Chapter 325

The car left the road and entered the woods, finally stopping at an abandoned factory on the edge of a cliff.

Jiang Nuannuan, whose head hurt, was trapped on a rotten wooden chair. If he moved even slightly, it would make a creaking sound, as if it would fall apart at any time.

The person trapped on the cliff with her was Fu Ying.

The chasing police car moved from far to near, and the sea breeze blew across Jiang Nuannuan's back. She only looked back at the sea where the waves were beating against the rocks thousands of feet down. She felt cold all over her body and her feet were shaking.

As if she had reached a certain level of death, she found that she was still afraid, which was no more terrifying than the visual horror of a knife on her neck. She was so afraid that her adrenaline surged, her abdomen swelled, and she wanted to go to the toilet.

Suppressing her panic, she asked 66 in her heart: "With such a classic scene where the heroine falls into the sea, if I accidentally fall, I won't fall into pieces."

System 66: "Normally, it will turn into a meat pie, but don't worry, the host will not die."

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed silently, "Okay, I believe you."

She only had one soul left, so it didn't seem like a big deal if she fell off.

Several police cars surrounded the cliff, and two men quickly got out of several private cars that followed.

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan tied to the edge of the cliff, most of his collar and clothes were stained red by the wound on his neck. The damp coolness in the air was sucked into Zhai Lin's lungs, and his whole body became cold. His face instantly became terrifyingly gloomy, and his eyes were full of Violence that can kill.

Gu Tingyan remained calm, his face tensed, and he asked in a cold voice: "Where is the sniper?"

The police said: "We are in place, but he is standing behind Ms. Jiang and close to the cliff. He will shoot her immediately and probably take her down with him. We want to negotiate first to calm down people's emotions."

Ye Hang's fingers were gripping the back of the chair where Jiang Nuannuan was sitting, and his whole person was in an abnormal state.

No one noticed the cracks that opened behind the legs of a rickety chair taken from an abandoned factory beneath her.

Zhai Lin gritted his teeth and said, "I shouldn't have let him out in the first place."

A police officer who learned about the situation said: "He was gambling in a casino before and owed a foreign debt of 200 million yuan. He came to the police station when he was beaten. We detained several of the attackers at that time, but gambling in the casino is legal. , we have nothing to do with him, he is a frequent visitor to the casino, and it is entirely his own fault."

"Don't come over! Don't come over again!" Ye Hang put the knife against Jiang Nuannuan's neck again.

The negotiator was still trying to communicate with him, "We will meet all your needs. Think about your pregnant wife. She is still seriously injured. If the stalemate continues, something will happen to your child."

Ye Hang waved the dagger in the air and shouted: "It's all your fault! Cut off my last escape route! Force me to die!"

Jiang Nuannuan met Gu Tingyan's gaze. Her face that should have been delicate and beautiful was only pale and panicked, and her eyes were filled with tears.

The man's heart was tightly clenched, his face was livid, and his eyes staring at Ye Hang became extremely depressed, "You want money, right? I'll give you double it."

Zhai Lin walked around behind the door of the police car, took one of the police officers' guns and loaded it with bullets. He didn't believe the police, just like they didn't rescue Fu Ying in time before.

The same thing cannot happen again.

Gu Tingyan drew all of Ye Hang's attention at this moment. He really wanted money, and his suffering was all caused by money.

But Ye Hang didn't let go, and said with a ferocious face: "I originally just wanted money. I wanted 300 million Jiang Nuannuan to be safe, but she just fucking called the police! My last way of survival is cut off, I don't want to Who should I kill if she kills her?”

Gu Tingyan clenched his fists tightly and said in a deep voice: "I will give you 600 million to keep you safe. You can let me go and think about it."

Without waiting for Ye Hang to answer, he called Li Zhu directly in person and asked him to bring 600 million in cash and a car.

"There are all the police here, how can I get out!" Ye Hang shook his head from side to side, and then pressed the dagger hard against Jiang Nuannuan's open wound, causing a stream of bright red blood to gush out again.

She bit her lower lip in pain, her face turned pale, and she complained wildly in her heart: "You have no ability to reduce the pain? You are slitting my throat alive!"

