Chapter 295 The trap laid out

She simply threw the embarrassment to Fei Jinzhao, "My legs hurt."

He didn't feel surprised or at a loss at all. He glanced at the marks left on her body with dark eyes, bent down, picked her up and walked into the bathroom.

There are her things everywhere in the house. Yesterday's clothes were taken off in time on the floor without getting dirty. They can still be worn today. Fei Jinzhao collected them for her and put them on the clothes rack in the bathroom.

The four-piece mushroom set on the bed had been changed only once in the night, and now it had been taken out of the washing machine and tumbled in the dryer.

From the corner of her eye, Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the sheets baking in circles, and hurried out.

Just as the eight-treasure rice was steaming out of the pot, Fei Jinzhao handed her the chopsticks, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Her face became hot, "I didn't really do it."

Seeing her like this, Fei Jinzhao smiled slightly, "It's a little late for you to realize how shy you are now."

Jiang Nuannuan stepped on his feet under the table, not doing well, "I feel pain in my legs now."

"Yes, it was on my shoulder last night." He said with a normal expression: "After dinner, I will help you rub it on the sofa."

Jiang Nuannuan dropped her chopsticks in shock and blushed, "Fei Jinzhao! It's all you who are taking advantage!"

He couldn't help laughing, "Really?"

She liked him wearing jeans, and he would never forget the fact that she would hide under the table when she was drunk and bully him.

She is a cat who lusts after his body.

Jiang Nuannuan met his meaningful eyes, picked up the chopsticks again and stabbed a piece of rice pudding into her mouth.

After dinner, Fei Jinzhao went to the sofa to rub her legs. He had some skills in serving her grandma before. Jiang Nuannuan narrowed her eyes comfortably, looking very satisfied.

He said: "I'm going back to the countryside in the afternoon."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't react for a moment and opened her eyes, "What are you going to do?"

Fei Jin recalled: "Look at grandma, wish her a happy new year, and spend some money to go there."

She nodded, but today she had agreed to go to Zhai Heng to get a red envelope, so she had to go, so she said politely: "But I have to go home today."

The journey was tiring, and she barely slept until dawn last night. Fei Jinzhao didn't want her to go, "Well, you didn't go back last night, so go back today."

On the first day of the new year for the Fu family, Fu Shiliu and Zhou Qi went home to pay New Year's greetings. The relationship between the two was not good in private. After marriage, Zhou Qi still couldn't change his love for beautiful women. His wife got tired of it after sleeping for a few days and turned to look for her. In the next chapter, Fu Shiliu had nothing to do except hate.

She and Zhou Qi only had a good relationship with each other on the outside. When the two of them stepped into the house, they brought back many valuable New Year gifts, which totaled hundreds of thousands.

On the other hand, what Fu Ying and Ye Hang brought were a box of milk, a box of melatonin, and a barrel of oil.

The servants had piled these things in some corner. We all ate together, and the conversation was so intense that Fu Ying and the two couldn't get a word in, until Ye Hang was accidentally asked by Zhou Qi what he did at home, and killed the three fishmongers. As soon as the word was spoken, the sarcasm and ridicule in the other party's eyes made Ye Hang feel even more shameless, and both the elders of the Fu family felt embarrassed.

"Whether you kill fish or not, you all rely on your craft to make a living." Fu Ying explained palely, trying to save some face for her future husband.

Zhou Qi said with a smile: "After dinner, I will take your husband out to see the world and let him see what it means to live by craftsmanship."

There was something in his words. Fu Shiliu smiled and said, "Don't take him to messy places."

Zhou Qi glanced at her, "Who am I?"

Fu Shiliu stopped talking, but Ye Hang really wanted to see the 'big world'. After the two of them finished eating, Zhou Qi actually took Ye Hang out.

Fu Ying looked at the door worriedly, "What will they do?"

She ignored the strange look in Fu Shiliu's eyes and only listened to the gentle voice saying: "Probably just go and have a drink and sing. Zhou Qi is okay."

In fact, the man who fell in love with her was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling.According to her investigation, Ye Hang likes to gamble when he has nothing to do, but his gambling is not big.

Fu Shiliu expected Zhou Qi to take people to the casino as she thought.

There's a lot of fun there.

"How about I take you to Zhai Lin's house to say New Year's greetings?" Fu Shiliu took Fu Ying's hand, "He loved you so much that he would do anything for you, and now the Zhai family still has your two favorite Doberman dogs. , do you want to get it back?"

Fu Ying really likes dogs, especially the Doberman type that she has seen on her mobile phone. But with Ye Hang, a pet dog and animal supplies are too much money.

She hesitated, not knowing what was driving her, and nodded.

The Zhai family's old house was even more exaggerated than the Fu family's villa, occupying an entire hilltop, with thousands of square feet of green grass, sculptural landscapes, and even a fake artificial lake, which made Fu Ying keep her mouth shut all the way.


"His house is so big."

She was once again refreshed on how rich the rich are.

Fu Shiliu held her hand and said, "You used to play here a lot. He even had an exclusive studio full of your portraits."

For a man who is rich enough, handsome enough and infatuated enough, the disadvantages of a broken leg or mania are not that important.

Fu Ying stared at the palace-like house outside, feeling mixed emotions inside and speechless.

She vaguely understood that Fu Shiliu had been leading her to another path, but everything on that path had really happened, but she had forgotten it.

On the first day of the new year, Zhai Heng's home was empty, without the lively scene of a family at that time.

Uncle Wang explained to Jiang Nuannuan: "The old lady came back one day ago and lost her temper and drove people away."

So during the Chinese New Year, there were only the three of them and a bunch of servants.

This dramatic development is normal when you think about it from the side. Mrs. Zhai dotes on Zhai Heng and Zhai Lin very much, and she has always been like this.

Zhai Heng was feeding the fish by the lake, and Zhai Lin was receiving psychological counseling. Uncle Wang said that he had been sick very frequently recently, and he glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Nuannuan pretended not to know, took out a beautiful lily from the vase next to her, and went to find Zhai Heng.

Her figure passed by the window. The blond man sitting by the window was annoyed by the psychologist's questions. He tilted his head and his gaze was fixed.

Lin Xia, who accepted this high-paying job, also followed his gaze and saw the girl who stood with the young man of the family.

She secretly thought something bad and tried to divert his attention, "Second Young Master, your former psychologist has been treating you for a full year. You turned your suppressed emotions to her and used her as a vent object. Maybe you feel that you are now I like her very much, but I can’t explain the origin of this kind of emotion. It’s because the dependence or love you think is not real. This is a psychological problem that can easily arise with the advancement of medical treatment.”

This was the first time that someone told Zhai Lin straightforwardly from a professional perspective as a psychologist.

He doesn't like Jiang Nuannuan at all.

Jiang Nuannuan put the lily into Zhai Heng's hand, tilted her head and talked to him with a smile, her pretty face beaming with joy.

Zhai Lin's pupils were gloomy and his lips pursed into a straight line, "So, how did you make your judgment?"

His mood changed quietly, and his handsome face was turned sideways. Lin Xia did not pay attention to his expression in time. After misjudgment, she felt that he could listen, and then explained: "She has been treating you for too long. , causing you to regard the comfort brought by the psychologist as everything to you for a certain period of time. In fact, I prefer that you have a beautiful friendship relationship."

friendship relationship.

These four words were enough to make Zhai Lin clench his molars.

(End of this chapter)

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