Chapter 298 Candid
The Doberman pinscher brought by Uncle Wang sat next to Zhai Lin on the left and right, and one end of the rope connecting the dog harness was held in his hand.

The German Doberman's muscular lines are obviously smooth and its coat color is bright.

Fu Ying fell in love with the season's variety at first glance.

Zhai Lin loosened the rope and said, "Take it away."

After many years, Luka and Habi also recognized their original owner. They rushed over and circled her legs to have fun. Fu Shiliu hid aside in fear and said: "Yingying, they still know you."

Fu Ying was also very happy. She tentatively touched the heads of the two dogs, and couldn't help but ask Zhai Lin, "Are you really giving it to me?"

He pursed his lips, then frowned and relaxed when he touched the wound, "These two dogs are the last things you have left here. I will send them back if you don't come."

The two Dobermans walked around Fu Ying for a while, and then their noses smelled another scent. They immediately turned their heads and ran to Jiang Nuannuan, wagging their tails wildly.

She has become very familiar with them during this year. She bent down and touched the dog's head for a while, and the two dogs stuck to her side and wanted to play Frisbee.

Fu Ying was embarrassed again because she wanted to call the dogs back, but they just looked back and didn't move.

Jiang Nuannuan took the initiative to hold the rope and handed it back to her hand, "Take it away, I'm leaving too."

She refused to look at Zhai Lin. The guy still threw the jar to the bottom. When he heard that she was leaving, he got up and followed her.

The two brothers sent her to the garage together. Zhai Lin couldn't bear her neglect and silence, and held her hand. He stared at her with his dark and deep eyes, and raised his cracked lips with a strange and threatening smile, "I'm sorry for what I just said." Apologize for your behavior and see you next time?”

Zhai Heng held his arm and said coldly, "Let go."

The posture of you pulling me and I pulling him was very strange. Jiang Nuannuan broke away, took out a few chocolates from his pocket and stuffed them into Zhai Lin's hand, "Next time, be less crazy."

She turned around and got into the car. Not daring to look at the expressions of the two people outside the car, she stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the manor.

The chocolate wrapper was still stained with her warmth, and Zhai Lin touched it.

Zhai Heng said expressionlessly: "Follow me back to the study."


Uncle Wang went to the study to ask the two brothers to eat. What he saw was Zhai Lin kneeling with his knees spread apart and his back to Zhai Heng. His shirt was bloody with a riding crop. Sweat fell from his cold and unyielding face. It hurt again. There was no resistance.

He said in a panic: "What's going on?"

Zhai Heng leaned on the table and glanced at him, "Is it time for dinner?"

Uncle Wang nodded, "Yes, young master."

Zhai Heng: "I'll go down later."

The door closed. Zhai Heng threw away the whip he took from the stable and asked him quietly: "How many times have you tormented her and she still hasn't had enough? Did my warnings fall on deaf ears?"

Zhai Lin's masseter muscles tightened, "I'm not making trouble."

He raised his head and looked at the decorative painting on the wall in front of him. His hair was wet with sweat from the pain, and he asked, "Am I just trying to love her?"

Zhai Heng threw a record to the ground, "The psychologist wrote very clearly about your record. You are empathic."


Zhai Lin turned his head, gasped and laughed, "Do you believe that?"

None of them knew how Jiang Nuannuan came to Zhai's house.

The man's face was as cold as the bright moon, and his backlit eyes had the same darkness as his.

Zhai Heng calmed down and seemed to be judging a prisoner, condescendingly, "Why do you force her if she doesn't want to?"

Zhai Lin's back, which had always been straight, was slightly bent, and blood was flowing from the wound. He lowered his head and taunted, "She doesn't believe that I have put aside my feelings for Fu Ying, and all I can see is you."

"I'm jealous."

Zhai Heng: "When did you start to like her?"

Zhai Lin's confused expression was mixed with anger, "I don't know, how do I know." He raised his neck, put his hands on his thighs and exhaled, letting the sweat flow into his eyes along his eye sockets, causing a stinging pain, "Painting It was only after a painting that I began to understand, and before I knew it, it was like this.”

Time and companionship are really the sharp blades that wash away the past and welcome the new life. He walked out of the past and fell into another pit. He was still in unrequited love. What was worse was that he was not the only one with her.

