!"

His scalp was numb, his nerves were about to explode, his body temperature was rising rapidly, and his breathing was rapid and heavy.

A piece of music stopped abruptly, and he could hear his own heartbeat in the silent bedroom.

"I'm not very skilled, but I should be better than you taking a cold shower."

She was really driving him crazy.

"You heard."

The curtains in the bedroom were not tightly drawn, and half of them were still light.

On the first day of the new year, a large number of artillery fire made it very hazy near noon, and the windows were completely white.

The clothes in the room were scattered on the floor. As soon as the heat source around Jiang Nuannuan left, the coolness made her roll up her quilt and turn into a silkworm chrysalis.

After a while, she heard the sound of cannons being fired at noon, and realized that it must be very late. She opened her eyes sleepily, rolled up the quilt and slowly sat up. Her long, messy hair covered most of her face, and she was confused.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

After the rustling sound of dressing, the door opened.

Fei Jinzhao walked to the bed and leaned over to brush away her messy hair.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at him, blushing as she remembered what happened last night.

What a bit embarrassing.

Maybe she took the initiative yesterday too far.

Fei Jinzhao touched her face and leaned over. Jiang Nuannuan immediately closed her eyes and kissed her forehead softly, "What are you having for lunch?"

It was a very common sentence. She opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, "Eight-treasure rice."

He nodded, the corners of his lips curling slightly, "Put the bath water away, get out of the quilt."

There was nothing under her quilt. Jiang Nuannuan obeyed and threw off the quilt. Only when she saw that her legs were covered with hickeys did she realize the problem.

People are made stupid.

But it seems even more embarrassing to go and retrieve the quilt in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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