Chapter 304 Chapter 305: Valentine’s Day Limited ([-])

The medical equipment on the island is relatively backward. During the day, Zhai Heng was examined by the accompanying doctor in a single-family house on the beach.

"You're in good shape lately."

He looked at the girl on the beach and said, "I want to do some outdoor sports, like swimming."

The doctor immediately frowned and said, "No, my heart rate is too fast. I'm afraid something will happen. It would be arbitrary for you to take a flight."

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes and looked at the cracks in the old floor, thinking about his words, "Then let's play in the water."

The doctor looked at him strangely.

What about playing in the water?

How many more water guns does he need to prepare for him?

"Okay, there's no problem with playing in the water properly."

Zhai Heng stood up: "Tell the landlord that the fresh water will be put out later in the evening."

Fresh water is scarce on the island, and there are regulations for guests' daily water use and release time.

When the landlord learned about this request, it was a bit nonsensical, but for the sake of money, he agreed.

The straw hat covering Jiang Nuannuan's face was gently lifted, and her moving face fell into a peaceful sleep. When exposed to the sunlight, her eyelashes trembled uneasily.

The soft fingertips traced her eyebrows and the bridge of her nose, and then stopped on her chin. Zhai Heng leaned down and sucked gently against her lips.

The salty sea breeze was suddenly mixed with the fragrance of medicine, and Jiang Nuannuan's eyelashes trembled fiercely, and she slowly opened them.

I was woken up by a kiss during my nap.
Zhai Heng stepped back slightly, rubbed her chin with his fingertips, and said in a voice as soft as velvet, "You've been in the sun for two hours, it's time to get up."

She blinked and reached out to touch his face, "The doctor's examination is over? What do you say?"

"I have been taking my medicine on time, and this trip has not affected me much." Zhai Heng pulled her up and held her hand. "The chef we invited will not be able to come tonight because of something, so we need to make food by ourselves tonight."

"Okay, I'll change my clothes and we'll go shopping."

After waking up, Jiang Nuannuan went back to take a shower and put on a halter-neck bohemian dress. The black and white prints were full of ethnic characteristics. The slim-fitting skirt fell snugly along the curves of the body, with the lower body open on one side. Cross it to your thighs, exposing a large area of ​​fair skin on your arms and thighs.

She tried taking two steps in the bathroom, and felt that if the wind got stronger, the air would float up under her legs.

Zhai Heng knocked on the door: "Are you ready?"

Jiang Nuannuan responded, opened the door and went out, and was surprised for a moment when she saw his eyes.

Yesterday, she thought such clothes looked good, so she also bought him a beach suit of the same style, a bright floral yellow short-sleeved shirt and beach pants. The elastic band made Zhai Heng's waist slim, and her shoulders were just right, making those gentle clothes go away. Wear them clearly and enthusiastically without breaking the rules.

She praised: "It suits you so well."

Zhai Heng was fortunate to be in good condition recently. The legs in front of her were not swollen and could barely fit into the eyes.

He looked at her exposed skin and went to get a bottle of sunscreen from the cabinet next to her.

"Apply it."

He took her arm, squeezed out the anti-sun lotion, and applied it to her with a very natural movement. He couldn't help but glance sideways and realized that her back was mostly hollow.

I didn't even pay attention when I bought it.

Zhai Heng's hand paused, his fingertips hooked the string around her neck, and rested on her back, "Are you wearing a little less?"

As her nails rubbed against her skin, Jiang Nuannuan was excited, "Sure, how about I change it?"

She also felt that the legs were spread higher.

"this is okay too."

Zhai Heng stood behind her, squeezing the cold sunscreen lotion into the palm of his hand. He touched it with his palm and gently rubbed it in circles on her fair and thin back. When it slid down to the soft waist, Jiang Nuannuan trembled all over. , swallowed hard, and asked him: "Are you okay?"

She answered with a gentle kiss on the back of her neck, "Yeah, soon."

