Chapter 326 Pink Sea Urchin
"Jiang Nuannuan!"

She heard the two men's hysterical screams of terror, and saw Zhai Lin throwing himself half-up, his gray eyes about to burst.

He braced his arms on the edge of the cliff, knelt on the ground, and watched helplessly as the broken body fell into the sea, with water splashing everywhere.

Zhai Lin suddenly felt a sweet taste in his throat, his vision went black, he stumbled to his feet, his legs seemed to be separated from his upper body, and he climbed onto the jeep driven by Li Zhu with a shaky body. After an extreme turn, the car's engine The roar was like a roaring and irrational bull, rushing down the cliff.

Gu Tingyan's blood was frozen. Seeing the sea water swallowing Jiang Nuannuan's fragile body, his eyes were so panicked, and the intense pain rolling in his chest was about to crush his nerves. The only remaining trace of reason made his hands tremble. The call was made for the sea rescue that had been prepared below.

Li Zhu also didn't expect that the girl who was obviously saved would lose her balance and fall into the sea the next second because of a broken chair. He looked at Gu Tingyan's pale face with discomfort and immediately said: "I'll stay here to take care of Miss Fu and wait for the ambulance to arrive. , boss you."

Halfway through his words, Gu Tingyan held the car door with his hands, covered his chest and breathed heavily.

A man with such a strong figure opened the car door with great difficulty, trying his best to suppress the emotion of despair. The pain made his voice broken, "Ask the best medical team to prepare at the hospital."

It was obvious that he was just a little bit close to catching her.

Just a little.

Having long expected the possibility of falling into the sea, the rescue team set out to salvage Ye Hang's body. Now, they have added another task.

The feeling of falling into the sea was very bad. The strong wind blowing from the cliff almost tore Jiang Nuannuan to pieces. The pain at the moment she fell into the water could not be fed back to her brain. She lost consciousness, and her soul immediately He was stripped out of his body by 66 and floated quietly next to him.

System 66 waited for a while. Seeing Jiang Nuannuan's reaction without opening her eyes, the phantom limb flew out of her head and slapped her arm forcefully, "Host, wake up!"

When there was no response, it hit her hand twice more.

Seeing that there was still no response, 66 looked at the translucent little face and became bolder, sticking his phantom limb towards her face.

Seeing that he was about to pull it off again, Jiang Nuannuan, who didn't respond, suddenly opened his eyes and stared at it.

66's phantom limb froze in mid-air, and then he touched her face lightly with a guilty conscience, "You're awake."

"You want to hit me?"

"No, I'm giving you a loving hug."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, not really prepared to care about this, but the look on her face was uncontrollably weird, "Is your body a pink octopus?"

It came straight out of the head of her broken body, like a beautiful head stuck into a pink sea urchin.

The picture is so weird.

System 66 took back a few phantom limbs and tried to make her head look like two more big pink pigtails. "If it's not an octopus, it's 66. You can only see me in the soul body. Don't worry, host, we won't Act in a horror movie.”

It's not like a horror movie, just for fun.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her hands, which were still translucent in the rolling sea water. She looked at the body next to her, "But how did you get my soul out? Is this going to cause problems?"

System 66: "Oh, most of your body functions were destroyed by jumping. I want to help you repair it. You have to wait for a while. Instead of letting you be trapped in the body and lose consciousness, I think you should be let out to see the male protagonists. The current situation will be more beneficial to your future development."

Jiang Nuannuan touched the phantom limb that felt like jelly and sighed, "Your IQ is really up and down."

System 66 hummed softly, but couldn't help but enjoy her touch, "Just float here and wait for the rescue ship to arrive. It won't be ruined in such a short time."


Jiang Nuannuan quite enjoyed this feeling of being so light and never able to touch the ground, but it was dark under the sea. She had a bit of a phobia, but the soul was limited by a certain distance from the body. It was probably some kind of restriction, and she couldn't leave the body. More than five meters.The roaring jeep rushed all the way into the sand at the foot of the mountain. The tires ran over the wet white sand and sank into the shallow water. Zhai Lin quickly opened the door and jumped into the water. A fierce voice stopped the last boat and was about to set off from the sea. Searching for rescue boats.


The seawater wetted his clothes. Regardless of how difficult it would be to walk with his mechanical legs in the water, he climbed onto the ship in embarrassment and took away the identity of the helmsman.

The rescue boat shot out like an arrow, and Gu Tingyan, who arrived later, boarded another small boat docked on the shore.

The helicopter hovered over the sea, marking an approximate location for the rescue ship.

The first two rescue boats that were waiting to catch Ye Hang were the closest, and they were also the first to find Jiang Nuannuan.

She watched as divers came down and fished her out into the boat. Her cheeks were whiter than snow, her lips were bloodless, and the wound on her neck had rolled up after being soaked. With her blood-soaked clothes, she looked like a standard corpse.

Jiang Nuannuan squatted beside them, looking at their helpless and pity expressions, and sighed.

It's really miserable.

Someone waved to Zhai Lin's boat and said, "The man has been found."

The two boats were alongside each other. Zhai Lin looked across the boat and his pupils suddenly shrank. He jumped onto the boat where she was. His figure swayed with the boat and he was helped by someone.

There were lifeguards on the ship performing cardiac resuscitation on Jiang Nuannuan. Her delicate body was covered in water and could only bear the slight body shaking caused by chest compressions.

Jiang Nuannuan completely lost control of her body, so she couldn't feel the pain. She could only squat aside like a bystander and watch everyone worry about her.

Zhai Lin knelt down with his legs bent under his trousers. He stretched out his hand, his fingertips trembling uncontrollably. His delicate face was full of helplessness and panic, like a child who had lost an important toy and didn't know how to touch it first. Her silent cheek still lamented the terrible wound on her neck.

He finally chose to touch her cold face. The huge pain made him bow. Tears in his red eyes gathered and fell on Jiang Nuannuan's face, then fell down.

"No, don't do that."

He begged softly, pinched her chin and opened her lips, leaning forward to breathe in the oxygen.

"Jiang Nuannuan, please."

"I beg you."

"Don't die."

The out-of-control Zhai Lin showed his extremely fragile side. He saved Fu Ying to make up for his past regrets and completely got out of the haze. However, reality dealt him a heavy blow and threw him into despair again.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was in the soul state, squatted next to him. Seeing how pitifully he was bullied by her, she couldn't help but reach out to wipe his tears.

It's a pity that she can't touch anything except 66. Her transparent fingers only penetrate his body and can't give him any comfort.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip, took back her hand and pressed it on her chest.

really weird.

Even though there is no such thing as a heart, I still feel guilty and distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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