Zhai Heng looked at him carefully, from head to toe, "You want to steal someone from Gu Tingyan?"

Zhai Lin was startled, "Him? I'm talking about you."

Zhai Heng said indifferently: "There is no competition between you and me. I will have a heart transplant at the end of the year. If I don't die, she must be mine. If I die,"

He paused and said, "That's between you and the Gu family. Can you beat him?" The question at the end was full of distrust.

Zhai Lin clenched his fists, pressed his knees to stand up, and whispered: "Why are you dying? Stop mocking me."

Zhai Heng wiped his hands, put on the prayer beads he had just taken off when he beat someone with blood, and said calmly: "Think about what you should and should not do, and if you bully her again, I will really break your other leg. "

"That's it for this lecture, let the doctor come and clean up, and then go downstairs for dinner."

The doctor who was called over by Uncle Wang early saw the scars on Zhai Lin's back and was shocked, "Why did the old wounds that had just healed before be damaged?"

During the earthquake, Zhai Lin helped Jiang Nuannuan resist a stone. A large piece of skin was torn from his shoulder to his back. Now there is a new injury on the scar, which looks a bit scary.

He sat there and let the doctor apply medicine and suture without saying a word.

Only Zhai Lin knew clearly that he confessed in front of Zhai Heng that he had also peeped at Jiang Nuannuan, and the punishment was intended to be repayment in disguise, making him feel better.

Mrs. Zhai came over after receiving the news, and she didn't understand anything in her heart.

Uncle Wang whispered from the side: "I didn't even try to avoid it. It hurts me just looking at it."

As long as Zhai Lin wanted to, of course he could resist, but he just knelt there like a statue and let Zhai Heng crack the whip.

Mrs. Zhai frowned, "That's because Lin'er knew that she had done something wrong, so she was willing to ask him to beat her."

The relationship between the two brothers has always been tacitly understood.

She even understood a little bit of Zhai Heng's thoughts. The Zhai family's huge family fortune could not benefit outsiders, and he wanted to help Zhai Lin get up.

Whatever the two brothers want, they have to earn it themselves.

This year passed quickly, Jiang Nuannuan asked Lu Jin to sign two contracts with Fei Jin in the name of the studio.

Several small designers, including her, will become clothing and jewelry consultants for their game company. In addition, the later linkage matters have been signed in advance, and the high-priced liquidated damages that need to be paid in case of breach of contract are also strictly marked.

This amount was specially raised by Jiang Nuannuan, and the other party would have to pay 1 million liquidated damages in case of breach of contract.

Working with this little-known game company, Lu Jin looked at the photo of the person in charge and felt that her eyes and ears were blocked by the beauty. She couldn't listen to any advice and only replied with the words "the other person is a genius". hate.

Gu Tingyan's birthday invitation at the beginning of the new year was not given to Jiang Nuannuan by him, and he never said that he was going to have a birthday during the two of them getting along.

The invitation was sent to Bishuiwan by his mother Lin Xiao.

The 5000 million check that was thrown out before, Lin Xiao felt that she, Jiang Nuannuan, was not a good person if she didn't tell the dog and was bitten in return.

Because she accidentally learned from Feixin's WeChat relative group that a strange woman was seducing her son and asking him to buy auntie towels. This was shown off to the faces of her mother-in-law's family, causing them all to know about Gu Tingyan. There was a woman raised outside, and Feixin couldn't find out why. Her son's character was also doubted.

Lin Xiao now just wants to give Jiang Nuannuan a blow, so that she can see her identity clearly, do her duty as a lover in the dark, and stop thinking about being in a position of superiority.

Jiang Nuannuan called a makeup artist to dress her up at home. Of course she wanted to dress up for Gu Tingyan's birthday, and she even called him that morning.

Mr. Gu, who never answered the phone during meetings, raised his hand to stop the director who was reporting on the stage, and picked up the vibrating mobile phone on the table to answer the call.

Jiang Nuannuan chose earrings and asked him: "Gu Tingyan, do you think there are any special holidays to celebrate today?"

As long as he lied to others, she felt that she would have reason to pack her bags tonight and get in Zhai Heng's Bentley to travel.

(Words: I have something to do today. I will update. I will selectively look at scarves. I don’t reply to private messages very often. Thank you for your like~~.)
(End of this chapter)

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