Chapter 312 Mom, stop it.

Gu Tingyan, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, put on a new pair of rimless glasses. With the help of the glasses, his mature and delicate outline became less cold and gentle.

Jiang Nuannuan was sitting on the work chair holding a teacup and looking at his focused look. She didn't know what was in the cowhide-covered book. She picked at the rim of the cup with her fingers and asked: "Your company doesn't care about it at all? These days? We're all at home, and I haven't seen you looking at the computer."

The man turned the pages of the book and said calmly: "I will give them a million-dollar annual salary. I am not doing charity to raise waste. If the company is gone, I will transfer it."

He was determined to take up all her time. Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips when she realized it, "Then what are you looking at? Show it to me?"

Gu Tingyan paused, then finally withdrew his eyes from the book, covered the book without leaving a trace, and turned his head to look at her, "Who do you want to go out to see?"

In the past two days, the chair under her butt seemed to have sprouted steel nails, and she could not sit still for a moment.

Whenever such a conversation started, Gu Tingyan knew that she wanted to go out again.

Jiang Nuannuan's piercing gaze was not false at all, "I'm just buying something."

Gu Tingyan said solemnly: "After watching all the summer preview exhibitions yesterday, buying bags as a revenge the day before yesterday, and the auction the day before yesterday, you have basically finished the things you need to play with."

He was swiping his card from behind the whole time, and she wore a big mask and sunglasses on his shady face, making him look like a bodyguard.

He could tolerate these issues due to her identity. When a young girl is young, it is easy for her to be spoiled for choice in the world. He also understands that some things are not her problem, but he will never allow her to have the idea of ​​climbing a wall and severing the relationship with him.

It was the weekend and no one was working in the studio. Jiang Nuannuan, who couldn't find an excuse to go out, choked and changed the subject with a sip of saliva, "Where are your parents? I was very concerned about the recording I listened to you last time. This issue cannot be kept forever. bother me."

Gu Tingyan put down the book and stood up, "I forgot to ask you to meet them, let's go."

Jiang Nuannuan was confused: "Where are you going?"

He walked into the bedroom and heard a voice, "Meet your parents and tell them clearly in person."

Jiang Nuannuan thought of many ways to get him away, but in the end she got into his Maybach and was taken to a newly built luxury nursing home.

It is a vast area with few people and a forest of fir trees. There is a sense of loneliness and tranquility in the environment.

The sanatorium standing in the center is more like isolated from the world.

People who rarely interacted with her couldn't help but take a few more glances when they saw Jiang Nuannuan.

She has been in the news so frequently recently that it's hard not to pay attention to her.

In the room, Lin Xiao, who had changed his living environment, had just finished getting angry, and the spilled grape juice in his hand was being dragged away with a mop by the helpless nurse.

"It's not that we treat you as a prisoner, it's Mr. Gu who gave the order for you to live a good life here. It's also for your own good that your mobile phone equipment will be confiscated."

"Cut off my connection with the outside world. If you don't imprison me, what are you doing?"

As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open.

Gu Tingyan led Jiang Nuannuan in with a calm expression.

Lin Xiao suddenly turned his head, and the surprise in his eyes was shattered when he saw Jiang Nuannuan beside him.

She grimaced, pulled out a chair and sat down, "Are you going to keep me locked up forever?"

Gu Tingyan glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, let go of her hand, and pulled out two chairs. "The accommodation fee here is over a million dollars a year. Everything you want will be delivered to you. It's no different from the previous nursing home or home."

Lin Xiao has always liked the obedient Gu Tingyan the most, but dislikes the rebellious Gu Shizhou who pursues his so-called dream.

Now that the last bit of power in his hands has been taken away, and he can't even socialize, Lin Xiao gets angrier and angry as he thinks about it. Treat me like this? Do you still have filial piety?"

Gu Tingyan said expressionlessly, "I do."

He raised his eyes slightly, his sharp black eyes thick and dark, "I was responsible for the collapse of Gu's Venture Capital."

Lin Xiao stood up and said, "Is this your filial piety?!" Gu Tingyan raised his eyes and said calmly: "The stomach was damaged by drinking at that time, and the blood flowed a lot."

Lin Xiao choked, his eyes flickering.

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head to look at him and pursed her lips slightly.

"There are some things I won't say to reassure you." Gu Tingyan said, "I'm not asking you to come against me."

Later, because Lin Xiao couldn't stand Jiang Nuannuan and helped her husband try to seize power to blackmail and implement it, she was destined to lose her son's trust.

She was very stubborn and refused to think that she had made a mistake, "I warned you that nothing would happen if you married Feixin, and your family would be able to move forward to a higher level. But you didn't listen and didn't understand that I was doing this for your own good. "

Gu Tingyan's tone was indifferent, "My life and my assets are my business. Why should I listen to advice?"

Lin Xiao sneered, "In the final analysis, you still blame me for stretching my hands too far and interfering too much. Then what are you doing here?"

Jiang Nuannuan's wrist was caught by Gu Tingyan, and his rough fingertips gently rubbed the wrist bones, as if comforting him. Next to him was a calm male voice with a slightly slower tone, "I want to live a stable married life in the future. I just came to take her in advance today." I’ll meet you and give you a notice.” It was also an ultimatum.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat at the words "couple life".

Gu Tingyan let go, took out the wallet from his suit pocket, pulled out a check with his long fingers, pressed it on the table and pushed it to Lin Xiao, "You bought the 5000 million she left me with. This money is not enough for me to buy her jade scraps." , return it to you.”

Before leading people to leave, the man's tall figure paused at the door, turned around and said one last sentence slowly,

"Mom, I will only choose her, don't do it."

The year when Gu Tingyan reached the top, the first thing he did was to satisfy Lin Xiao's vanity of returning from the trough to glory.

Her appetite was nurtured by him day by day. From a woman whose venture capital bankrupted a company to one of the few wealthy ladies today, she has become more ambitious.

Her self-cultivation has not improved with the accumulation of money, and she has forgotten that she was once just an ordinary person. She did not bring this wealth herself, and she has no right to interfere with her son's personal life and emotional choices.

When a ruthless businessman falls in love, he will break all bottom lines.

Half an hour later, the two returned home.

After Jiang Nuannuan took off her shoes and was about to enter the house barefoot, her wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone behind her, and her body was picked up with one hand, moved to the pair of cotton slippers that she turned a blind eye to, and put down.

"Put on your shoes."


The white and tender feet stepped into the slippers and put them on, and the arms that were tightly wrapped around the waist did not loosen.

Gu Tingyan rested his chin on her shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Are you satisfied with the answer I gave you?"

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed, "What do you mean, there will be no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future?"

Gu Tingyan's lips curled up slightly, "If nothing else, we'll see you during the holidays."

"But I didn't say I wanted to marry you. We can't even be considered a serious relationship, so we are going to enter this process?" She touched her ears that were tickled by his breath, and said very harshly, "I don't want it. .”

Gu Tingyan's eyes darkened slightly, and he turned his hand over, "Let's start talking now, I'll make arrangements."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "You know how?"

She remembered that he was a career maniac with little emotional experience, and he had previously said that he would need her to teach him how to understand things in the future.

Gu Tingyan glanced at the cowhide book on the sofa and said, "Go pack your luggage."

(End of this chapter)

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