System 66 muttered in a low voice, "Didn't I tell you that my level is low and I don't have such complete functions?"

Jiang Nuannuan's face turned ferocious for a moment, although to outsiders, it was completely painful.

System 66 asked in a louder voice: "But you only attracted two male protagonists, not all of them."

Jiang Nuannuan scorned: "Just let them come to the hospital to meet each other. What's more, this time is mainly for Zhai Lin. As long as he arrives."

Zhai Lin tried his best to suppress the emotion that he was about to jump into a rage and pounce to kill, quietly waiting for the opportunity like a dormant cheetah.

Gu Tingyan's strong aura and steady character took hold of the table. He said coldly: "All police withdraw." He turned to look at Rong Bureau and repeated: "Withdraw."

There were snipers hiding in the jungle, and all the police cars followed his instructions and withdrew, revealing a large open space.

Li Zhu rushed over with cash and handed the car keys to Gu Tingyan, "Boss, the cash is all in the car."

Gu Tingyan threw the car keys directly at Ye Hang's feet, "Open a box for him and inspect the goods."

Assistant Li opened the suitcase, put it on the ground, took out a few bundles of banknotes and flicked them back and forth with his fingertips, "Mr. Ye, 600 million in cash is a lot, and the car is full of gas."

Ye Hang still hesitated when he saw so much money. Jiang Nuannuan glanced to the side and said in a hoarse voice: "Look at Fu Ying, now that she is leaving with money and people, she and her children still have a chance to survive."

Fu Ying, who was also tied to another chair, was bleeding from between her legs and fell to the ground.

The dazzling blood color finally made Ye Hang relax. He was thinking about the only possibility left. With Qian and Fu Ying, she could be used as a hostage to escape through the checkpoints on the way, so it didn't matter if Jiang Nuannuan was left.

Thinking like this, he finally lowered the hand holding the knife and took a step to the side, wanting to check on Fu Ying.

With this small move, Zhai Lin raised his hand and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

What the sniper was not prepared to do, he took the risk and did it.

As soon as Ye Hang's hand touched Fu Ying's body, blood exploded in his chest. His eyes were still in a daze before he could recover. He leaned back and subconsciously grabbed Fu Ying's chair to stabilize his balance.

The consequence of this was that he fell backwards and fell off the cliff, taking the unconscious Fu Ying with him.

Zhai Lin was the closest, and quickly rushed over and grabbed the rope tied to Fu Ying's chest. He grabbed her legs the moment she fell, and gritted his teeth to lift her back up.

Under the cliff hit by the strong wind, Ye Hang exploded with splashes of water. His bones seemed to shatter when they hit the concrete floor, and his blood swayed along the undulating sea water.

Crisis lifted.

Zhai Lin knelt on one knee beside Fu Ying, turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan, his pupils shrank and his lips pursed tightly.

The wind ruffled his blond hair, and the relaxation of his body muscles after extreme tension was extremely sore, and his fingers trembled uncontrollably.


The word flew into my ears on the wind.

Jiang Nuannuan understood that what Zhai Lin was thinking at the moment was, fortunately, he was saved this time.

She looked at Gu Tingyan, who was running towards her, and suddenly felt that this plot was not good. For Zhai Lin, it was too easy. He had received salvation, a salvation that was completely free and embraced new life, without any pain.

He would run towards her without any hindrance, but this feeling was obviously not strong enough.

It’s not enough to increase the favorability.

Love will reach its peak at this moment when people are extremely sad after losing something and then regaining it again.

Just like Zhai Lin couldn't forget Fu Ying at first, and the joy he felt after seeing her.

What she wants is this, she wants to recreate this plot.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and relaxed her body against the back of the chair. Looking at the blue sky, she felt that she should fall into the sea.

Come here.

It’s a shame if you don’t fall.



The two hind legs of the rotten wooden chair were broken due to the load. The sound was extremely clear. It was fate that heard her complaints.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, most of her body, soaked in blood, was only a few inches away from the hands of Zhai Lin and Gu Tingyan, who were rushing towards her. She and her chair tumbled out of the cliff and fell straight down.
(End of this chapter)

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