Chapter 303
Jiang Nuannuan was sitting in the Bentley, and she had reasonable suspicion that Zhai Heng had planned something and stayed here on time to guard her.

He picked up the hot chicken soup brought from home and gave her a bowl, "I must have not eaten dinner, so I can rest my stomach."

Jiang Nuannuan held the steaming bowl of soup and looked at him, "Do you know everything?"

Zhai Heng covered her with the blanket on his legs, looked into her red eyes, and nodded, "Why are you so sad after the truth is revealed?"

Jiang Nuannuan blinked her raw eyes and told the truth: "The wind just blew sand into my eyes, which made them red."

After drinking the chicken soup, she put down the bowl and asked, "Zhai Lin didn't come with you?"

Zhai Heng said warmly: "He is in poor health and is recuperating in the hospital."

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "Did I stimulate his symptoms to worsen?"

"Of course not, he just suffered a minor injury." Zhai Heng looked calm.

"Okay." Jiang Nuannuan looked at the road outside the window, her mind a little confused, "Where are you taking me?"

"Travel." Zhai Heng raised the corners of his lips, with a gentle look in his eyes. He held her hand and said, "Didn't we agree? You will go on a trip with me after the birthday party."

Jiang Nuannuan hesitated, "Gu Ting asked me for the banquet."

Zhai Heng stroked away the broken hair that hung down from her face due to the wind, and whispered: "You need some time to relax. Let's take a private plane and no one will know where you are."

He had already arranged for someone to lock the message. He didn't have much time and he wouldn't let anyone disturb him.

This proposal really made Jiang Nuannuan's heart beat. She hadn't figured out how to go back and directly face the three men who broke up the relationship. She needed to think carefully.

"Okay, let's go traveling together."

Jiang Nuannuan took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Jin.

If Fei Jinzhao's game company wants to terminate the contract with them, please bring her [-] million liquidated damages to hold them back. She will be confused to death.

If he really wants to clear up the relationship with her, he won't be able to do so for the time being.

Jiang Nuannuan disappeared that night.

Gu Tingyan didn't go home or go anywhere. He couldn't find anyone, so he ordered someone to call out the home surveillance. A familiar black Bentley car had been parked at the door since the birthday party. Until Jiang Nuannuan stumbled out, the owner of the Bentley car Just hug someone and leave.

Who is that if not Zhai Heng who took the opportunity to pick up the leak?
With a tense face, Gu Tingyan called Li Assistant, "Check where Zhai Heng's flight went."

Assistant Li, who was working overtime, answered him: "After checking, I took a private plane from Linggang Airport. I don't know which route I flew on. They don't disclose the private information of customers, and everything is blocked."

"Keep looking!"

Gu Tingyan threw the phone into the sofa, put his palms on his forehead, and his chest rose and fell rapidly.


Gu Tingyan raised his eyes, his dark eyes showing no emotion or anger, "I have no problem cooperating with you, but you shouldn't touch her. If you don't ask her to come, nothing will happen today."

Lin Xiao said: "She is only after you for money. I can't stop her mouth even if I give her a check of 5000 million yuan. What's so good about such a woman?"

Gu Tingyan interrupted her, speaking coldly, "5000 million is really nothing. I also raised her appetite."

He seemed a little proud when he said this.

How many millions did he spend on her?Didn't even count them.

The atmosphere became stagnant. Lin Xiao held her chest to prevent her blood pressure from rising, and said calmly: "Do you really like her so much? When did love become so important in your eyes?"

"It's important now." Gu Tingyan's tone became a bit tougher and more intransigent, "I'll move you to a nursing home in a few days, and you can stay there to recuperate from now on." Lin Xiao looked in disbelief, with a serious look on his face, "If you If the marriage with Xinxin fails, have you thought about the consequences?"

The man's dark eyelashes were lowered, and he said with an imposing manner, "I carried Mrs. Gu, and I will bear the consequences myself."

Lin Xiao's tone was urgent, and he was really angry, "Don't forget that I have shares in Shi Zhou's hands. Your father wants to return to the company now and many old shareholders support it. I am the only one who has not let go. Gu Tingyan, you are my son, but you are not the only heir, please think clearly."

"It was you and Feixin who announced their relationship at the beginning, so what does it matter now? Don't make everyone look bad!"

Gu Tingyan bent down and picked up the mobile phone on the sofa, ignoring her threat, "Yeah."

He has given the utmost respect and love to his family, and he has done his best to let them go to this point.

He left the Gu family and called Feixin, "No wait, get ready for the acquisition."

Feixin, who had arrived home, was enjoying Mother Wu's supper service. After answering the phone, she asked in a good mood: "Mother Wu, why has my son been so troubled with me recently? I look so cold every day."

Wu's mother looked apologetic: "I don't know very well, but he is going to live on campus and will not come back. You won't see him anymore."

Feixin was stunned, "You're not coming back to live here? Where will the money for university accommodation come from?"

Wu's mother said: "You earned the money from working during the winter and summer vacations. You are getting married soon. From now on, your family will live together and it will be inconvenient for him to show up."

Feixin felt that the late-night snack was no longer delicious, so she threw down her spoon unhappily, "You've learned to be independent, that's great."

Fei Jinzhao, who had arrived home in the middle of the night, stood in the bedroom. There seemed to be many Jiang Nuannuan in front of him, some in the bathroom, some on the bed, and some by the window, each of them smiling at him.

Her things and her smell are everywhere in the new apartment, and you can't even wipe it away.

Did he think again that she had something to hide?Will she have difficulty speaking out? Her deception was not intentional.

After thinking about it, Fei Jinzhao regretted it.

Why did he leave so quickly and simply, without leaving any time for her to say another word?

He picked up the phone to call her, but the cold female voice on the other end told her that the phone was turned off.

Jiang Nuannuan is missing.

Gu Shizhou called her for two days in a row, went to her studio, and found no one at her home. Fan Jiang persuaded him to join the crew for filming, "Maybe Miss Jiang just thinks that she has done something wrong and is hiding from you on purpose." What? She will come back on her own in a few days?"

"Hasn't she done anything bad?" Gu Shizhou had blue veins bulging on his forehead, and he thought of someone, licking his back molars and said, "Someone deliberately helped her cover her whereabouts."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was missed by three people, took a private plane and arrived with Zhai Heng on a small island with no traffic and sparsely populated areas.

System 66 felt that she was really big-hearted and was still in the mood for a vacation. "Are you not worried at all that things will not end well when you go back? You are still sunbathing."

Jiang Nuannuan pulled her hat down to cover her face, "It's not that bad yet. Why are you panicking? I can save it."

She caused a bloody storm in Linggang. In the following days, more than a dozen shareholders of the Gu Group were approached by Feixin and Gu Tingyan. Evidence of corruption or bribery that had been prepared for a long time was laid out on the table. They relied on the group to secretly steal many bonuses. , the account books are clearly listed, and the earliest entry actually existed the year Gu Tingyan first took over the group.

None of the shareholders expected that the man who had just entered the society was so scheming. At that time, he had laid out all the spies, and even listed scandals such as who had cheated on him.

After Gu Tingyan, who had been dormant for many years, broke out, he only gave them two options: either he would take away his shares at a low price, or he would go to jail. His iron-blooded methods ruined the jobs of countless people.

The top management was in turmoil for a short period of time, and everything that happened overnight was deliberately covered up by Gu Tingyan, without anyone reminding his father who was still trying to make connections.

Li Assistant felt that he could not find Jiang Nuannuan's boss, and he acted like a tyrant when dealing with his enemies. He was feeling depressed and miserable, and he wanted to beg the aunt to stop making trouble and come back quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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