Chapter 299
Facing the table full of people staring at him, Gu Tingyan turned the pen in his hand, stood up and went outside, his handsome face still indescribably soft.

The conference room was abuzz with everyone discussing who made the call.

"It's my birthday. I'll come back tonight. Can you help me celebrate it?"

He didn't lie, but he didn't say anything about Lin Xiao throwing a banquet for him.

Jiang Nuannuan chose a pair of earrings studded with diamonds, handed them to the makeup artist, and said briskly: "Okay, I will prepare a gift for you. Come back soon."

Gu Shizhou sent a message that someone was waiting downstairs.

She lifted up the velvet dress with her feet and pinched it. The emerald color made her skin look better than snow. The hollow back was covered with silver tassels and pearls. This dress worth nearly 300 million yuan was Jiang Nuannuan's battle tonight. robe.

In that situation, she had to look like a noble and be more beautiful than everyone else, so that she could live up to her reputation as a vixen.

Gu Shizhou leaned against the car door and waited until she came out. He looked at her outfit and curled his lips.

The two people's eyes collided, and his throat rolled slightly, and his voice was magnetic and slow, "You are dressed so beautifully, do you want to make a scene?"

A few strands of her long hair fell to her ears. Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand to brush it. His hand moved a step faster to help her tidy it up.

"First, let's agree that you are mine tonight." Gu Shizhou took her hand and squeezed it gently, then released it to fasten her seat belt. "Otherwise, I won't protect you if there's trouble."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and replied perfunctorily, "Oh, then don't talk nonsense tonight."

The slutty Porsche rushed to the Gu family. On the way there were Fei Jinzhao, who was attending the appearance as a member of the Fei family, and Feixin and her parents in another car.

Lin Xiao's birthday party for his son was all attended by families with whom he had a good relationship, and there were hundreds of people, big and small, who showed their respect.

Jiang Nuannuan took Gu Shizhou's arm and entered the large glass room where the birthday party was held.

The light and shadow of the chandelier are refracted on the glass, and a light yellow halo is projected on the ground. There are upper-class people carrying wine glasses everywhere, and the air is filled with the smell of decorative bouquets and women's perfume.

People who knew Jiang Nuannuan, including the ladies who customized her jewelry, came to take photos with her and say hello.

The grand opening of the flower basket made them all realize that she was not simple.

There was a little commotion here, and Gu Tingyan, who was standing with Feixin, looked over, and his already cold face suddenly dropped a few degrees.

Gu Shizhou put his hands in his pockets and looked at Jiang Nuannuan with a doting look on his face. The extremely annoying look made Gu Tingyan subconsciously want to walk over and snatch her away.

Lin Xiao hugged his arm in time, and said to the ladies around him with a gentle smile: "My son is good at everything, but he is late in understanding relationships. He has suffered several losses, and now he meets an outstanding person like Xinxin."

Feixin also noticed that Jiang Nuannuan was present and knew what Gu Tingyan was worried about, so she took the initiative to change the conversation: "The second son of the Gu family has a good relationship with his female companion. It is the second time he brought her back. Aunt Lin seems to like her too." , two invitations were sent.”

Feixin could basically guess from Lin Xiao's subtle expression that it was exactly what she said.

Gu Tingyan looked at Lin Xiao expressionlessly, "You sent her an invitation."

Despite the pressure from her son's eyes, Lin Xiao said, "She has a good relationship with Shi Zhou, so I'll send her one and invite her to come with me."

He withdrew his mother's arm without giving any dignity, "I'll excuse you first."

Looking at his tall back, Lin Xiao couldn't help but ask, "Xinxin also wants to go and see?"

Feixin swung the wine glass and said, "Later. Seeing as the two brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, they should have a lot to talk about."

The atmosphere here was subtle. The door to the glass room opened again, and Fei Jinzhao entered under the guidance of the servant, raising the atmosphere to a climax.

He is the openly illegitimate son of the Fei family, the son secretly born to Fei Jingtian outside his affair.

Only Feixin's mother in the family saw him and gritted her teeth in hatred.

Most of the eyes fell on Fei Jinzhao, who was in a neat suit. They said that he didn't know which mountain village he grew up in during the first half of his life. Now when he saw him in person, he saw that this man who had been tempered by wind and frost had a cold and serious temperament. He was better than most of the rich people present. All have to stand out.

He naturally blended into the Vanity Fair and greeted everyone who came around him. His unattainable appearance became friendly as a fake smile appeared in his light eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect that Fei Jin would come to the church.

Logically speaking, he was excluded from the family, so why did he come here?Use the reputation of the Fei family to win cooperation?
Considering their company's current situation, she still thought it was possible.

Fei Jinzhao casually took a glass of wine and chatted with the people close to her. His eyes caught Jiang Nuannuan through the crowd unexpectedly. He had never seen her wearing such a classical and gorgeous skirt. Her curves were exposed, and she was as dazzling as a goddess.

Bai Liang, who happened to be talking to him, noticed that he was looking at Jiang Nuannuan absentmindedly, and said playfully: "What a coincidence, we meet again, the young master of the Fei family."

They had met once before in a bar, and Fei Jinzhao lowered her eyelashes and took the business card he handed her.

