Chapter 296 Don't Worry
Jiang Nuannuan took a pack of fish food from Zhai Heng, grabbed a handful and threw it into the lake. The carp waiting for the opportunity swung their tails to snatch it, and the water splashed on her face, making her giggle.

A red envelope was delivered to her, "I am one year older."

The red envelope was very thin. Jiang Nuannuan touched it and found that it was a bank card.

She turned to look at him, feeling funny, "You wanted to put a red envelope worth tens of thousands of yuan, but you thought you couldn't put the cash in it, so you gave me a bank card?"

Zhai Heng did not refute, and nodded with a smile, "It's enough to support you on several trips."

Given his status, it wouldn't surprise him to give Jiang Nuannuan any amount of money during the Chinese New Year, but I just thought he was also tacky. It was a big red envelope in the literal sense.

She smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go out with you and spend the money there."

Zhai Heng shook his head and said, "Let it go for now. I won't ask you to pay when I go out."

Jiang Nuannuan collected the red envelope, and Uncle Wang next to her came over and said, "The two ladies from the Fu family are here to pay New Year's greetings."

There is an ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend, and even if they want to pay New Year greetings and establish a relationship, they are irrelevant. Uncle Wang feels very annoyed.

Zhai Heng said gently: "Let's meet."

The two left side by side from the window. Jiang Nuannuan's beautiful eyes were staring at him and never left, like the clear eyes of an admirer. Zhai Lin's hand on the armrest wanted to crush the wood.

He twisted his neck to one side, his bones making strange noises, and suddenly said: "How much do you know about her just by meeting her once? What you said is similar, but it's just rubbish conclusions drawn from academic research."

Lin Xia looked at him expressionless, still maintaining her professional standards and trying to wake him up, "The psychologist has her own family and life. During the treatment process, she will only treat you with a professional level, whether as a friend or as a person." Family identity, but no love, do you know her outside of treatment?"

"The formation of love is mutual, and the formation of friends is also mutual, but the missing thing in the middle leads to errors in identity."

Zhai Lin stood up from the sofa with his eyelids lowered, looked at her with a strange expression and said, "But I forgot to tell you one thing, and they also forgot to tell you one thing."

Lin Xia frowned, sensing his emotional instability, and quietly glanced at the door behind him.

"What is it?"

The man's shadow invaded the sofa where she was sitting little by little. He sneered, "Where did Jiang Nuannuan get the psychologist qualification certificate? She has never treated me properly. She has only been by my side for a year."

"She dared to stick an electric shock device on my waist. Would a psychologist do this? Are there any relevant research conclusions? Abuse patients? Electric shock physical therapy?"

Lin Xia's heart was pounding, she was completely frightened by his terrifying aura that was about to go berserk.

Zhai Lin squatted in front of her. When he was offended, he took the ballpoint pen used for recording on the table and plunged it into the notebook. The plastic pen case immediately squeezed and exploded, making the other party cover her mouth and scream.

Zhai Lin has seen this expression countless times.

One corner of his lips raised, "You all have a cabinet full of information books you use to study me. Why don't you know how to follow my thoughts?"

What's his idea?
Lin Xia's eyes widened in horror, what could she be thinking?It's not friendship between him and that lady, but love?
She trembled her lips and said: "Second Young Master, Mr. Zhai Lin, I hope you are in a sober state now. You have also been hurt by others. Don't do anything that hurts others. If there are any errors in my analysis, we can talk about it again." .”

Fu Shiliu and others came in from the hall. As soon as the four of them met in the living room, they heard hurried footsteps upstairs. Lin Xia ran down with a pale face. She grabbed her bag in her hand and ran out of the door without even saying hello.

The servant also ran down in a panic and said, "Second Young Master broke the psychologist's pen."

Compared to the previous situation where he was like an out-of-control lion biting people and breaking pens and scaring people, this result was acceptable to Zhai Heng. He looked calm and asked Fu Ying, "Now that the psychologist has left, Zhai Lin is free. Do you want to go up and talk about old times?" "

On the way here, Fu Shiliu had been building a good life for Fu Ying. It was impossible for her not to be moved at all. Under great temptation, she agreed to say happy New Year to Zhai Lin, but now
The psychologists were scared away as if they had seen a ghost.

She flinched a little, then suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan, "Can you go with me?"

In my impression, she can always get close to Zhai Lin.

Fu Shiliu felt that Fu Ying was really stupid, and quickly said, "It's a matter between the two of you, so it doesn't matter if you ask a third person to come in."

But Fu Ying was afraid, and her fear of him grew like vines around her ankles, leaving her without the courage to walk upstairs.Jiang Nuannuan was well prepared for coming today. She grabbed a few chocolates from Fei Jinzhao's house and still had them in her pocket, "Okay."

She turned to Zhai Heng and said, "Then let me send Fu Ying up?"

He pinched the stem of the lily and said without stopping, "Go ahead."

The two of them went up the stairs, and Fu Shiliu saw that the lily was broken off by her slender white fingers, and he carelessly threw it back into the vase.

Zhai Heng: "You just chose this time to come?"

He is a devil and a madman who knows how to hide. Fu Shiliu gritted his chattering teeth and said, "My family asked me to bring my sister over to say hello. She wants the two Dobermans back."

Zhai Heng glanced at her, sat on the sofa, flicked the Buddhist beads on his wrist, and said calmly: "Uncle Wang, go get the dog and return it to them."

Two Dobermans once bit her with wounds all over her body. If she hadn't wanted to create opportunities for Fu Ying and Zhai Lin, Fu Shiliu would never have wanted them back.

She said with a white face: "Why don't we wait until they come down."

Zhai Heng sat where the sun was shining, with a gentle expression, "Don't worry, there are guests at home today, I won't scare her."

Translated, Jiang Nuannuan is here today, and she, Fu Shiliu, will not be bitten by a dog in front of her.

She had lived there as the hostess, and now she came to visit, not even a guest.

Fu Shiliu forced herself to smile, but Zhai Heng didn't want to let her go, and said to her: "Zhou Qi's private life is chaotic, and it's normal to have physical problems. You should go to the hospital regularly."

The advice that sounded so gentle made Fu Shiliu feel cold all over his body, "What did you do?"

Zhai Heng waved his hand and ordered someone to pour her tea, "I haven't done anything yet, but what do you want to do? Think carefully before you do it."

Cold sweat broke out on her back, "Have you been sending people to follow me since the divorce?"

Zhai Heng didn't answer, and took a sip of tea. His light lips were red, adding a bit of color.

When Jiang Nuannuan went upstairs, she was held by Fu Ying's arm and asked softly: "I heard that there are many portraits of me in his studio?"

"It used to be, but now I'm not sure."

"Have you seen it before?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "I've seen it."

Fu Ying was a little tangled, "But I came here today to say happy New Year to him."

She asked: "Your husband is not with you?"

Fu Ying shook her head: "No, he went out with my brother-in-law."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped and kindly reminded her, "Zhou Qi is not a good person. Pay more attention to your husband."

This was completely different from what Fu Shiliu said to her. Fu Ying subconsciously believed her, "I'll ask when I get back."

Zhai Lin was in the exclusive psychotherapy room. Jiang Nuannuan wanted to knock on the door, but the door was ajar and not closed.

The person inside opened the door first and came out first. The man full of anger glanced at Fu Ying, then looked at her again, feeling a sense of silent oppression approaching the two of them.

"Find me?"

(End of this chapter)

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