Chapter 314
"Is the physiological reaction also a factor of being conquered?" Jiang Nuannuan opened her lips to speak, and the knuckles against her lips took the opportunity to poke in, rubbing her teeth and getting wet.

Gu Tingyan kissed her lips gently with his thumb, "Love is led by desire, and I am willing to do so."

The chain in her hand was quietly snatched away by him, and the girl sitting on his lap was turned around and pushed down by him.

Jiang Nuannuan's gaze turned around and was buried in the sheets, and the sound of the silk nightgown tearing could be heard in her ears.

She exclaimed, "!"

Not long after I took control, it was reversed!
The solid-color nightgown on the back was split all the way to the tailbone. The cold chain fell down and clung to her warm skin because the man leaned over, instantly arousing goosebumps.

As the bell rang softly, Gu Tingyan's kiss went down the slender waist, leaving traces on the white and tender skin.

His voice was sexy and dark, "It's my turn now."

To be able to allow her to lock him with a collar is already a veteran cadre who has crossed the bottom line.

Jiang Nuannuan bent her hand back and looked for the small chain to hook, "It's not even ten minutes yet!"

Gu Tingyan picked her up and turned her over, "I'll play with you later. Help me first."

He said he was conquered, but in reality he was just coaxing her to play tricks?

The bell rang rapidly.

Jiang Nuannuan, who later caught the chain, was in a trance.

The next morning.

When the alarm clock rang at 8 o'clock, Jiang Nuannuan got out of bed and got into the bathroom to wash up.

After a lot of fuss last night, I have to go to the National Parent-Child Games on time today.

Although she didn't finish it to the end, she was still very tired. She washed her face with a handful of cold water before she regained consciousness.

Gu Tingyan asked Aunt Mei to come to Bishui Bay to prepare breakfast in advance. When the two came out of the bedroom, they saw a large bouquet of sunflowers on the table. The yellow petals were bright and beautiful in the warm-toned house.

Aunt Mei said: "The flower delivery boy I met downstairs brought him up on the way. It must be the flowers ordered by my husband. Your relationship is getting better and better."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Gu Tingyan doubtfully, "Did you order flowers?"

The man's face, which was still soft when he got up, turned cold after seeing the bouquet of flowers, "No."

She pulled out the card above and opened it. There was a bunch of rumors from Gu Shizhou. He went to Germany on a business trip for two days and came back to take her on a date.
Gu Tingyan was tall, and it was easy for him to stand behind her and clearly read the line of flying characters.

A cold snort escaped from his throat, "A date?"

Jiang Nuannuan calmly closed the card, "Of course I won't go. One boyfriend is enough. The bed is so small and there is no room for so many people."

Gu Tingyan didn't answer, but just glanced at the bunch of 'passionate' sunflowers, with deep and cold eyes.

Aunt Mei also didn't expect that the flowers were not sent by Mr. Gu. Thinking of Gu Shizhou's pursuit of news that she saw some time ago, her brain was confused.

So after Mr. Gu broke the engagement, Miss Jiang maintained a strange relationship with Mr. Gu's brother?

I can't think of it anymore.

Aunt Mei shook her head, the more she thought about it, the more outrageous and ridiculous she became.

She served the last cooked seafood porridge and said steadily, "It's time to have breakfast."

After the two of them finished their breakfast, Gu Tingyan slowly went out and carried the bunch of sunflowers to the Maybach in the basement.

She didn't know why at first, until the car drove to the ground of the community, Gu Tingyan got out of the car and threw the bunch of sunflowers into the trash can with an expressionless face.

Finally, he glanced at Jiang Nuannuan.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was sitting in the car, subconsciously gave him a smile, "You are great."

Fortunately, she had always led Gu Tingyan to think that Gu Shizhou was pestering her, otherwise she would have ended up like that bunch of flowers.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the WeChat chat on her phone and asked, "Gu Shizhou?"

It was hard to lie now, so she nodded honestly, "Yeah."

Gu Tingyan took her mobile phone, took a photo of the trash can, and sent it.

Cold words came from the phone. "I took care of it."

Gu Shizhou, who was leaning on the balcony, raised his eyebrows and narrowed his peach blossom eyes dangerously.

Before Fan Jiang walked in, he saw the man throwing his phone on the tatami and said, "I'll arrange the schedule for you later, and you can take the photos with your bald head."