Moist kisses continued to fall on her shoulders, and with the slightly heavier breathing behind her, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't see Zhai Heng's expression at the moment, but she could imagine his cold and arrogant look. She stepped back and leaned against him. Lean against his chest.

"There's no need to wipe it inside." Her voice trembled unseemly.

The hand on her waist tightened, and the other hand that penetrated the fabric behind her was withdrawn.

Zhai Heng responded to her meekly, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention at the moment." He thought she was also open and unrestrained in front?
Jiang Nuannuan was reluctant to expose him.

Before going out, Zhai Heng asked someone to get a sun protection jacket from somewhere and put it on her body, "Let's go."

So what's the point of just putting sunscreen on her.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and stared at him, the clear accusation in her eyes making the cold and beautiful man raise the corners of his lips into a smile.

Zhai Heng: "Double protection?"

She hates the beauty trap very much and falls for it almost every time.

"Well, you're right, double protection of the skin from sunburn."

She also sunbathed for two hours in the afternoon.


Life on the island is calm and slow. The most commonly used means of transportation on the small roads is the electric donkey, which costs 2 yuan an hour.

Jiang Nuannuan was quite shocked that Zhai Heng could ride an electric bicycle.

Wearing a helmet and hugging his waist in the back seat, she also asked: "Have you ever driven an eMule before?"

Zhai Heng smiled slightly, "I drove it, and it fell badly."

How could a person with his temperament and temperament who grew up in a manor come into contact with something like a little electric donkey?

Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously: "Why didn't you drive at that time?"

Zhai Heng thought for a moment and replied: "I am young and ignorant, so I secretly took my friends to have supper."

Who was young and had fun? He who had a quiet personality might have been as noisy as Zhai Lin before, so Jiang Nuannuan didn't ask any more questions.

The outstanding appearance of the two people is particularly eye-catching among the dark-skinned people of the island, and a lot of eyes are focused on them.

Jiang Nuannuan was used to being the center of attention wherever she went, but her whereabouts were exposed when she was put online.

Zhai Heng held her hand and said, "It's okay. I told the manager here that I won't put it online."

Jiang Nuannuan felt relieved and went shopping with him.

The aunt who helped with the seafood weighed some more salmon for them, "Today is Valentine's Day, and the rest is for you."

The two looked at each other, and Zhai Heng took the bag, "Thank you, she is my girlfriend."

Aunt:? ? ?When did she say no?

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him a few more times and left the stall before he tilted his head and said, "It might not be cheap to deny it."

This seemed to be an explanation. Jiang Nuannuan smiled at him and said, "That's no problem. It's only for holidays?"

Zhai Heng chuckled and said, "Okay."

Returning to the rented beach house, he moved the barbecue grill in the kitchen to the beach. The sun was setting, and the golden sandy beach was deserted.

Jiang Nuannuan came out with the prepared seafood and vegetables and asked, "I haven't seen a local on this beach in the past few days."

Zhai Heng put the charcoal in the stove and said, "I took care of it, no one will bother me."

The rising fire heated up his body, and the hot climate of the island made him sweat again, and the smell of medicine on his body was strong.

Jiang Nuannuan wiped his neck with a wet wipe, and then picked up a fan to fan him. "I'll bake the food later. Take a shower and rest after eating. It's too hot."

Zhai Heng glanced at the vast ocean in front of him and said, "It will be good as soon as the sun sets."

A beachside dinner for two is bound to be romantic.

Zhai Heng carried a tray full of barbecue, and the two sat down on the sand. The sun-baked sand was still warm.

Jiang Nuannuan took the chicken wings he handed over and blew in the night sea breeze, "It's so comfortable."

Both of them sweated a lot when they were standing around the oven. She took off her sun protection clothing and was only wearing a long halter-neck dress. The clothes were stained with sweat and stuck to her skin. The same was true for Zhai Heng.

He held the juice glass and said: "The owner of the house just called me and the fresh water in the house may not come tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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