Chapter 311 I Will Never Dislike You
Fei Jinzhao was silent for a long time, and her eyes became darker and darker as her pretty face pretended to be strong, "Oh, actually, I understand that you dislike me. We can return to the unfamiliar relationship."

"I will never dislike you." He raised his hand to wipe the tears that fell from the end of her eyes, and his rough fingertips revealed a long-lost warmth.

He pursed his lips lightly and said, "My life has been rough. No matter whether I meet you sooner or later, I can't solve your dilemma. Your choice is not wrong."

He knows the feeling of being alone and helpless. As long as there is a fragile straw as hope, he can hold on tightly regardless of the consequences.

So he doesn't blame.


Fei Jinzhao lowered her eyes and said, "It's just that for me Jiang Nuannuan, I'm still so jealous that I want to go crazy."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked and touched the back of his hand with her fingers, "Now I'll tell you the truth."

Fei Jin looked at her intently with gloomy eyes, "I wanted to let you go at first. Your world is wonderful and you deserve to meet better people, but you always give me hope over and over again by my side. Until I fall, I can’t bear it anymore.”

"So I always thought that in this relationship that neither of us made clear, we were the only ones for each other."

Not recognizing boyfriend and girlfriend is a way out for Fei Jinzhao. If he fails to start a business, she can get rid of him and continue her life without any worries. If she succeeds, he will marry her back and pamper her in the palm of his hand. I didn't want to put any pressure on her.

He worked hard to achieve this goal, but Feixin gave him a hard blow at the birthday party.

Before Jiang Nuannuan met him, she was already Gu Tingyan's lover.

At that moment, no one knew how he felt.

He felt that he was rarely sincere in his life, and the only person he liked was her, but his sincerity was thrown to the ground and crushed to pieces.

Now that the truth was revealed, Fei Jinzhao pursed his lips slightly, "You just have no choice but to ride on two boats, right? Gu Shizhou is not your boat, right?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded seriously and said awkwardly: "As long as his brother wants, he will get it, so he always clings to me, but I can assure you that he is at most a suitor, and I am not interested at all. If you don’t like him, who would like a playboy?”

She also took out her mobile phone and waved it in front of Fei Jinzhao, with a look of disgust in her wet almond eyes, "You can also read his tidbits for yourself. Do you think I will like such a person?"

Fei Jinzhao's expression softened a little, "Gu Tingyan has canceled the engagement now, what are you going to do?"

Finally getting to the main topic of the night, Jiang Nuannuan sat down in front of him and pressed his hands on his thighs. "Tell me, what should I do? I will adopt your opinion."

Fei Jinzhao stared at this beautiful face with a dark light in his eyes. The next second, he stretched out his hand to hold the back of her neck and kissed her lips.

Fei Jinzhao held the back of her neck and kissed her for a long time before letting go. His chestnut eyes were turbid and dark, "Do we have to wait until the two years expire? How much compensation does the contract you signed require?"

Since it is a transaction, there must be liquidated damages.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while and lied about the number, "It's about one billion, but I don't have that much money. It costs money to run two jewelry studios, and purchasing gems and materials is expensive. In addition to the expenses, I also have to pay the wages of a large number of employees and masters, and the capital chain cannot be broken."

This is indeed true. After all, the orders were mainly for high-end luxury. When she took over this body last year, the studio was already in the stage of being a small brand that was well-known abroad but not well known in China. It had been on Weibo several times. Sales just started to take off.

For her studio, a net profit of [-] billion is really not enough to be earned in a year.

Fei Jinzhao kissed her lips gently, "It's difficult for me to avoid breaking the law and earn this money in a short time." Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, and immediately said seriously: "That kind of thing We can't do it a second time."

"I know." Fei Jinzhao looked at her and whispered: "But I want to be your hope, and I also want you to be the only one for me, and you only belong to me."

Jiang Nuannuan thought this was a two-way redemption.

Their experiences are similar on one level.

She held his cheek and said, "Fei Jinzhao, let's wait until the game is launched to see the effect before we talk, okay?"

Fei Jinzhao's tone was cryptic: "I don't know. It may take three or four months. The market direction is changing all the time. I can't guarantee my success rate."

From production to launch, no step of the process was simple. He could wait before, but now he couldn't. Just thinking about giving her away made his heart aching.

Jiang Nuannuan pinched his cheek hard, almost deforming his cold features, and then said angrily: "I like Fei Jinzhao the most, and you are the only person I like. You know best that I am willing to wait for you." Yes, I just don’t want to leave you, so I have the audacity to come back to you after you said those words.”

"Do you understand or not?"

Fei Jinzhao understood, and he also expressed regret for what he said that day.

Without her, the world is dark.

It suddenly occurred to him that there was another shortcut.

In the past, he had no strong ambitions to compete for everything in the Fei family.

There is now.

He wanted everything and had to snatch everything away.

Since she confessed her relationship with Fei Jinzhao, Jiang Nuannuan no longer deliberately hides her whereabouts. She even took a photo and sent it to him on WeChat while having a meal in the studio.

Once a man discovers that he is not the only one, his sense of security will plummet.

It was difficult for him to get used to this process temporarily, so Jiang Nuannuan had to spend more time coaxing him.

For example, they complain that Gu Tingyan is a stinky man who can't wash dishes, cook or mop the floor. Unlike Xiao Fei, a good family man with ten attributes, he can conquer her stomach and heart.

But when comparing the ambitions of both parties, both of them were fighting to the death. Jiang Nuannuan couldn't explain the reason, so she could only avoid such problems as much as possible.

It has been more than a month since Gu Tingyan integrated the company. In addition to being so strong on his family and sending both his elders to a nursing home at once, he also granted himself leave and moved directly into Jiang Nuannuan's apartment.

It was originally agreed that she would travel with him when she asked, but with Gu Shizhou as a bomb and a hidden peeper, Gu Tingyan was always vigilant and just wanted to stand next to Jiang Nuannuan and stare closely at her legs. Didn't reach out and step on other people's boats.

This made Jiang Nuannuan never find a chance to find Zhai Lin, and he didn't know why he went there. There was no response at all on WeChat, and he couldn't ask Zhai Heng directly for fear that he would be jealous because of his poor health.

This favorability level has been stuck, which is really frustrating.

(Commentary: I came back too late. In the first update, everyone said that Fei Bang was ruined. I feel that this character is still standing, haha. If you don’t like it, just change the book and wash your eyes.)
(End of this chapter)

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