Fan Jiang was stunned, "What's wrong, ancestor! You have already promoted several events some time ago!"

At that time, Jiang Nuannuan went missing. This ancestor was too busy looking for someone to do any work. Now that he has dealt with the pile of things, he lost his temper again.

Gu Shizhou lit a cigarette, and the sparks flickered in the night wind. He snorted coldly, "My wife is gone, what kind of work can I do?"

The money he has and the film and television companies he has privately acquired or invested in over the past few years are enough for him to spend a lifetime.

Fan Jiang never thought that Gu Shizhou, who had always been dedicated, would go on strike.

You and your brother are addicted to robbing women, right?I really fell in love!

He didn't dare to say anything, and Fan Jiang had a constipated look on his vicissitudes of life.

The primary school sports meeting started at ten in the morning. Jiang Nuannuan came out so early and had one more thing to do.

She went to the pet store and bought a lot of dog food, and then went to Fu Ying's house.

She didn't know the address at the time, but later she called someone at the police station. She still had the KFC meals and contacts she had bought earlier, and she easily found their current residence.

As long as it is a community house that has been demolished in the village, the environment is basically not good. It is similar to the community where she rented. The areas with flower beds are uniformly planted with vegetables by the elderly, which looks a bit messy at first glance.

Jiang Nuannuan got out of the car and called Fu Ying on WeChat.

At this time, Fu Ying was having a huge quarrel with Ye Hang at home.

"I just want you to give me some money to buy some dog food! What's wrong with me!"

Her voice was hysterical, and she was a little bit broken if she listened carefully.

Ye Hang sat on the sofa and smoked heavily, with an impatient look on his face, "I can't even support people anymore, and I also have two dogs! It's good to have leftovers to eat, why do you have to bring them back? You can't let them Does your family support themselves?"

"They bit my sister, how could they be kept at home?" Fu Ying walked up to him and said loudly: "Didn't you keep saying that you made a lot of money a few days ago! Where is the money! I will let you buy 300 yuan A bag of dog food! Is that too much!?”

"It's too much!" Ye Hang became angry and stood up. Fu Ying took two steps back. Her eyes became unbelievable, "How could you become so angry?"

Ye Hang clenched his fists and asked: "It's you, why can't you bring back a penny when you go back to a wealthy family?! Our life is so difficult, why don't we give you a penny!? It's all up to me to support you, you are Not your biological child!?"

"It's not for you! If it wasn't for you and the child in my belly, I would have gone back a long time ago!" Fu Ying yelled angrily and unbearably, "Why should you blame me! If you don't get the money back now, forget about it and go do other things. Woman, if I had known I should have listened to them and spanked the child!"


A loud slap hit Fu Ying's face. She fell back and fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

The two Dobermans next to him immediately stood up and barked at him, but they were unable to help because they were chained around their necks.

The dog barked so loudly that Ye Hang, who was getting more and more angry, crouched down and said with scarlet eyes, "I just said why do I keep losing? I finally understand that they are here to trick me on purpose. Do I want you to leave me?" , but also destroy my seed."

"In order to let you live a good life, I was cheated out of 1000 million by that bitch Zhou Qi! You want to get rid of me? This is all your fault, you are dreaming!"

Fu Ying looked at Ye Hang, a complete stranger, and heard him say that she owed 1000 million. She suddenly felt ringing in her ears and the world collapsed.

There was no love in Ye Hang's eyes at all. He turned around and kicked the locked Doberman, "What's your name!"

He seemed to remember, then turned back and said: "I also heard Zhou Qi say that this dog was raised by your first love, you want to rekindle the old relationship, and you still want me to buy dog ​​food? Are you cheap? "

From the beginning, she said that she simply loved dogs and had nothing to do with anyone else.

Fu Ying lay on the ground holding her painful stomach, looking out the window at the clouds blocking the sun, her red and swollen eyes dim and confused.

Her former considerate and good boyfriend has completely changed since going out with Zhou Qi, just like what Jiang Nuannuan said.

She didn't know how long she sat there before Ye Hang slammed the door and entered the bedroom. The vibrating sound of her phone finally caught her attention.

Fu Ying got up and opened her phone tremblingly. There were three missed WeChat calls from Jiang Nuannuan and a message that had just been updated.

Jiang Nuannuan: I left the things in the security room. I'll close the stall and go pick them up.

(End of this chapter)

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