Bai Liang said: "When you have time, come to the Morning Star Club and let's get to know each other while playing. The top floor there belongs to Gu Shizhou. Ask him to treat us when the time comes. Don't bother him today."

Fei Jinzhao rubbed her business card and asked quietly, "Why?" Bai Liang said with a smile, "Jiang Nuannuan is his female companion tonight. It's rare for the two of them to meet together. Don't force yourself to get involved?"

Fei Jinzhao put the business card back on the table, said sorry, walked around the wine table with her long legs, and walked towards Jiang Nuannuan.

Bai Liang wanted to light a cigarette, touched his empty trouser pocket, and smiled slightly.

Ever since Hang Panxia disclosed that he hates men who smoke and finds it disgusting, he hasn't smoked for a while. Of course, he hasn't seen her for a long time.

She really didn't want to look back.

Feeling agitated, Bo Liang left the glass room alone.

Gu Shizhou never interfered with Jiang Nuannuan's social interactions with the rich ladies. Instead, he put her into his own territory with his eyes. No man dared to come forward to talk. The approach of Gu Tingyan and Fei Jinzhao made him feel like a sensitive guard. The eagle noticed it immediately.

The man who was leaning on the plaster pillar put away his laziness, picked up Jiang Nuannuan from the pile of rich women, and put his thin lips next to her ear, "I regret bringing you here."

Jiang Nuannuan's back bumped into his arms, her slender waist was held tightly by him, and he pushed her towards the dining table.

Don't talk about him, she regrets coming now.

Before she even took two steps, Gu Shizhou cursed in a low voice and stopped. Like a boy who was about to be robbed of his favorite toy, he pressed her firmly into his arms and tried to wrap her up with his body.

Fei Jinzhao came around from the dining table, and Gu Tingyan came from behind, sandwiching the two of them to meet each other.

When the four people met, three pairs of eyes were glued to Jiang Nuannuan, causing her to get goosebumps.

She should be lucky that Zhai Heng and Zhai Lin were late and there were no six people gathered together.

Out of politeness, Jiang Nuannuan, strong and calm as a guest, took out the gift box from the small bag hanging in her arm and handed it to Gu Tingyan first, "Mr. Gu, this is my birthday gift to you."

Her smile was light and her words were polite and unfamiliar.

Gu Shizhou despicably used her gift to try to get along with her, "I didn't have time to buy it, so I gave her the same gift as her brother."

Seeing the two people's bodies touching each other, which was far more intimate than an ordinary female companion, Fei Jinzhao's heart felt as if it was clenched tightly by an invisible big hand, pulling deeply and causing pain.

He couldn't understand their relationship anymore, and stared at Jiang Nuannuan, trying to get her to pay attention to him.

The sadness in her eyes was so real that it was hard for Jiang Nuannuan not to notice it. She immediately stuffed the gift box into the cold-faced Gu Tingyan's hands, and then gave Fei Jinzhao a surprised smile, "I didn't expect that... I see you here too."

With that said, she kicked off Gu Shizhou's leather shoes, and finally let go of the hand that was tightly clinging to her waist with pain. She took the opportunity to get out, walked briskly to Fei Jinzhao, and touched the hem of his smooth suit. , "You are wearing so thin, are you cold?"

Gu Shizhou snorted coldly.

Who here is not wearing thin clothes?She only had a piece of fabric on the front. This was too clumsy to please. Who couldn't see it?
When Jiang Nuannuan focuses on someone, her eyes are always bright and full of starlight.

Fei Jinzhao, who received the attention, lowered her eyes and calmed down slightly, "It's not cold, everyone is wearing this."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and said seriously: "Of course I know, but I'm just worried that you will catch a cold."

Fei Jinzhao looked at her exposed white shoulders and whispered, "You wore too little tonight. Didn't you even know to bring a coat when you came?"

When he said this, he glanced at Gu Shizhou meaningfully, "Your friend doesn't know how to take care of others."

The insinuations and hostility hidden in the words came from an illegitimate son who had nothing. But last year, he was the one who was taken away by Jiang Nuannuan in front of her.

At the time, she was afraid that he would make others drunk and teach them bad things.

Gu Shizhou felt that Fei Jinzhao was too pretentious, so pretentious!

He sneered, his peach blossom eyes were dotted with moles, which made him look unruly and unruly, "I have a high body temperature, and I held her to keep her warm all the way. What kind of jacket do you want?"

The tall and steady Gu Tingyan's face turned dark. He placed the gift box heavily on the small round table, "Did you carry it all the way?"

If looks could kill, Jiang Nuannuan would be a handful of ashes by now.

Her scalp was numb, her toes clenched, she raised her chin and pointed in the direction of Gu Shizhou, moaning, "How is this possible? Of course I came by car. Gu Shizhou would never think of getting me a coat. He never does." Will put the coat on me."

"Is there any occasion where you need to borrow my coat?" Gu Shizhou said, "Now? Didn't you say you came here to impress everyone tonight?"

Jiang Nuannuan stared at him with almond-shaped eyes.

I beg you to say less!Can this problem be corrected?

(Today’s update, 3k words, stuck. As soon as I arrived at Shura Field, I got stuck.)
(End of this chapter)

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