Chapter 323 Kidnapping
Fu Ying shed tears and sneered, "I have dignity but also face, not to mention you think too much. When I falsely accused Zhai Lin of aborting my fetus in the hospital, only Miss Jiang helped him. He also liked Miss Jiang, not me. .”

Things have been going on for so long, and this relationship has long since dissipated for them.

Her regret was never about love, but because she was not sure about the rest of her life. She could have listened to advice earlier.

"I will never help you again." Fu Ying stood up, clutching her stomach, with a cold voice, "You sold my dog, and my family is going bankrupt, just because of your gambling and pranks."

Ye Hang saw that she was trying to distance herself from him, and his expression gradually became ferocious, "If I can't come up with 200 million, they are going to break my legs! Are you willing to have a newborn child without a father!"

"I'm willing to give it up." Fu Ying said firmly, "You have changed a long time ago."

She looked at him, with clarity and disgust in her eyes for the first time, "You have accomplished nothing for so many years because of your hard work, so I have been with you. You gave me a second life. I believed in you so much. What now? You can't even The last advantage is gone.”

"You look down on me too?"

"You dare to look down on me, don't you!" Ye Hang suddenly rushed forward and grabbed her neck, his eyes were red, and he roared angrily, "I just want to get money quickly to make you feel better! In the end, I asked you to do something You don’t want to do anything? I’ve been the one raising you all these years! You’re not even as good as a dog!?”

Fu Ying's face turned red and she stuttered: "You are also doing it for that, pitiful self-esteem and conceit."

They have all seen the world of rich people and have desires, which led them to where they are today.

There were once again two options left before Ye Hang, either to be beaten into a disability and possibly have some organs harvested from his body, or to force Fu Ying to get money to pay off his debts.

A week later in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan, who had just returned from Fei Jinzhao, received a call from Fu Ying.

"Nuan Nuan, I, I have finished eating my dog ​​food. Can you please send me some more?"

Her voice was very calm, as if she was speaking with a constriction in her throat, with an inexplicable sense of tightness.

Jiang Nuannuan narrowed her eyes slightly, "Are you okay?"

"Yes." Fu Ying bit her lip, her breathing was trembling, and she slightly raised her neck where the knife was held. "Please bring it to me. I'll pick it up at the door. I also want to say a few words to you."

Jiang Nuannuan heard a very obvious wheezing and rapid noise from the opposite side, which made it easy to tell that something was wrong with her.

"Okay, I'll call you when I get there."

After hanging up the phone, she tapped her fingertips on the desktop and asked 66: "Report to me on the current progress of your goodwill."

System 66: "Gu Shizhou 90%, Gu Tingyan 95%, Fei Jinzhao 90%, Zhai Lin 75%, what's wrong?"

Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "Something happened to Fu Ying."

System 66: "What does that have to do with you?"

Jiang Nuannuan tapped her fingertips on the table and repeatedly drew circles, "She is tricking me into coming here. Her voice sounds very nervous. There is a high probability that there is someone threatening her behind her. Fu Shiliu and Zhou Qi have been busy dealing with family affairs recently, and they definitely have no time to care about her." , that can only be done by Ye Hang."

"Looks like he's gambling again."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped her fingers and said softly, "I want money."

System 66 felt that she was going to do something bad, because she didn't look panicked at all, "What do you want to do? If he threatens Fu Ying, it will be dangerous for you to go alone."

Jiang Nuannuan took her bag and stood up, "It's been delayed for too long, let's give everyone a good impression."

System 66's horrifying phantom limb covers its brain: "Do you want to come with us?"

66 added: "But then again, last time you and Zhai Heng were in the casino, didn't he say that he would watch over everyone for you and protect you? Why would people come to find you?"

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes darkened, "He shouldn't install cameras in other people's homes. I don't think he is very clear about the relationship between Fu Ying and Ye Hang. Furthermore, he has been receiving treatment in the hospital recently and is in a very bad condition." Complications caused by late-stage heart failure include organ failure. He did not tell her about this in detail. She got this bad result after a simple consultation with a doctor.

His condition was getting worse day by day. Last time she just visited the casino, she noticed that he was not feeling well, and surgery was imminent.

Jiang Nuannuan said: "Now for Gu Shizhou, Gu Tingyan and Fei Jinzhao, I think all I have to do is make a promise to reach 100%. I can raise it a little more with some stimulation in the middle. As for Zhai Lin, I will mainly target him this time."

She carried her small bag, put on a pair of flat shoes, set out from the studio, and drove to the pet store to buy dog ​​food.

On the way, she asked 66 again: "No matter what happens, I can't die before completing the mission, right?"

System 66: "Of course, I can guarantee you this."

Jiang Nuannuan felt relieved and went to the appointment with dog food. However, just to be safe, she called the police after a short interval on the road.

Arrived in the district.

Fu Ying didn't let her put the dog food in the security room, but asked her to send it upstairs.

Jiang Nuannuan sent a voice message, "There is no elevator in your community. I can't lift it."

"I'll go." After hearing this, Ye Hang took Fu Ying's cell phone and put it in his pocket, locked the door, and went downstairs with a folding knife hidden in his trouser pocket.

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan standing at the door of the unit, with a complexion as fair as jade and a delicate and beautiful face, Ye Hang could not help but lose consciousness and swallowed, followed by the disgust for Fu Ying deep in his heart.

After she got pregnant, there was no comparison between her and such a girl. She looked slovenly all day long and was not pretty at all.

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at him, ignoring the disgusting look in her eyes, and said calmly: "Mr. Ye, have you been injured recently?"

His face was bruised and bruised, his expression was sluggish, and he looked like he had been severely beaten several times.

Ye Hang walked over quickly and said calmly: "I fell down, it's okay. I'll take care of it. Fu Ying is still upstairs and wants to see you. Come up and sit down."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Okay."

The corridor with the sun behind it gave off an eerie feeling.

As soon as she reached the door of Fu Ying's house, she heard frantic knocks on the door and shouts from inside, "Jiang Nuannuan, run!"

Before Jiang Nuannuan could react, a dagger was pressed against her waist.

Ye Hang said fiercely: "Don't scream, or I will stab you to death."

Jiang Nuannuan, who had expected the worst outcome, was in a good mood and accepted the fact that she was going to be kidnapped extremely calmly.

After the door opened, she was pushed in.

Fu Ying was standing by the door. She didn't know where she got the courage. She stood behind the door holding a beer bottle in her hand. The moment Ye Hang came in, she stepped out and smashed the bottle on his head. Go down.

Ye Hang had already lost all his strength from killing fish all year round, and he easily caught the bottle thrown by a pregnant woman without much strength.


The extreme emotions suppressed in his heart also broke out at this moment. Ye Hang got angry and smashed back the beer bottle in his hand.

It happened in just a few seconds. Jiang Nuannuan turned around and heard the sound of a beer bottle breaking. She saw Fu Ying being knocked to the ground, blood flowing out of her hair, and she became unresponsive on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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