Chapter 297 Opening up the relationship

He was obviously in a bad mood. Jiang Nuannuan glanced at Fu Ying and said, "Well, Miss Fu is looking for you too."

Fu Ying's eyes flickered, fear clearly written on her face, and she mustered up the courage to say: "Happy New Year, Zhai Lin, my sister said that I had two dogs fostered with you before, and I wanted to ask if you could take it back."

Zhai Lin stared at Jiang Nuannuan, "Whatever you want."

The topic ended immediately, and Jiang Nuannuan felt awkward, "You guys talk first, I'll come back later."

Zhai Heng was at home today, and she didn't want to have too much contact with him. She turned to leave when the person in the room strode out, grabbed her arm and dragged her back, his movements rough and not gentle at all.

Fu Ying watched helplessly as Jiang Nuannuan was dragged into the room by Zhai Lin, who looked suddenly cold, and the door closed in front of her with a bang.

She was stunned there, not knowing where to put her hands, and embarrassment arose spontaneously.

The door behind her was locked. Jiang Nuannuan fell down on the soft leather sofa. Zhai Lin put his hands on his sides, lowered his head and asked her, "What do you want from me?"

After the quarrel with her, his whole mind was full of mania, his sleep quality deteriorated, and his temper became irritable. This emotion reached its peak when he saw how different she was towards Zhai Heng today.

Jiang Nuannuan actually had nothing to do with him, so she just wanted to prevent Fu Ying from being too embarrassed. She turned her eyes slightly to the side and saw the broken ballpoint pen shell that fell on the carpet.

A very bad psychological counseling session just took place here.

Because he was so focused on looking at her, Zhai Lin, who was already sensitive, could easily detect the problem from her expression.

"You just brought her to me. You have nothing to say to me." He said sinisterly, with a familiar violence in his gray eyes.

What's more, he burned everything in the past and was determined to come out. She still thought he was immersed in the past.

This realization made him even more angry. Lin Xia said that they only had friendship. Jiang Nuannuan had always thought so. She had not thought about anything more related to him.

Likewise, he didn't understand her.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "She is still a little afraid of seeing you, so she asked me to accompany her."

The leather sofa armrest made a strange rustling sound when he scratched it, like a lion showing its claws. If he had an iron hook, he would probably have left a few scratches on it.

"You are so kind to her." Zhai Lin said mockingly.

"Am I not treating you well?" Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "We had a bad time last time, but we can't make peace this time? Or do you really hope that I will never come again?"

Zhai Lin slowly approached her with a gloomy and scary expression, "Who wants to make peace with you? Are we friends? We've kissed and slept with each other, do we count as friends?"

She frowned and huddled on the sofa with no way out, "Are you referring to that incident in the village? Only my room had heating in those nights. Of course I don't want you to catch a cold in the next room, and I If I don’t touch you while sleeping, this is totally a "

Zhai Lin suddenly pinched her lower jaw and raised it. Her lips were still half open as she spoke, and the cold and unfamiliar lips pressed down. Zhai Lin didn't want to hear her say it was an accident, and he didn't want to admit any friendship at all.

He was jealous of his brother and the man she screamed out in her dreams at night.It wasn't until two or three minutes later that the door handle was turned, and someone tried to push in, but there was a sound because the door was locked.

Uncle Wang knocked on the door worriedly: "Second Young Master, is Miss Jiang okay?"

Jiang Nuannuan woke up suddenly, looked into Zhai Lin's eyes that were not completely free from lust, put her hand on his chest and pushed it out hard.

He relaxed and wiped the blood from her bite on his lips with his fingertips, as if he still wanted to laugh, "It's not an accident this time."

Zhai Lin licked the corners of his lips and stood there silently, his eyes calm and filled with unknown complex emotions.

Zhai Heng went over to pick up Jiang Nuannuan, whose eyes were filled with mist, and left without saying a word.

She was pushed into the bathroom inside his bedroom.

"He kissed you."

Zhai Heng was very calm and his voice was incredibly soft.

Jiang Nuannuan clasped her toes, filled with tears and fell down, crying in grievance, "I said I didn't want it, but he forced me in."

She really didn't take the initiative, and her crying was real and there was no acting at all.

She buried herself in Zhai Heng's arms, wiping his body with tears. When she looked up at him, her eyes were red and pitiful.

"Lin Xia told me that Zhai Lin transferred his love for Fu Ying to me. Because I treated him for a year, he thought he liked me."

Jiang Nuannuan threw the blame away pitifully, "Did he go crazy when he saw me and Fu Ying appearing together?"

Zhai Heng's eyes changed slightly, he stroked her hair and ran his palms along her sobbing back, "No matter what the reason is, I will not let him go easily."

A dental cup and toothbrush were stuffed into her hand and she was told to rinse her mouth.

Jiang Nuannuan did as she was told and brushed it under Zhai Heng's eyelids for a full 5 minutes before washing it clean.

Her wet lips turned red when he rubbed them with his fingertips, and then Zhai Heng leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

I thought that after my brother was done with, he would continue to occupy the territory. Jiang Nuannuan leaned dizzily in his arms and listened to his seductive whisper: "The Gu family came to tell me that Mrs. Lin Xiao plans to hold a birthday party for Gu Tingyan, so do you Go and send blessings, and come back and travel with me.”

Feixin's family would also be present, which was a disguised marriage banquet. He was making plans and was unwilling to reveal more information to Jiang Nuannuan.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, how could she say anything bad at this moment, "I promised you in the first place."

(End of this chapter)

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