Chapter 324 Escape
Her expression changed, and she quickly went over and knelt down to check.

When Ye Hang came back to his senses and realized what he had done, he lifted up the half-section of the wine bottle still in his hand with shaking hands. The broken bottle was covered in blood.

He suddenly let go of his hand, took a step back, his voice changed in horror, "She, she's dead."

Jiang Nuannuan did not dare to apply pressure to Fu Ying to stop the bleeding easily. Many glass shards were stuck in the gaps between the flesh. She turned back and said in a serious voice, "He's not dead yet. Call 120!"

Because of fear, Ye Hang seemed to be out of state, staring at his palms, as if he never thought that he could really do such a thing.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't care about any plans at this moment. She wiped her bloody palm casually on her body and took out the mobile phone in her pocket to make a call.

"Hit 120, hit 120" Ye Hang suddenly murmured, his chaotic eyes gradually clearing up, and then a fierceness burst out, "How can you hit 120, you can't hit!"

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan dialed the rescue number on her phone, he quickly snatched it away and hung up, and put a dagger on her neck again.

"Ms. Jiang." Ye Hang gasped with excitement, his eyes were scarlet, "Please give me 200 million. Do you have 200 million? Give it to me first, and then I will send Yingying to the hospital. No, you should give more. , or 300 million, Yingying is injured and needs medical expenses, and our family has lost a penny."

Jiang Nuannuan squatted there and didn't dare to move. Seeing Fu Ying bleeding more and more, she decisively compromised: "I'll give it to you. Send her to the hospital first."


Ye Hang shook his head, his demeanor changed, and he started wagging his tail like a dog again, "Give it now, give it first, or what if you let the police arrest me? I can't be detained. I will definitely be killed by them when I come out." "

The dagger poked a few points into her waist. Jiang Nuannuan felt the sting, and her eyes became calmer. "Then give me your phone back, give me your card number, and I'll transfer it to you."

Ye Hang was about to give her his cell phone when he put his hand in the air and took it back again, his eyes rolling around, "Please park your car in the community."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and nodded slowly.

"Let's go to the car." Ye Hang didn't really want Fu Ying to lie on the ground and die like this. After all, he still had his child in his belly.

While pointing the dagger at Jiang Nuannuan, he passed Fu Ying's arms and armpits with one hand and directly dragged her up, "Let's go."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't even think about running away, and was threatened by him until she got off the car downstairs.

There was no one in the community at lunchtime, and the security guard was an old man with few teeth, so no one noticed that something had happened.

Ye Hang carried Fu Ying into the back seat, then threatened Jiang Nuannuan to get into the passenger seat. Then he got into the driver's seat, threw the phone to her, and with the dagger still holding her neck, drove the Audi out with one hand. community.

"Don't play tricks, just transfer these 300 million to me on the way to the hospital."

Ye Hang thought about it carefully. As long as Fu Ying received timely treatment and survived, he would be detained for a few days at most. Anyway, many domestic violence in the news was the result, so he was not afraid at all.

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan transferred the money, he immediately paid back his gambling capital, and he was still safe. The extra 100 million was enough to start his life again.

As for threatening personal safety, as long as he didn't kill anyone, he could go to the hospital to bandage Fu Ying's wounds and smuggle his things out of the country again before the police came to his door.

Anyway, he did it more than once.

Ye Hang's calculation was very good, but he missed the fact that Jiang Nuannuan called the police a long time ago.

Her Audi license plate was basically familiar to the Linggang police station who had dealt with her. After she called the police, the car was located and tracked immediately.

Before Ye Hang drove past a block, the sirens of police cars came from all directions.As he drove the car, he glanced in the direction of the rearview mirror. Several police cars were already following him.

Ye Hang's mood suddenly became excited, and the dagger instantly cut through Jiang Nuannuan's neck, a bloody trace tore open, and blood beads rolled down.

"You've already called the police! Damn it! You've already called the police, you cousin!"

The traffic policeman on the motorcycle used a loudspeaker to warn him to pull over immediately.

After feeling the pain, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but frowned, "Relax, if you kill me too, you can die too."

To be honest, when she was willing to come to her door and be threatened, she did not consider coming out of that building. According to her idea, she should have been threatened for money in the house. Then the police arrived and started a life-and-death negotiation. Injure yourself a little, the male protagonists arrive and the show begins.

But the problem lies in Fu Ying's accident. Someone she cares about Ye Hang so much has the courage to pick up a wine bottle and hurt him. Ye Hang also has no self-consciousness as a father and can kill a pregnant woman. This is completely Disrupted the rhythm.

Jiang Nuannuan still overestimated the truth that tiger poison cannot eat its seeds.

Does Ye Hang still dare to go to the hospital?Of course he didn't dare, he just found a corner to turn and ran all the way, not even paying attention to the people on the sidewalk, and fled as fast as he could.

Fortunately, the pedestrians escaped quickly, otherwise it would have been an urban tragedy.

The phone fell on his lap, and several calls rushed in. Jiang Nuannuan held on to the seat belt tightly, her heart beating rapidly.

She didn't need to lower her head to know who was calling.

Ye Hang was completely confused and cursed crazily along the way. Unexpectedly, a police car drove out next to him. He turned the steering wheel sharply and Jiang Nuannuan's head hit the car door uncontrollably. The pain made her mind go blank for a moment. .
Gu Tingyan stood up directly from the conference room after receiving the news from the police station. There was a panic in his handsome eyes that no one had ever seen before.

Zhai Heng and Zhai Lin also received the news. He originally wanted to talk to his brother about Jiang Nuannuan, but before he could say anything, his expression changed drastically, he got up and ran away.

There was still a needle stuck in the back of Zhai Heng's hand, and his legs were completely swollen and he couldn't get out of bed. He pursed his white lips lightly and said, "Let Zhai Lin handle it. You guys go along and say hello to the police station. If Endangering the lives of the hostages."

His voice paused slightly, and his gentle voice revealed a hint of murderous intent, "Send snipers to kill on the spot."


Zhai Heng looked at the poplar tree outside the window, with white flying catkins flying in the air. He took out a small box from the drawer, opened it, and caressed the couple's ring with his fingertips, his eyes dim.

Gu Tingyan also gave the same order as him. The Rong Bureau received calls one after another to kill suspects. All of them were untouchables. The suspect was still on the run, so he gave the green light to sniper all the way. The car in hand was chasing after him, not daring to delay for a moment.

The sound of police sirens was like the horn of death, oppressing Ye Hang's nerves. He stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the city, speeding up the winding mountain road near the sea.

He understood that there was no turning back, not even the possibility of smuggling across the border.

His life is completely over.

And all this happened because Jiang Nuannuan discovered the clues in advance and called the police.

"If you don't make it easy for me, if you want to push me to death, then no one can have an easy time."

Ye Hang said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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