Chapter 313 You conquered me

Jiang Nuannuan really wanted to see what he would do with her after clarifying his relationship and love rival, but his newly aroused interest was interrupted by a phone call from school.

She agreed after listening, and after a moment, she curled her fingertips and grabbed Gu Tingyan's black suit, "I have to interrupt my schedule."

The handsome face was cold, the muscles of the jaw were tense, and the lines were sharp, "Jiang Nuannuan, you must find it."

"It's not a man. I want to accompany a child to participate in the spring parent-child sports meeting. Zhai Lin can't attend because of illness." Jiang Nuannuan explained to stop his jealousy and put her hands around his waist. "The biological son of a national child Neither his parents like him, and I am the only sister around him."

Gu Tingyan's frowned eyebrows relaxed, "I'll go with you."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows slightly and raised her chin, "Gu Tingyan, why have you become so clingy?"

The man pinched the back of her neck and said, "When couples get along, they should enhance their relationship in a reasonable way."

Jiang Nuannuan could see it. Now he wanted to firmly hold on to the title of boyfriend and not let other bad men take advantage of him.

She said: "I know you are worried that you are too old to attract me."

Gu Tingyan was no longer angry about this question and said quietly: "Yes."

In the past, he had a clear definition of himself and Jiang Nuannuan. His money and body could attract her, but now that these are not advantages, he has successfully doubted himself.

CPU master Jiang Nuannuan knew that he was unhappy, so he restrained himself. When he went to bed at night, he remembered a forgotten treasure, and took out an interesting gemstone collar that he had designed for a noble lady from under the bed, looking for design inspiration. Adult collars and lightweight chains purchased online.

When Gu Tingyan came out of the bathroom, she wore a black nightgown. The tight belt around her waist made her shoulders wider and narrower, and her figure was tall and slender, with excellent proportions of her long legs.

He smoothed the blow-dried short fluffy hair with his fingers and saw the girl sitting on the carpet beside the bed unpacking 'small items'. She was wrapping the iron chain around her wrist and focusing on studying the special collar with the small bell.

"What are you doing?" Gu Tingyan leaned against the bathroom door and watched her mess around.

Jiang Nuannuan split four or five necklaces, spread them out one by one on the bed, and waved to him, "Come and choose."

Gu Tingyan, who was still in a calm mood, lost his composure after hearing these words.

He looked at Jiang Nuannuan's long black hair hanging on the back of her pure white nightgown, with a little bit of her delicate neck exposed sideways, like a little swan.

"You want to play this?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded firmly at him and smiled sweetly, "I thought about it carefully and I feel that I still like mature and steady men. Since I want to be your boyfriend, you must meet my needs."

Gu Tingyan curled her lips lightly and walked over calmly, "Okay."

"I didn't know you liked this before." He bent down and put his fingers on the collar with the bell, "Let's do this."

The bell rings softly when it moves, which is very cute.

Jiang Nuannuan actually liked this too. She tugged on the strap of his nightgown and said, "Sit down."

Standing too high for her to reach.

Gu Tingyan sat on the edge of the bed, placed his palms on the sides of her legs, and said in a low voice, "Do you want to do it yourself?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Close your eyes."

She was already about to play with this kind of thing, and her sudden shame caused the man's magnetic chuckle to escape from his throat, which was indescribably sexy.

As a bell rang softly, Gu Tingyan felt a chill on his neck. His narrow black eyes instantly opened, scanning the girl's exquisite body. He held her hand with a lump in his throat.

After reacting, he slowly raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows, "Jiang Nuannuan, are you wearing it for me?" Jiang Nuannuan in front of him retracted his fingers, stepped away a little, and fiddled with the fingertips stuck under the protruding Adam's apple. A small golden bell, looking at that handsome and aggressive face, she suddenly sighed, "So it's this kind of happiness."

At that time, she also lamented that the lady who customized the gemstone necklace was so versatile. Now that she tried it on Gu Tingyan, the feeling was really indescribably wonderful!

Gu Tingyan looked at her sinking look, and the thought of pulling off the collar flashed through his mind for a few seconds and disappeared.

He got the most authoritative love encyclopedia from Li Zhu.

The author said that pleasing women is not a bad thing, if you indulge them appropriately, your feelings will be doubled.

The same logic applies to room fun, obviously.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know that he would borrow such an unreliable thing from Li Zhu, the blind date dog. She was just so satisfied with the feeling of holding the aloof and abstinent tyrant under his palm and playing with it. God knows she had always been bullied before. The one who finally stood up today!
The curve of her lips became wider and wider, like a little hooligan, pulling open the black nightgown that blocked her chest.

The nightgown hung down on the man's extremely narrow waist, exposing his perfectly well-proportioned muscle lines, which undulated slightly with his breathing.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't control her hand and touched it. Her fingers were like soft feathers with warmth, tracing the muscle lines down from the chest muscles. Gu Tingyan's breathing became heavier and heavier.


He refrained from making any move, acquiescing to her wandering around and setting fire to her body.

Jiang Nuannuan's palm suddenly left his abdomen, pulled the chain next to him, raised Gu Tingyan's chin, and fastened one end of the thin iron chain to the collar.

The bell swayed softly.

Her neck was pulled forward by the force, almost touching her chest.

The man's eyes darkened, his Adam's apple rolled suddenly, and he swallowed with great difficulty.

Jiang Nuannuan held the chain and squeezed his strong and hard chest muscles, "This makes me more satisfied."

Gu Tingyan's voice was already hoarse, "What do you want to express? Do all this?"

Pure fetish attack?Have you wanted to try it for a long time?He now looked like the Anupis god on the desert stone statue, dangerous and charming, and his eyes were filled with lust.

Jiang Nuannuan thought about it carefully and spoke boldly, "Maybe you think I have conquered you? And you seem to be enjoying it very much?"

Even the nightgown hanging around his waist couldn't cover his desire, and it only revealed one goal.

want her.

He hugged the girl kneeling on the bed with one hand and placed her on his lap. The chains and bells jingled continuously due to this movement.

His big hot hands pinched her waist and pressed her into her arms, their bodies touching each other, and Jiang Nuannuan shuddered from the heat.

The picture is beautiful.

Gu Tingyan held her finger holding the chain to prevent her from pulling it, and stared at her closely, "Do you feel it?"

"So?" She struggled and gave up, "This happened more than once."

Gu Tingyan looked at her for a while, stroked her pink and moist red lips, and said slowly: "This is a good proof that you have completely conquered me."

He had already lowered his proud head to woo her.

(Commentary: There is a saying that I quite agree with. The heroine is indeed a scumbag. Haha, why is she so bad? But the end of a man is 100 billion!! Hahaha.)
(End of this chapter)

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